Functional tests now work properly, bearing in mind whether a user is logged in or...
[depot.git] / vendor / rails / actionpack / lib / action_view / helpers / text_helper.rb
1 require 'action_view/helpers/tag_helper'
3 begin
4 require 'html/document'
5 rescue LoadError
6 html_scanner_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../action_controller/vendor/html-scanner"
7 if
8 $:.unshift html_scanner_path
9 require 'html/document'
10 end
11 end
13 module ActionView
14 module Helpers #:nodoc:
15 # The TextHelper module provides a set of methods for filtering, formatting
16 # and transforming strings, which can reduce the amount of inline Ruby code in
17 # your views. These helper methods extend ActionView making them callable
18 # within your template files.
19 module TextHelper
20 # The preferred method of outputting text in your views is to use the
21 # <%= "text" %> eRuby syntax. The regular _puts_ and _print_ methods
22 # do not operate as expected in an eRuby code block. If you absolutely must
23 # output text within a non-output code block (i.e., <% %>), you can use the concat method.
24 #
25 # ==== Examples
26 # <%
27 # concat "hello"
28 # # is the equivalent of <%= "hello" %>
29 #
30 # if (logged_in == true):
31 # concat "Logged in!"
32 # else
33 # concat link_to('login', :action => login)
34 # end
35 # # will either display "Logged in!" or a login link
36 # %>
37 def concat(string, unused_binding = nil)
38 if unused_binding
39 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("The binding argument of #concat is no longer needed. Please remove it from your views and helpers.", caller)
40 end
42 output_buffer << string
43 end
45 # Truncates a given +text+ after a given <tt>:length</tt> if +text+ is longer than <tt>:length</tt>
46 # (defaults to 30). The last characters will be replaced with the <tt>:omission</tt> (defaults to "...").
47 #
48 # ==== Examples
49 #
50 # truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away")
51 # # => Once upon a time in a world f...
52 #
53 # truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", :length => 14)
54 # # => Once upon a...
55 #
56 # truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", :length => 25, "(clipped)")
57 # # => And they found that many (clipped)
58 #
59 # truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", :omission => "... (continued)", :length => 15)
60 # # => And they found... (continued)
61 #
62 # You can still use <tt>truncate</tt> with the old API that accepts the
63 # +length+ as its optional second and the +ellipsis+ as its
64 # optional third parameter:
65 # truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", 14)
66 # # => Once upon a time in a world f...
67 #
68 # truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", 15, "... (continued)")
69 # # => And they found... (continued)
70 def truncate(text, *args)
71 options = args.extract_options!
72 unless args.empty?
73 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('truncate takes an option hash instead of separate ' +
74 'length and omission arguments', caller)
76 options[:length] = args[0] || 30
77 options[:omission] = args[1] || "..."
78 end
79 options.reverse_merge!(:length => 30, :omission => "...")
81 if text
82 l = options[:length] - options[:omission].mb_chars.length
83 chars = text.mb_chars
84 (chars.length > options[:length] ? chars[0...l] + options[:omission] : text).to_s
85 end
86 end
88 # Highlights one or more +phrases+ everywhere in +text+ by inserting it into
89 # a <tt>:highlighter</tt> string. The highlighter can be specialized by passing <tt>:highlighter</tt>
90 # as a single-quoted string with \1 where the phrase is to be inserted (defaults to
91 # '<strong class="highlight">\1</strong>')
92 #
93 # ==== Examples
94 # highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails')
95 # # => You searched for: <strong class="highlight">rails</strong>
96 #
97 # highlight('You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh', 'actionpack')
98 # # => You searched for: ruby, rails, dhh
99 #
100 # highlight('You searched for: rails', ['for', 'rails'], :highlighter => '<em>\1</em>')
101 # # => You searched <em>for</em>: <em>rails</em>
102 #
103 # highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails', :highlighter => '<a href="search?q=\1">\1</a>')
104 # # => You searched for: <a href="search?q=rails">rails</a>
105 #
106 # You can still use <tt>highlight</tt> with the old API that accepts the
107 # +highlighter+ as its optional third parameter:
108 # highlight('You searched for: rails', 'rails', '<a href="search?q=\1">\1</a>') # => You searched for: <a href="search?q=rails">rails</a>
109 def highlight(text, phrases, *args)
110 options = args.extract_options!
111 unless args.empty?
112 options[:highlighter] = args[0] || '<strong class="highlight">\1</strong>'
113 end
114 options.reverse_merge!(:highlighter => '<strong class="highlight">\1</strong>')
116 if text.blank? || phrases.blank?
117 text
118 else
119 match = Array(phrases).map { |p| Regexp.escape(p) }.join('|')
120 text.gsub(/(#{match})/i, options[:highlighter])
121 end
122 end
124 # Extracts an excerpt from +text+ that matches the first instance of +phrase+.
125 # The <tt>:radius</tt> option expands the excerpt on each side of the first occurrence of +phrase+ by the number of characters
126 # defined in <tt>:radius</tt> (which defaults to 100). If the excerpt radius overflows the beginning or end of the +text+,
127 # then the <tt>:omission</tt> option (which defaults to "...") will be prepended/appended accordingly. The resulting string
128 # will be stripped in any case. If the +phrase+ isn't found, nil is returned.
129 #
130 # ==== Examples
131 # excerpt('This is an example', 'an', :radius => 5)
132 # # => ...s is an exam...
133 #
134 # excerpt('This is an example', 'is', :radius => 5)
135 # # => This is a...
136 #
137 # excerpt('This is an example', 'is')
138 # # => This is an example
139 #
140 # excerpt('This next thing is an example', 'ex', :radius => 2)
141 # # =>
142 #
143 # excerpt('This is also an example', 'an', :radius => 8, :omission => '<chop> ')
144 # # => <chop> is also an example
145 #
146 # You can still use <tt>excerpt</tt> with the old API that accepts the
147 # +radius+ as its optional third and the +ellipsis+ as its
148 # optional forth parameter:
149 # excerpt('This is an example', 'an', 5) # => ...s is an exam...
150 # excerpt('This is also an example', 'an', 8, '<chop> ') # => <chop> is also an example
151 def excerpt(text, phrase, *args)
152 options = args.extract_options!
153 unless args.empty?
154 options[:radius] = args[0] || 100
155 options[:omission] = args[1] || "..."
156 end
157 options.reverse_merge!(:radius => 100, :omission => "...")
159 if text && phrase
160 phrase = Regexp.escape(phrase)
162 if found_pos = text.mb_chars =~ /(#{phrase})/i
163 start_pos = [ found_pos - options[:radius], 0 ].max
164 end_pos = [ [ found_pos + phrase.mb_chars.length + options[:radius] - 1, 0].max, text.mb_chars.length ].min
166 prefix = start_pos > 0 ? options[:omission] : ""
167 postfix = end_pos < text.mb_chars.length - 1 ? options[:omission] : ""
169 prefix + text.mb_chars[start_pos..end_pos].strip + postfix
170 else
171 nil
172 end
173 end
174 end
176 # Attempts to pluralize the +singular+ word unless +count+ is 1. If
177 # +plural+ is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, otherwise
178 # it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form
179 #
180 # ==== Examples
181 # pluralize(1, 'person')
182 # # => 1 person
183 #
184 # pluralize(2, 'person')
185 # # => 2 people
186 #
187 # pluralize(3, 'person', 'users')
188 # # => 3 users
189 #
190 # pluralize(0, 'person')
191 # # => 0 people
192 def pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil)
193 "#{count || 0} " + ((count == 1 || count == '1') ? singular : (plural || singular.pluralize))
194 end
196 # Wraps the +text+ into lines no longer than +line_width+ width. This method
197 # breaks on the first whitespace character that does not exceed +line_width+
198 # (which is 80 by default).
199 #
200 # ==== Examples
201 #
202 # word_wrap('Once upon a time')
203 # # => Once upon a time
204 #
205 # word_wrap('Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Far Away, a king fell ill, and finding a successor to the throne turned out to be more trouble than anyone could have imagined...')
206 # # => Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Far Away, a king fell ill, and finding\n a successor to the throne turned out to be more trouble than anyone could have\n imagined...
207 #
208 # word_wrap('Once upon a time', :line_width => 8)
209 # # => Once upon\na time
210 #
211 # word_wrap('Once upon a time', :line_width => 1)
212 # # => Once\nupon\na\ntime
213 #
214 # You can still use <tt>word_wrap</tt> with the old API that accepts the
215 # +line_width+ as its optional second parameter:
216 # word_wrap('Once upon a time', 8) # => Once upon\na time
217 def word_wrap(text, *args)
218 options = args.extract_options!
219 unless args.blank?
220 options[:line_width] = args[0] || 80
221 end
222 options.reverse_merge!(:line_width => 80)
224 text.split("\n").collect do |line|
225 line.length > options[:line_width] ? line.gsub(/(.{1,#{options[:line_width]}})(\s+|$)/, "\\1\n").strip : line
226 end * "\n"
227 end
229 begin
230 require_library_or_gem "redcloth" unless Object.const_defined?(:RedCloth)
232 # Returns the text with all the Textile[] codes turned into HTML tags.
233 #
234 # You can learn more about Textile's syntax at its website[].
235 # <i>This method is only available if RedCloth[]
236 # is available</i>.
237 #
238 # ==== Examples
239 # textilize("*This is Textile!* Rejoice!")
240 # # => "<p><strong>This is Textile!</strong> Rejoice!</p>"
241 #
242 # textilize("I _love_ ROR(Ruby on Rails)!")
243 # # => "<p>I <em>love</em> <acronym title="Ruby on Rails">ROR</acronym>!</p>"
244 #
245 # textilize("h2. Textile makes markup -easy- simple!")
246 # # => "<h2>Textile makes markup <del>easy</del> simple!</h2>"
247 #
248 # textilize("Visit the Rails website "here":
249 # # => "<p>Visit the Rails website <a href="">here</a>.</p>"
250 def textilize(text)
251 if text.blank?
252 ""
253 else
254 textilized =, [ :hard_breaks ])
255 textilized.hard_breaks = true if textilized.respond_to?(:hard_breaks=)
256 textilized.to_html
257 end
258 end
260 # Returns the text with all the Textile codes turned into HTML tags,
261 # but without the bounding <p> tag that RedCloth adds.
262 #
263 # You can learn more about Textile's syntax at its website[].
264 # <i>This method is only available if RedCloth[]
265 # is available</i>.
266 #
267 # ==== Examples
268 # textilize_without_paragraph("*This is Textile!* Rejoice!")
269 # # => "<strong>This is Textile!</strong> Rejoice!"
270 #
271 # textilize_without_paragraph("I _love_ ROR(Ruby on Rails)!")
272 # # => "I <em>love</em> <acronym title="Ruby on Rails">ROR</acronym>!"
273 #
274 # textilize_without_paragraph("h2. Textile makes markup -easy- simple!")
275 # # => "<h2>Textile makes markup <del>easy</del> simple!</h2>"
276 #
277 # textilize_without_paragraph("Visit the Rails website "here":
278 # # => "Visit the Rails website <a href="">here</a>."
279 def textilize_without_paragraph(text)
280 textiled = textilize(text)
281 if textiled[0..2] == "<p>" then textiled = textiled[3..-1] end
282 if textiled[-4..-1] == "</p>" then textiled = textiled[0..-5] end
283 return textiled
284 end
285 rescue LoadError
286 # We can't really help what's not there
287 end
289 begin
290 require_library_or_gem "bluecloth" unless Object.const_defined?(:BlueCloth)
292 # Returns the text with all the Markdown codes turned into HTML tags.
293 # <i>This method is only available if BlueCloth[]
294 # is available</i>.
295 #
296 # ==== Examples
297 # markdown("We are using __Markdown__ now!")
298 # # => "<p>We are using <strong>Markdown</strong> now!</p>"
299 #
300 # markdown("We like to _write_ `code`, not just _read_ it!")
301 # # => "<p>We like to <em>write</em> <code>code</code>, not just <em>read</em> it!</p>"
302 #
303 # markdown("The [Markdown website]( has more information.")
304 # # => "<p>The <a href="">Markdown website</a>
305 # # has more information.</p>"
306 #
307 # markdown('![The ROR logo]( "Ruby on Rails")')
308 # # => '<p><img src="" alt="The ROR logo" title="Ruby on Rails" /></p>'
309 def markdown(text)
310 text.blank? ? "" :
311 end
312 rescue LoadError
313 # We can't really help what's not there
314 end
316 # Returns +text+ transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules.
317 # Two or more consecutive newlines(<tt>\n\n</tt>) are considered as a
318 # paragraph and wrapped in <tt><p></tt> tags. One newline (<tt>\n</tt>) is
319 # considered as a linebreak and a <tt><br /></tt> tag is appended. This
320 # method does not remove the newlines from the +text+.
321 #
322 # You can pass any HTML attributes into <tt>html_options</tt>. These
323 # will be added to all created paragraphs.
324 # ==== Examples
325 # my_text = "Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break."
326 #
327 # simple_format(my_text)
328 # # => "<p>Here is some basic text...\n<br />...with a line break.</p>"
329 #
330 # more_text = "We want to put a paragraph...\n\n...right there."
331 #
332 # simple_format(more_text)
333 # # => "<p>We want to put a paragraph...</p>\n\n<p>...right there.</p>"
334 #
335 # simple_format("Look ma! A class!", :class => 'description')
336 # # => "<p class='description'>Look ma! A class!</p>"
337 def simple_format(text, html_options={})
338 start_tag = tag('p', html_options, true)
339 text = text.to_s.dup
340 text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n") # \r\n and \r -> \n
341 text.gsub!(/\n\n+/, "</p>\n\n#{start_tag}") # 2+ newline -> paragraph
342 text.gsub!(/([^\n]\n)(?=[^\n])/, '\1<br />') # 1 newline -> br
343 text.insert 0, start_tag
344 text << "</p>"
345 end
347 # Turns all URLs and e-mail addresses into clickable links. The <tt>:link</tt> option
348 # will limit what should be linked. You can add HTML attributes to the links using
349 # <tt>:href_options</tt>. Possible values for <tt>:link</tt> are <tt>:all</tt> (default),
350 # <tt>:email_addresses</tt>, and <tt>:urls</tt>. If a block is given, each URL and
351 # e-mail address is yielded and the result is used as the link text.
352 #
353 # ==== Examples
354 # auto_link("Go to and say hello to")
355 # # => "Go to <a href=\"\"></a> and
356 # # say hello to <a href=\"\"></a>"
357 #
358 # auto_link("Visit or e-mail", :link => :urls)
359 # # => "Visit <a href=\"\"></a>
360 # # or e-mail"
361 #
362 # auto_link("Visit or e-mail", :link => :email_addresses)
363 # # => "Visit or e-mail <a href=\"\"></a>"
364 #
365 # post_body = "Welcome to my new blog at Please e-mail me at"
366 # auto_link(post_body, :href_options => { :target => '_blank' }) do |text|
367 # truncate(text, 15)
368 # end
369 # # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.m...</a>.
370 # Please e-mail me at <a href=\"\"></a>."
371 #
372 #
373 # You can still use <tt>auto_link</tt> with the old API that accepts the
374 # +link+ as its optional second parameter and the +html_options+ hash
375 # as its optional third parameter:
376 # post_body = "Welcome to my new blog at Please e-mail me at"
377 # auto_link(post_body, :urls) # => Once upon\na time
378 # # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"\"></a>.
379 # Please e-mail me at"
380 #
381 # auto_link(post_body, :all, :target => "_blank") # => Once upon\na time
382 # # => "Welcome to my new blog at <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>.
383 # Please e-mail me at <a href=\"\"></a>."
384 def auto_link(text, *args, &block)#link = :all, href_options = {}, &block)
385 return '' if text.blank?
387 options = args.size == 2 ? {} : args.extract_options! # this is necessary because the old auto_link API has a Hash as its last parameter
388 unless args.empty?
389 options[:link] = args[0] || :all
390 options[:html] = args[1] || {}
391 end
392 options.reverse_merge!(:link => :all, :html => {})
394 case options[:link].to_sym
395 when :all then auto_link_email_addresses(auto_link_urls(text, options[:html], &block), &block)
396 when :email_addresses then auto_link_email_addresses(text, &block)
397 when :urls then auto_link_urls(text, options[:html], &block)
398 end
399 end
401 # Creates a Cycle object whose _to_s_ method cycles through elements of an
402 # array every time it is called. This can be used for example, to alternate
403 # classes for table rows. You can use named cycles to allow nesting in loops.
404 # Passing a Hash as the last parameter with a <tt>:name</tt> key will create a
405 # named cycle. The default name for a cycle without a +:name+ key is
406 # <tt>"default"</tt>. You can manually reset a cycle by calling reset_cycle
407 # and passing the name of the cycle. The current cycle string can be obtained
408 # anytime using the current_cycle method.
409 #
410 # ==== Examples
411 # # Alternate CSS classes for even and odd numbers...
412 # @items = [1,2,3,4]
413 # <table>
414 # <% @items.each do |item| %>
415 # <tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd") -%>">
416 # <td>item</td>
417 # </tr>
418 # <% end %>
419 # </table>
420 #
421 #
422 # # Cycle CSS classes for rows, and text colors for values within each row
423 # @items = x = [{:first => 'Robert', :middle => 'Daniel', :last => 'James'},
424 # {:first => 'Emily', :middle => 'Shannon', :maiden => 'Pike', :last => 'Hicks'},
425 # {:first => 'June', :middle => 'Dae', :last => 'Jones'}]
426 # <% @items.each do |item| %>
427 # <tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd", :name => "row_class") -%>">
428 # <td>
429 # <% item.values.each do |value| %>
430 # <%# Create a named cycle "colors" %>
431 # <span style="color:<%= cycle("red", "green", "blue", :name => "colors") -%>">
432 # <%= value %>
433 # </span>
434 # <% end %>
435 # <% reset_cycle("colors") %>
436 # </td>
437 # </tr>
438 # <% end %>
439 def cycle(first_value, *values)
440 if (values.last.instance_of? Hash)
441 params = values.pop
442 name = params[:name]
443 else
444 name = "default"
445 end
446 values.unshift(first_value)
448 cycle = get_cycle(name)
449 if (cycle.nil? || cycle.values != values)
450 cycle = set_cycle(name,*values))
451 end
452 return cycle.to_s
453 end
455 # Returns the current cycle string after a cycle has been started. Useful
456 # for complex table highlighing or any other design need which requires
457 # the current cycle string in more than one place.
458 #
459 # ==== Example
460 # # Alternate background colors
461 # @items = [1,2,3,4]
462 # <% @items.each do |item| %>
463 # <div style="background-color:<%= cycle("red","white","blue") %>">
464 # <span style="background-color:<%= current_cycle %>"><%= item %></span>
465 # </div>
466 # <% end %>
467 def current_cycle(name = "default")
468 cycle = get_cycle(name)
469 cycle.current_value unless cycle.nil?
470 end
472 # Resets a cycle so that it starts from the first element the next time
473 # it is called. Pass in +name+ to reset a named cycle.
474 #
475 # ==== Example
476 # # Alternate CSS classes for even and odd numbers...
477 # @items = [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,3], [3,4,5,6,7,4]]
478 # <table>
479 # <% @items.each do |item| %>
480 # <tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd") -%>">
481 # <% item.each do |value| %>
482 # <span style="color:<%= cycle("#333", "#666", "#999", :name => "colors") -%>">
483 # <%= value %>
484 # </span>
485 # <% end %>
486 #
487 # <% reset_cycle("colors") %>
488 # </tr>
489 # <% end %>
490 # </table>
491 def reset_cycle(name = "default")
492 cycle = get_cycle(name)
493 cycle.reset unless cycle.nil?
494 end
496 class Cycle #:nodoc:
497 attr_reader :values
499 def initialize(first_value, *values)
500 @values = values.unshift(first_value)
501 reset
502 end
504 def reset
505 @index = 0
506 end
508 def current_value
509 @values[previous_index].to_s
510 end
512 def to_s
513 value = @values[@index].to_s
514 @index = next_index
515 return value
516 end
518 private
520 def next_index
521 step_index(1)
522 end
524 def previous_index
525 step_index(-1)
526 end
528 def step_index(n)
529 (@index + n) % @values.size
530 end
531 end
533 private
534 # The cycle helpers need to store the cycles in a place that is
535 # guaranteed to be reset every time a page is rendered, so it
536 # uses an instance variable of ActionView::Base.
537 def get_cycle(name)
538 @_cycles = unless defined?(@_cycles)
539 return @_cycles[name]
540 end
542 def set_cycle(name, cycle_object)
543 @_cycles = unless defined?(@_cycles)
544 @_cycles[name] = cycle_object
545 end
547 AUTO_LINK_RE = %r{
548 ( # leading text
549 <\w+.*?>| # leading HTML tag, or
550 [^=!:'"/]| # leading punctuation, or
551 ^ # beginning of line
552 )
553 (
554 (?:https?://)| # protocol spec, or
555 (?:www\.) # www.*
556 )
557 (
558 [-\w]+ # subdomain or domain
559 (?:\.[-\w]+)* # remaining subdomains or domain
560 (?::\d+)? # port
561 (?:/(?:[~\w\+@%=\(\)-]|(?:[,.;:'][^\s$]))*)* # path
562 (?:\?[\w\+@%&=.;:-]+)? # query string
563 (?:\#[\w\-]*)? # trailing anchor
564 )
565 ([[:punct:]]|<|$|) # trailing text
566 }x unless const_defined?(:AUTO_LINK_RE)
568 # Turns all urls into clickable links. If a block is given, each url
569 # is yielded and the result is used as the link text.
570 def auto_link_urls(text, html_options = {})
571 extra_options = tag_options(html_options.stringify_keys) || ""
572 text.gsub(AUTO_LINK_RE) do
573 all, a, b, c, d = $&, $1, $2, $3, $4
574 if a =~ /<a\s/i # don't replace URL's that are already linked
575 all
576 else
577 text = b + c
578 text = yield(text) if block_given?
579 %(#{a}<a href="#{b=="www."?"http://www.":b}#{c}"#{extra_options}>#{text}</a>#{d})
580 end
581 end
582 end
584 # Turns all email addresses into clickable links. If a block is given,
585 # each email is yielded and the result is used as the link text.
586 def auto_link_email_addresses(text)
587 body = text.dup
588 text.gsub(/([\w\.!#\$%\-+.]+@[A-Za-z0-9\-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9\-]+)+)/) do
589 text = $1
591 if body.match(/<a\b[^>]*>(.*)(#{Regexp.escape(text)})(.*)<\/a>/)
592 text
593 else
594 display_text = (block_given?) ? yield(text) : text
595 %{<a href="mailto:#{text}">#{display_text}</a>}
596 end
597 end
598 end
599 end
600 end
601 end