[honeycomb-puzzle.git] / honeycomb-bits.hs
1 import qualified Data.Set as S
2 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
3 import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
4 import Data.List
5 import Data.Word
6 import Data.Bits
7 -- import Data.Function
9 type LetterSet = Word32
10 type WordSet = M.Map LetterSet (S.Set String)
11 type ScoredSet = M.Map LetterSet Int
12 type PartitionedScoredSet = M.Map LetterSet ScoredSet
14 data Honeycomb = Honeycomb LetterSet LetterSet
15 -- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
16 deriving (Eq, Ord)
18 instance Show Honeycomb where
19 show (Honeycomb m ls) = "Honeycomb " ++ (show $ decode m) ++ " | " ++ (show $ decode ls)
21 main = do
22 allWords <- readFile "enable1.txt"
23 let validWords = [w | w <- words allWords,
24 length w >= 4,
25 (S.size $ S.fromList w) <= 7,
26 's' `notElem` w]
27 let wordSets = mkWordSets validWords
28 -- let scoredSets = M.mapWithKey (\ls _ -> scoreLetterSet wordSets ls) wordSets
29 let scoredSets = M.mapWithKey scoreLetterSet wordSets
30 let partScoredSets = mkPartitionedScoredSets scoredSets
31 -- let pangramSets = S.filter (\k -> (S.size k == 7) && (not ('s' `S.member` k))) $ M.keysSet scoredSets
32 let pangramSets = S.filter ((7 == ) . popCount) $ M.keysSet scoredSets
33 let plausibleHoneycombs = mkPlausibleHoneycombs pangramSets
34 -- this takes 6 minutes to execute
35 -- let bestHoneycomb = maximumBy (compare `on` (scoreHoneycombP partScoredSets))
36 -- (S.toList plausibleHoneycombs)
38 -- this takes 2 minutes to execute
39 let bestHoneycomb = findBestHoneycomb partScoredSets plausibleHoneycombs
40 print bestHoneycomb
43 encode :: String -> LetterSet
44 encode letters = foldl' encodeLetter zeroBits ['a' .. 'z']
45 where encodeLetter w l
46 | l `elem` letters = setBit (shift w 1) 0
47 | otherwise = shift w 1
49 decode :: LetterSet -> S.Set Char
50 -- decode letterSet = S.filter present $ S.fromList ['a' .. 'z']
51 -- where present l = (encode [l] .&. letterSet) > 0
52 decode letterSet = S.fromList $ filter present ['a' .. 'z']
53 where present c = testBit letterSet $ negate (fromEnum c - fromEnum 'z')
55 (⊂) :: LetterSet -> LetterSet -> Bool
56 (⊂) this that = (this .&. that == this)
58 mkWordSets :: [String] -> WordSet
59 mkWordSets = foldr addWord M.empty
60 where addWord w = M.insertWith S.union (encode w) (S.singleton w)
62 present :: LetterSet -> Honeycomb -> Bool
63 present target (Honeycomb mandatory letters) =
64 -- (mandatory .&. target == mandatory) && (target .&. letters == target)
65 mandatory ⊂ target && target ⊂ letters
67 -- scoreLetterSet :: WordSet -> LetterSet -> Int
68 -- scoreLetterSet wordSets letterSet = bonus + (sum $ fmap scoreAWord (S.toList scoringWords))
69 -- where scoringWords = wordSets ! letterSet
70 -- scoreAWord w = if length w == 4 then 1 else length w
71 -- bonus = if (S.size letterSet) == 7 then (S.size scoringWords) * 7 else 0
72 scoreLetterSet :: LetterSet -> S.Set String -> Int
73 -- scoreLetterSet letterSet scoringWords = bonus + (sum $ fmap scoreAWord (S.toAscList scoringWords))
74 scoreLetterSet letterSet scoringWords = bonus + (S.foldr' (\w t -> t + scoreAWord w) 0 scoringWords)
75 where scoreAWord w
76 | length w == 4 = 1
77 | otherwise = length w
78 bonus = if (popCount letterSet) == 7 then (S.size scoringWords) * 7 else 0
80 mkPartitionedScoredSets scoredSets = M.fromList [(encode [c], scoreSetWithLetter $ encode [c]) | c <- ['a'..'z']]
81 where scoreSetWithLetter c = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> (c .&. k) == c) scoredSets
84 scoreHoneycombSeparate, scoreHoneycomb :: ScoredSet -> Honeycomb -> Int
85 scoreHoneycombSeparate scoredSets honeycomb = sum(validScores)
86 where inHoneycomb = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> present k honeycomb) scoredSets
87 validScores = M.elems inHoneycomb
88 scoreHoneycomb scoredSets honeycomb = M.foldrWithKey scoreLetters 0 scoredSets
89 where scoreLetters letters score total
90 | present letters honeycomb = score + total
91 | otherwise = total
95 scoreHoneycombP :: PartitionedScoredSet -> Honeycomb -> Int
96 -- scoreHoneycombP scoredSets (Honeycomb mandatory letters) = sum validScores
97 -- where hasMand = scoredSets ! mandatory
98 -- hasLetters = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `S.isSubsetOf` letters) hasMand
99 -- validScores = M.elems hasLetters
100 scoreHoneycombP scoredSets (Honeycomb mandatory letters) =
101 M.foldrWithKey scoreLetters 0 (scoredSets ! mandatory)
102 where scoreLetters ls score total
103 -- | (ls .&. letters) == ls = score + total
104 | ls ⊂ letters = score + total
105 | otherwise = total
107 mkPlausibleHoneycombs :: S.Set LetterSet -> S.Set Honeycomb
108 mkPlausibleHoneycombs pangramSets = S.foldr S.union S.empty honeycombSets
109 where honeycombSets = S.map honeycombsOfLetters pangramSets
110 honeycombsOfLetters ls = S.map (\l -> Honeycomb (encode [l]) ls) $ decode ls
113 findBestHoneycomb partScoredSets honeycombs =
114 S.foldr (betterHc partScoredSets) (0, initHc) honeycombs
115 where initHc = Honeycomb (encode "a") (encode "a")
117 betterHc partScoredSets hc (bestScore, bestHc)
118 | thisScore > bestScore = (thisScore, hc)
119 | otherwise = (bestScore, bestHc)
120 where thisScore = scoreHoneycombP partScoredSets hc