Working on blog posts
[riddle-generator.git] /
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2 jupyter:
3 jupytext:
4 formats: ipynb,md,py:percent
5 text_representation:
6 extension: .md
7 format_name: markdown
8 format_version: '1.3'
9 jupytext_version: 1.15.0
10 kernelspec:
11 display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
12 language: python
13 name: python3
14 ---
16 # Definitions generally useful for the riddle solver
18 While this file is here as a Markdown file, it's intended that Jupytext will save this file as a "percent" Python file, so that it can be imported by other notebooks here.
20 ```python
21 import unicodedata
22 import re
23 from dataclasses import dataclass
24 from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set
25 from enum import Enum, auto
26 import functools
27 import random
28 ```
30 ```python
31 stop_words = set('my is in within lies and also always you will find the found but'.split())
32 negative_words = set('not never neither nor'.split())
33 ```
35 ```python
36 ordinals : Dict[str, int] = { 'last': -1
37 , 'first': 1
38 , 'second': 2
39 , 'third': 3
40 , 'fourth': 4
41 , 'fifth': 5
42 , 'sixth': 6
43 , 'seventh': 7
44 , 'eighth': 8
45 , 'ninth': 9
46 , 'tenth': 10
47 , 'eleventh': 11
48 , 'twelfth': 12
49 }
51 reverse_ordinals : Dict[int, str] = {n: w for w, n in ordinals.items()}
53 def from_ordinal(word: str) -> int:
54 return ordinals[word]
56 def to_ordinal(number: int) -> str:
57 return reverse_ordinals[number]
58 ```
60 These are the words that can be the solution to a riddle, and used as the clue for a riddle.
62 ```python
63 dictionary : List[str] = [unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', w.strip()).\
64 encode('ascii', 'ignore').\
65 decode('utf-8')
66 for w in open('/usr/share/dict/british-english').readlines()
67 if w.strip().islower()
68 if w.strip().isalpha()
69 if len(w.strip()) >= 5
70 if len(w.strip()) <= 12
71 if w not in stop_words
72 if w not in negative_words
73 if w not in ordinals
74 ]
75 ```
77 Some types that will be used throughout the library
79 ```python
80 class RiddleValence(Enum):
81 """Does this part of the riddle include or exclude letters?"""
82 Include = auto()
83 Exclude = auto()
85 @dataclass
86 class RiddleClue:
87 """A half line of a riddle, like 'is in dreams' or 'not in octet'"""
88 valence : RiddleValence
89 word : str
91 @dataclass
92 class RiddleElement:
93 """A representation of the constraints that come from a whole line of
94 a riddle"""
95 valence : RiddleValence
96 letters : Set[str]
98 # A riddle that's been read and parsed.
99 # Note that the numbering is one-based, as per the numbers in the riddle text
100 Riddle = Dict[int, Tuple[RiddleClue, RiddleClue]]
102 # A riddle that's been processed ready for solving
103 # Note that the numbering is one-based, as per the numbers in the riddle text
104 RiddleElems = Dict[int, RiddleElement]
105 ```
107 ```python
108 @functools.lru_cache
109 def edit_distance(s: str, t: str) -> int:
110 if s == "":
111 return len(t)
112 if t == "":
113 return len(s)
114 if s[0] == t[0]:
115 cost = 0
116 else:
117 cost = 1
119 res = min(
120 [ edit_distance(s[1:], t) + 1
121 , edit_distance(s, t[1:]) + 1
122 , edit_distance(s[1:], t[1:]) + cost
123 ])
125 return res
126 ```
128 ```python
129 dictionary_neighbours = {
130 w: [o for o in dictionary
131 if edit_distance(w, o) <= 5
132 if not set(w) <= set(o)
133 if not set(o) <= set(w)]
134 for w in dictionary}
136 dictionary_neighbours = {w: ns
137 for w, ns in dictionary_neighbours.items()
138 if ns}
139 ```
141 ```python
142 def collapse_riddle_clues(elems : Riddle) -> RiddleElems:
143 """Combine the two parts of a riddle line into one element for solving.
144 This takes account of the valence of the two parts."""
145 def combine_clues(a: RiddleClue, b: RiddleClue) -> RiddleElement:
146 if a.valence == b.valence:
147 if a.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
148 return RiddleElement(letters = set(a.word) & set(b.word),
149 valence = RiddleValence.Include)
150 else:
151 return RiddleElement(letters = set(a.word) | set(b.word),
152 valence = RiddleValence.Exclude)
153 else:
154 if a.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
155 p, q = a, b
156 else:
157 p, q = b, a
158 return RiddleElement(letters = set(p.word) - set(q.word),
159 valence = RiddleValence.Include)
161 return {i: combine_clues(a, b) for i, (a, b) in elems.items()}
162 ```
164 ```python
165 def matches_element(pos: int, elem: RiddleElement, word: str) -> bool:
166 """Does this element match this position of the the word?
167 Note that positions are one-based, as in the numbering system of the
168 puzzle."""
169 if len(word) < pos:
170 return False
171 if elem.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
172 return word[pos-1] in elem.letters
173 else:
174 return word[pos-1] not in elem.letters
175 ```
177 ```python
178 def matches_all_elements(riddle: RiddleElems, word: str) -> bool:
179 """Do all the elements of a riddle match the appropriate parts of a word?"""
180 if -1 in riddle:
181 last_elem = riddle[-1]
182 new_riddle = {p: e for p, e in riddle.items() if p != -1}
183 new_riddle[len(word)] = last_elem
184 else:
185 new_riddle = riddle
186 return all(matches_element(i, elem, word) for i, elem in new_riddle.items())
187 ```
189 ```python
190 def solve_riddle(riddle: RiddleElems) -> List[str]:
191 """Find all words that match this riddle"""
192 return [w for w in dictionary
193 if len(w) == len(riddle)
194 if matches_all_elements(riddle, w)]
195 ```
197 ```python
199 ```