Tweaked solution 9 a bit, to check all approaches are finding the same set of items
[summerofcode2018soln.git] / task8 / task8-bounded.hs
1 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
2 import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as P
3 import qualified Data.HashSet as S
4 import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
5 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
6 import Data.Sequence ((<|))
7 import Data.Foldable (foldl')
8 import Data.HashMap.Strict ((!))
11 data Grass = Short | Long deriving (Show, Eq)
12 type Location = (Int, Int)
13 data Neighbour = Neighbour {stepLocation :: Location, stepCost :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
14 type Lawn = M.HashMap Location Grass
15 data BoundedLawn = BoundedLawn { lawnMap :: Lawn
16 , minRow :: Int , minCol :: Int
17 , maxRow :: Int , maxCol :: Int
18 }
19 type Closed = S.HashSet Location
20 data Agendum = Agendum {current :: Location, trail :: Q.Seq Location, cost :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
21 type Agenda = P.MinPQueue Int Agendum
24 main :: IO ()
25 main = do
26 lawnT <- readFile "data/08-maze.txt"
27 let lawn = parseLawn lawnT
28 let boundedLawn = boundify lawn
29 let goal = goalLocation boundedLawn
30 let start = startLocation boundedLawn
31 print $ part1 boundedLawn start goal
32 print $ part2 boundedLawn start goal
34 part1 :: BoundedLawn -> Location -> Location -> Int
35 part1 lawn start goal = cost $ fromMaybe (snd $ P.findMin $ initAgenda start goal) $ aStar 999 goal lawn (initAgenda start goal) S.empty
37 part2 :: BoundedLawn -> Location -> Location -> Int
38 part2 lawn start goal = cost $ fromMaybe (snd $ P.findMin $ initAgenda start goal) $ aStar 3 goal lawn (initAgenda start goal) S.empty
41 parseLawn :: String -> Lawn
42 parseLawn lawnT = M.fromList lawnCells
43 where lawnLines = zip [1..] $ lines lawnT
44 lawnCells = concatMap (\(r, row) -> zipWith (cellify r) [1..] row) lawnLines
45 cellify r c cell
46 | cell == '#' = ((r, c), Long)
47 | otherwise = ((r, c), Short)
49 boundify lawn = BoundedLawn { lawnMap = lawn
50 , minRow = minR, minCol = minC
51 , maxRow = maxR, maxCol = maxC
52 }
53 where minR = minimum $ map fst $ M.keys lawn
54 maxR = maximum $ map fst $ M.keys lawn
55 minC = minimum $ map snd $ M.keys lawn
56 maxC = maximum $ map snd $ M.keys lawn
58 goalLocation :: BoundedLawn -> Location
59 goalLocation lawn = ( maxRow lawn, maxCol lawn )
61 startLocation :: BoundedLawn -> Location
62 startLocation lawn = ( minRow lawn, minCol lawn )
64 initAgenda :: Location -> Location -> Agenda
65 initAgenda start goal = P.singleton (estimateCost start goal) Agendum {current = start, trail = Q.empty, cost = 0}
67 aStar :: Int -> Location -> BoundedLawn -> Agenda -> Closed -> Maybe Agendum
68 aStar longCost goal lawn agenda closed
69 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ fst $ P.findMin agenda) ++ ": " ++ (show reached) ++ " <- " ++ (show $ toList $ Q.take 1 $ trail $ currentAgendum) ++ " :: " ++ (show newAgenda)) False = undefined
70 | P.null agenda = Nothing
71 | otherwise =
72 if reached == goal then Just currentAgendum
73 else if reached `S.member` closed
74 then aStar longCost goal lawn (P.deleteMin agenda) closed
75 else aStar longCost goal lawn newAgenda (S.insert reached closed)
76 where
77 (_, currentAgendum) = P.findMin agenda
78 reached = current currentAgendum
79 newAgenda = foldl' (\q a -> P.insert (estimatedCost a) a q) (P.deleteMin agenda) $ candidates longCost lawn currentAgendum closed
80 estimatedCost agendum = estimateCost (current agendum) goal + cost agendum
84 candidates :: Int -> BoundedLawn -> Agendum -> Closed -> Q.Seq Agendum
85 candidates longCost lawn agendum closed = newCandidates
86 where
87 candidate = current agendum
88 previous = trail agendum
89 succs = successors longCost lawn candidate
90 nonloops = Q.filter (\s -> not $ (stepLocation s) `S.member` closed) succs
91 newCandidates = fmap (\n -> makeAgendum n) nonloops
92 makeAgendum new = Agendum {current = stepLocation new,
93 trail = candidate <| previous,
94 cost = cost agendum + stepCost new}
97 successors :: Int -> BoundedLawn -> Location -> (Q.Seq Neighbour)
98 successors longCost boundedLawn (row, column) = Q.fromList $ map neighbourify neighbours
99 where lawn = lawnMap boundedLawn
100 neighbours = filter (\l -> l `M.member` lawn)
101 [ (r, c) | r <- [(row - 1)..(row + 1)]
102 , c <- [(column - 1)..(column + 1)]
103 , r >= minR
104 , r <= maxR
105 , c >= minC
106 , c <= maxC
107 , ((r == row && c /= column) || (r /= row && c == column))
108 ]
109 neighbourify neighbour = Neighbour {stepLocation = neighbour, stepCost = scCalc neighbour}
110 minR = minRow boundedLawn
111 maxR = maxRow boundedLawn
112 minC = minCol boundedLawn
113 maxC = maxCol boundedLawn
114 scCalc location = if lawn!location == Long
115 then longCost
116 else 1
119 estimateCost :: Location -> Location -> Int
120 estimateCost (r, c) (gr, gc) = abs (r - gr) + abs(c - gc)