[cipher-challenge.git] / plaintext.5b.txt
1 i think boss might suspect something they drafted the report on the lighthouse discovery over a
2 month ago and have still not forwarded a summary to us herein the us icant risk making enquiries
3 through the usual channels but i think we need to investigate i am disappointed that the trinity
4 team left files in the basement when they shipped out but they did not have alot of warning and
5 atleast they dont seem to have left anything current for harry to find if they had he wouldnt have
6 passed the investigation to the archaeologists it would have gone straight upstairs for action i am
7 in two minds about it if anyone else was investigating i would say we should ignore it they are
8 unlikely to make much of a historical curiosity but if anyone could trace the link to us now then
9 harry and jodie are the ones to do it jodie is a terrier who wont let anything go once she has her
10 teeth into it and harry has been around long enough to know when something trivial is actually
11 important on balance i think i will need to be on the ground where i can hope to influence the
12 direction of their enquiries for the good of everyone we need to keep a very low profile atleast
13 while the boss investigation is hot so unless the system flags a real crisis we will have to dial
14 down our activities for a while we will carry on with forecasts but will not acton them unless the
15 threat level rises to ten even then the curia will need to meet to decide whether it is wise to take
16 action i will head to london to take charge of misdirection you can contact meat the embassy charlie