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+<!-- Created on 2009-04-10 by Jorge Stolfi with the script make-hash-table-figure -->
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+ <!-- Key box in input column, highlighted : -->
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+ <!-- Key box in bucket or overflow columns, normal: -->
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+ <!-- Key box in bucket or overflow columns, vacant: -->
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+ <!-- Value box in bucket or overflow columns, occupied: -->
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+ <!-- Value box in bucket or overflow columns, vacant: -->
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+ <!-- Pointer box in bucket or overflow columns, used and non-null: -->
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+ <!-- Pointer box in bucket or overflow columns, null/vacant: -->
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+ <!-- Keys and hash function -->
+ <g transform="translate(0,000)" text-anchor="middle" stroke="none">
+ <text x="45" y="-10" font-size="15px" font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke="none"> keys
+ </text>
+ <g transform="translate(0,30)">
+ <use xlink:href="#key_box_C" />
+ <text x="45" y="14" stroke="none">John Smith</text>
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+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,70)">
+ <use xlink:href="#key_box_N" />
+ <text x="45" y="14" stroke="none">Lisa Smith</text>
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+ <line x1="100" y1="10" x2="130" y2="-40" stroke="#000000" />
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+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,110)">
+ <use xlink:href="#key_box_N" />
+ <text x="45" y="14" stroke="none">Sam Doe</text>
+ <line x1="95" y1="10" x2="100" y2="10" stroke="#000000" />
+ <line x1="100" y1="10" x2="130" y2="100" stroke="#000000" />
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+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,150)">
+ <use xlink:href="#key_box_C" />
+ <text x="45" y="14" stroke="none">Sandra Dee</text>
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+ <line x1="100" y1="10" x2="130" y2="-40" stroke="#dd0000" />
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+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(0,190)">
+ <use xlink:href="#key_box_N" />
+ <text x="45" y="14" stroke="none">Ted Baker</text>
+ <line x1="95" y1="10" x2="100" y2="10" stroke="#000000" />
+ <line x1="100" y1="10" x2="130" y2="-60" stroke="#000000" />
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+ </g>
+ <!-- Hash values and bucket array -->
+ <g transform="translate(150,000)" text-anchor="middle" stroke="none">
+ <text x="50" y="-10" font-size="15px" font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
+ buckets
+ </text>
+ <g transform="translate(000,0)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#hsh_box_U" />
+ <text x="20" y="14">000</text>
+ <use x="40" xlink:href="#ptr_box_U" />
+ <line x1="50" y1="10" x2="50.000999999999998" y2="10" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)" />
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+ <g transform="translate(000,20)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#hsh_box_N" />
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+ <text x="50" y="14" font-weight="bold">:</text>
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+ <g transform="translate(000,80)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#hsh_box_U" />
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+ <g transform="translate(000,140)">
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+ <line x1="50" y1="10" x2="50.000999999999998" y2="10" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)" />
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+ <g transform="translate(000,160)">
+ <text x="20" y="14" font-weight="bold">:</text>
+ <text x="50" y="14" font-weight="bold">:</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(000,180)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#hsh_box_U" />
+ <text x="20" y="14">253</text>
+ <use x="40" xlink:href="#ptr_box_U" />
+ <line x1="50" y1="10" x2="50.000999999999998" y2="10" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)" />
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+ <g transform="translate(000,200)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#hsh_box_N" />
+ <text x="20" y="14">254</text>
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+ <line x1="50" y1="10" x2="90" y2="20" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_N)" marker-end="url(#arrowtip_N)" />
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+ <g transform="translate(000,220)">
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+ <line x1="50" y1="10" x2="50.000999999999998" y2="10" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)" />
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <!-- Hash values and bucket array -->
+ <g transform="translate(240,000)" text-anchor="middle" stroke="none">
+ <text x="95" y="-10" font-size="15px" font-weight="bold" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
+ entries
+ </text>
+ <g transform="translate(000,10)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#ptr_box_E" />
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+ <text x="65" y="14">Lisa Smith</text>
+ <use x="110" xlink:href="#val_box_E" />
+ <text x="150" y="14">521-8976</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(000,60)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#ptr_box_E" />
+ <line x1="10" y1="10" x2="10" y2="50" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_N)" marker-end="url(#arrowtip_N)" />
+ <use x="20" xlink:href="#key_box_E" />
+ <text x="65" y="14">John Smith</text>
+ <use x="110" xlink:href="#val_box_E" />
+ <text x="150" y="14">521-1234</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(000,110)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#ptr_box_E" />
+ <line x1="10" y1="10" x2="10" y2="10.000999999999999" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)" />
+ <use x="20" xlink:href="#key_box_E" />
+ <text x="65" y="14">Sandra Dee</text>
+ <use x="110" xlink:href="#val_box_E" />
+ <text x="150" y="14">521-9655</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(000,160)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#ptr_box_E" />
+ <line x1="10" y1="10" x2="10" y2="10.000999999999999" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)" />
+ <use x="20" xlink:href="#key_box_E" />
+ <text x="65" y="14">Ted Baker</text>
+ <use x="110" xlink:href="#val_box_E" />
+ <text x="150" y="14">418-4165</text>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="translate(000,210)">
+ <use x="0" xlink:href="#ptr_box_E" />
+ <line x1="10" y1="10" x2="10" y2="10.000999999999999" stroke="#000000" marker-start="url(#linkdot_U)" />
+ <use x="20" xlink:href="#key_box_E" />
+ <text x="65" y="14">Sam Doe</text>
+ <use x="110" xlink:href="#val_box_E" />
+ <text x="150" y="14">521-5030</text>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>