data Reagent = Reagent { _quantity :: Int, _chemical :: String } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
-data Rule = Rule {_lhs :: S.Set Reagent, _rhs :: Reagent} deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Reaction = Reaction {_lhs :: S.Set Reagent, _rhs :: Reagent} deriving (Eq, Show)
-type RuleBase = M.Map String Rule
+type Reactions = M.Map String Reaction
type Requirement = M.Map String Int
main :: IO ()
main = do
text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent14.txt"
- -- let rules = successfulParse text
- -- let ruleBase = mkRuleBase rules
- let ruleBase = successfulParse text
- -- print rules
- -- print ruleBase
- print $ part1 ruleBase
- print $ part2 ruleBase
+ let reactions = successfulParse text
+ print $ part1 reactions
+ print $ part2 reactions
oreLimit :: Int
oreLimit = 10^12
-mkRuleBase :: [Rule] -> RuleBase
-mkRuleBase = foldl' addRule M.empty
- where addRule base rule = M.insert (_chemical $ _rhs rule) rule base
--- part1 rules = required!"ORE"
+-- part1 reactions = required!"ORE"
-- where required0 = M.singleton "FUEL" 1
--- required = produce rules required
-part1 rules = oreForFuel rules 1
+-- required = produce reactions required
+part1 reactions = oreForFuel reactions 1
-part2 rules = searchFuel rules (upper `div` 2) upper
- where upper = findUpper rules (oreLimit `div` base)
- base = oreForFuel rules 1
+part2 reactions = searchFuel reactions (upper `div` 2) upper
+ where upper = findUpper reactions (oreLimit `div` base)
+ base = oreForFuel reactions 1
-oreForFuel :: RuleBase -> Int -> Int
-oreForFuel rules n = required!"ORE"
+oreForFuel :: Reactions -> Int -> Int
+oreForFuel reactions n = required!"ORE"
where required0 = M.singleton "FUEL" n
- required = produce rules required0
+ required = produce reactions required0
-findUpper :: RuleBase -> Int -> Int
+findUpper :: Reactions -> Int -> Int
-- findUpper _ n | trace ("Upper " ++ show n) False = undefined
-findUpper rules n = if ore > oreLimit
+findUpper reactions n = if ore > oreLimit
then n
- else findUpper rules (n * 2)
- where ore = oreForFuel rules n
+ else findUpper reactions (n * 2)
+ where ore = oreForFuel reactions n
-searchFuel :: RuleBase -> Int -> Int -> Int
+searchFuel :: Reactions -> Int -> Int -> Int
-- searchFuel _ lower upper | trace ("Search " ++ show lower ++ " - " ++ show upper) False = undefined
-searchFuel rules lower upper
+searchFuel reactions lower upper
| upper == lower = upper
| otherwise = if ore > oreLimit
- then searchFuel rules lower (mid - 1)
- else searchFuel rules mid upper
+ then searchFuel reactions lower (mid - 1)
+ else searchFuel reactions mid upper
where mid = (upper + lower + 1) `div` 2
- ore = oreForFuel rules mid
+ ore = oreForFuel reactions mid
-produce :: RuleBase -> Requirement -> Requirement
-produce rules required
+produce :: Reactions -> Requirement -> Requirement
+produce reactions required
| M.null outstanding = required
- | otherwise = produce rules required''
+ | otherwise = produce reactions required''
where outstanding = M.filter (> 0) $ nonOre required
(chem, qty) = M.findMin outstanding
- rule = rules!chem
- productQty = _quantity $ _rhs rule
+ reaction = reactions!chem
+ productQty = _quantity $ _rhs reaction
applications = max 1 (qty `div` productQty)
qty' = qty - (applications * productQty)
required' = M.insert chem qty' required
- required'' = S.foldl (addRequrirement applications) required' (_lhs rule)
+ required'' = S.foldl (addRequrirement applications) required' (_lhs reaction)
nonOre :: Requirement -> Requirement
commaP = symb ","
identifierP = some alphaNumChar <* sc
-rulesP = mkRuleBase <$> many ruleP
+reactionsP = mkReactions <$> many reactionP
-ruleP = Rule <$> reagentsP <* arrowP <*> reagentP
+reactionP = Reaction <$> reagentsP <* arrowP <*> reagentP
reagentP = Reagent <$> integer <*> identifierP
reagentsP = S.fromList <$> reagentP `sepBy` commaP
+mkReactions :: [Reaction] -> Reactions
+mkReactions = foldl' addReaction M.empty
+ where addReaction base reaction = M.insert (_chemical $ _rhs reaction) reaction base
-- successfulParse :: Text -> [Vec]
-successfulParse :: Text -> RuleBase
+successfulParse :: Text -> Reactions
successfulParse input =
- case parse rulesP "input" input of
+ case parse reactionsP "input" input of
Left _err -> M.empty -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
- Right rules -> rules
+ Right reactions -> reactions
--- /dev/null
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+Oh, hello! Funny seeing you here.
+I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you aren't going to find much down here.
+There certainly aren't clues to any of the puzzles. The best surprises don't
+even appear in the source until you unlock them for real.
+Please be careful with automated requests; I'm not a massive company, and I can
+only take so much traffic. Please be considerate so that everyone gets to play.
+If you're curious about how Advent of Code works, it's running on some custom
+Perl code. Other than a few integrations (auth, analytics, ads, social media),
+I built the whole thing myself, including the design, animations, prose, and
+all of the puzzles.
+The puzzles are most of the work; preparing a new calendar and a new set of
+puzzles each year takes all of my free time for 4-5 months. A lot of effort
+went into building this thing - I hope you're enjoying playing it as much as I
+enjoyed making it for you!
+If you'd like to hang out, I'm @ericwastl on Twitter.
+- Eric Wastl
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+<article class="day-desc"><h2>--- Day 14: Space Stoichiometry ---</h2><p>As you approach the rings of Saturn, your ship's <em>low fuel</em> indicator turns on. There isn't any fuel here, but the rings have plenty of raw material. Perhaps your ship's <span title="Yes, the acronym is intentional.">Inter-Stellar Refinery Union</span> brand <em>nanofactory</em> can turn these raw materials into fuel.</p>
+<p>You ask the nanofactory to produce a list of the <em>reactions</em> it can perform that are relevant to this process (your puzzle input). Every reaction turns some quantities of specific <em>input chemicals</em> into some quantity of an <em>output chemical</em>. Almost every <em>chemical</em> is produced by exactly one reaction; the only exception, <code>ORE</code>, is the raw material input to the entire process and is not produced by a reaction.</p>
+<p>You just need to know how much <code><em>ORE</em></code> you'll need to collect before you can produce one unit of <code><em>FUEL</em></code>.</p>
+<p>Each reaction gives specific quantities for its inputs and output; reactions cannot be partially run, so only whole integer multiples of these quantities can be used. (It's okay to have leftover chemicals when you're done, though.) For example, the reaction <code>1 A, 2 B, 3 C => 2 D</code> means that exactly 2 units of chemical <code>D</code> can be produced by consuming exactly 1 <code>A</code>, 2 <code>B</code> and 3 <code>C</code>. You can run the full reaction as many times as necessary; for example, you could produce 10 <code>D</code> by consuming 5 <code>A</code>, 10 <code>B</code>, and 15 <code>C</code>.</p>
+<p>Suppose your nanofactory produces the following list of reactions:</p>
+<pre><code>10 ORE => 10 A
+1 ORE => 1 B
+7 A, 1 B => 1 C
+7 A, 1 C => 1 D
+7 A, 1 D => 1 E
+7 A, 1 E => 1 FUEL
+<p>The first two reactions use only <code>ORE</code> as inputs; they indicate that you can produce as much of chemical <code>A</code> as you want (in increments of 10 units, each 10 costing 10 <code>ORE</code>) and as much of chemical <code>B</code> as you want (each costing 1 <code>ORE</code>). To produce 1 <code>FUEL</code>, a total of <em>31</em> <code>ORE</code> is required: 1 <code>ORE</code> to produce 1 <code>B</code>, then 30 more <code>ORE</code> to produce the 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28 <code>A</code> (with 2 extra <code>A</code> wasted) required in the reactions to convert the <code>B</code> into <code>C</code>, <code>C</code> into <code>D</code>, <code>D</code> into <code>E</code>, and finally <code>E</code> into <code>FUEL</code>. (30 <code>A</code> is produced because its reaction requires that it is created in increments of 10.)</p>
+<p>Or, suppose you have the following list of reactions:</p>
+<pre><code>9 ORE => 2 A
+8 ORE => 3 B
+7 ORE => 5 C
+3 A, 4 B => 1 AB
+5 B, 7 C => 1 BC
+4 C, 1 A => 1 CA
+2 AB, 3 BC, 4 CA => 1 FUEL
+<p>The above list of reactions requires <em>165</em> <code>ORE</code> to produce 1 <code>FUEL</code>:</p>
+<li>Consume 45 <code>ORE</code> to produce 10 <code>A</code>.</li>
+<li>Consume 64 <code>ORE</code> to produce 24 <code>B</code>.</li>
+<li>Consume 56 <code>ORE</code> to produce 40 <code>C</code>.</li>
+<li>Consume 6 <code>A</code>, 8 <code>B</code> to produce 2 <code>AB</code>.</li>
+<li>Consume 15 <code>B</code>, 21 <code>C</code> to produce 3 <code>BC</code>.</li>
+<li>Consume 16 <code>C</code>, 4 <code>A</code> to produce 4 <code>CA</code>.</li>
+<li>Consume 2 <code>AB</code>, 3 <code>BC</code>, 4 <code>CA</code> to produce 1 <code>FUEL</code>.</li>
+<p>Here are some larger examples:</p>
+<li><p><em>13312</em> <code>ORE</code> for 1 <code>FUEL</code>:</p>
+<pre><code>157 ORE => 5 NZVS
+165 ORE => 6 DCFZ
+44 XJWVT, 5 KHKGT, 1 QDVJ, 29 NZVS, 9 GPVTF, 48 HKGWZ => 1 FUEL
+12 HKGWZ, 1 GPVTF, 8 PSHF => 9 QDVJ
+179 ORE => 7 PSHF
+177 ORE => 5 HKGWZ
+7 DCFZ, 7 PSHF => 2 XJWVT
+165 ORE => 2 GPVTF
+3 DCFZ, 7 NZVS, 5 HKGWZ, 10 PSHF => 8 KHKGT
+<li><p><em>180697</em> <code>ORE</code> for 1 <code>FUEL</code>:</p>
+<pre><code>2 VPVL, 7 FWMGM, 2 CXFTF, 11 MNCFX => 1 STKFG
+17 NVRVD, 3 JNWZP => 8 VPVL
+53 STKFG, 6 MNCFX, 46 VJHF, 81 HVMC, 68 CXFTF, 25 GNMV => 1 FUEL
+22 VJHF, 37 MNCFX => 5 FWMGM
+139 ORE => 4 NVRVD
+144 ORE => 7 JNWZP
+5 VJHF, 7 MNCFX, 9 VPVL, 37 CXFTF => 6 GNMV
+145 ORE => 6 MNCFX
+176 ORE => 6 VJHF
+<li><p><em>2210736</em> <code>ORE</code> for 1 <code>FUEL</code>:</p>
+<pre><code>171 ORE => 8 CNZTR
+114 ORE => 4 BHXH
+14 VRPVC => 6 BMBT
+6 BHXH, 18 KTJDG, 12 WPTQ, 7 PLWSL, 31 FHTLT, 37 ZDVW => 1 FUEL
+15 XDBXC, 2 LTCX, 1 VRPVC => 6 ZLQW
+13 WPTQ, 10 LTCX, 3 RJRHP, 14 XMNCP, 2 MZWV, 1 ZLQW => 1 ZDVW
+5 BMBT => 4 WPTQ
+189 ORE => 9 KTJDG
+12 VRPVC, 27 CNZTR => 2 XDBXC
+15 KTJDG, 12 BHXH => 5 XCVML
+3 BHXH, 2 VRPVC => 7 MZWV
+121 ORE => 7 VRPVC
+5 BHXH, 4 VRPVC => 5 LTCX
+<p>Given the list of reactions in your puzzle input, <em>what is the minimum amount of <code>ORE</code> required to produce exactly 1 <code>FUEL</code>?</em></p>
+<p>Your puzzle answer was <code>598038</code>.</p><article class="day-desc"><h2 id="part2">--- Part Two ---</h2><p>After collecting <code>ORE</code> for a while, you check your cargo hold: <em>1 trillion</em> (<em>1000000000000</em>) units of <code>ORE</code>.</p>
+<p><em>With that much ore</em>, given the examples above:</p>
+<li>The 13312 <code>ORE</code>-per-<code>FUEL</code> example could produce <em>82892753</em> <code>FUEL</code>.</li>
+<li>The 180697 <code>ORE</code>-per-<code>FUEL</code> example could produce <em>5586022</em> <code>FUEL</code>.</li>
+<li>The 2210736 <code>ORE</code>-per-<code>FUEL</code> example could produce <em>460664</em> <code>FUEL</code>.</li>
+<p>Given 1 trillion <code>ORE</code>, <em>what is the maximum amount of <code>FUEL</code> you can produce?</em></p>
+<p>Your puzzle answer was <code>2269325</code>.</p><p class="day-success">Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: **</p>
+<p>At this point, you should <a href="/2019">return to your Advent calendar</a> and try another puzzle.</p>
+<p>If you still want to see it, you can <a href="14/input" target="_blank">get your puzzle input</a>.</p>
+<p>You can also <span class="share">[Share<span class="share-content">on
+ <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a>
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