[cipher-challenge.git] / plaintext.4b.txt
1 with the growing threat of war our activities have necessarily grown in scale and complexity and
2 with that there is a growing risk that our mission will be uncovered by one of the parties to the
3 conflict i have be enable to drip feed intelligence to the western allies via their agent harry and
4 as far as i can tell he remains ignorant of our true purpose nonetheless the risk remains high of
5 one or both sides acquiring the secret to atomic weapons early and we will need to act fast if we
6 are to prevent this the loss of the hindenburg presented a fabulous opportunity and i used it to
7 make sure that the allies understood what the nazi scientists were working on i have tried not to
8 provide harry with too much information at this stage since it is crucial to our mission that we
9 maintain the balance of uncertainty it is not at all clear who might win the nuclear arms race but
10 our experience of the months and years leading up to the great war suggests that the race will have
11 its own momentum and it will take considerable effort by all of us if we hope to direct it to our
12 advantage augusta