Added cat commands to slides
[cipher-training.git] / slides / index.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
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4 <title>Index of cipher training</title>
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53 # Cipher programming training
55 * [Aims](aims.html)
56 * Caesar ciphers: [Making](caesar-encipher.html) and [Breaking](caesar-break.html) *(Changing representations, language models, text encodings)*
57 * Affine ciphers: [Making](affine-encipher.html) and [Breaking](affine-break.html) *(Time/space trade-offs, off-by-one issues)*
58 * [Word segmentation](word-segmentation.html) *(Memoisation and complexity)*
59 * Keyword ciphers: [Making](keyword-encipher.html) and [Breaking](keyword-break.html) *(Being Pythonic and parallelism)*
60 * Transposition ciphers: [Making](transposition-encipher.html) and [Breaking](transposition-break.html) *(Equivalence classes)*
61 * Pocket enigma: [Making](pocket-enigma-encipher.html) and [Breaking](pocket-enigma-break.html) *(Object orientation)*
62 * [Alternative plaintext scoring](alternative-plaintext-scoring.html) *(Empirical computing through simulation)*
63 * [Further work](further-work.html)
65 </textarea>
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