💄 Fixed full-width in large viewports and Markdown img
[editorial.git] / partials / sidebar.hbs
1 <div id="sidebar">
2 <div class="inner">
4 {{!-- Nav - partials/navigation.hbs --}}
5 {{#if @site.navigation}}
6 {{navigation}}
7 {{/if}}
9 {{!-- Recent posts --}}
10 <section>
11 <header class="major">
12 <h2>Recent Posts</h2>
13 </header>
14 <div class="mini-posts">
15 {{!-- We're just grabbing the 3 latest posts here but you can change
16 this to filter for a specific tag or order depending on what you want.
17 More info: https://docs.ghost.org/api/handlebars-themes/helpers/get/ --}}
18 {{#get "posts" limit="3" as |mini_post|}}
19 {{#foreach mini_post}}
20 <article>
21 <h3><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></h3>
22 <p>{{excerpt words="15"}}</p>
23 </article>
24 {{/foreach}}
25 {{/get}}
26 </div>
27 </section>
29 {{!-- Contact --}}
30 {{#get "posts" slug="contact"as |contact|}}
31 {{#if contact}}{{#foreach contact}}
32 <section>
33 <header class="major">
34 <h2>{{title}}</h2>
35 </header>
36 {{content}}
37 </section>
38 {{/foreach}}{{/if}}
39 {{/get}}
41 {{!-- Footer --}}
42 <footer id="footer">
43 <p class="copyright">&copy; {{@site.title}} - All rights reserved<br>
44 Design: <a href="https://html5up.net" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HTML5 UP</a>, Published with <a href="https://ghost.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ghost</a></p>
45 </footer>
47 </div>
48 </div>