]> git.njae.me.uk Git - cipher-training.git/blob - slides/aims.html
Merge branch 'presentation-slides'
[cipher-training.git] / slides / aims.html
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63 ---
65 # Aims
67 Material aimed for two (three?) audiences
69 1. Teacher CPD
70 2. In-school resources for children
71 3. Outreach resources, mainly Bletchley Park
73 After your suggestions on how to extend these notes to hit these audiences
75 ---
77 # Programming != Computing
79 .quote[
80 > Computational thinking is like architectural thinking.
81 >
82 > Programming is like bricklaying.
83 ]
85 This course will cover four things, in increasing order of importance.
87 1. Teach some ideas about ciphers and cryptanalysis.
88 2. Show off some tools: IPython, git, doctest.
89 3. Explore some different corners of Python (itertools, multiprocessing).
90 4. Expose my thinking for how to solve these problems.
92 ---
94 # Idiomatic Python
96 Pythonistas are keen on writing idiomatic Python.
98 It's often clearer and more efficient than writing C, Perl, or even Ruby in Python.
100 * [PEP-8](http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) is the fundamental
101 style guide. Consider getting a linter (`pylint`?)
102 * [Python Cookbok](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596001674.do) has lots of
103 recipies for doing things in Python
104 * [Idiomatic Python](http://python.net/~goodger/projects/pycon/2007/idiomatic/handout.html):
105 Good style, but dated for Python 2
106 * [Writing Idiomatic Python](http://www.jeffknupp.com/blog/2012/10/04/writing-idiomatic-python/):
107 Enough there to tempt me to buy [the book](http://www.jeffknupp.com/blog/2012/10/04/writing-idiomatic-python/)
108 * [Python Guide](http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/writing/style/): nice
109 complement to the above
110 * [Python antipatterns](http://lignos.org/py_antipatterns/): things to avoid
111 when writing Python
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