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+# Pocket Enigma
+![centre-aligned Pocket Engima](pocket-enigma-small.jpg)
+Stateful cipher
+# Pocket Enigma
+Emulates the Enigma machine from WWII
+Mechanical cipher machine
+* Substitution cipher
+* Substitution changes with every letter
+Ciphering method: advance the wheel, then follow the lines to encipher the letter
+## Stateful enciphering
+The cipher depends on the position of the wheel
+We need to encapsulate that state
+Objects have state
+# The PocketEnigma object
+What do we want it to do?
+What data should the object hold?
+# The PocketEnigma object
+What do we want it to do?
+* Initialise with the appropriate wheel (and possible starting position)
+* Spin the wheel to a given position
+* Advance the wheel one position
+* Look up a letter given the wheel position
+* Encipher a letter (advance the wheel then look up the letter)
+* Encipher a message (optionally give the key)
+* Make aliases for deciphering (same as enciphering)
+* Accept user-defined wheels
+ * ...and validate them
+What data should it hold?
+* A description of the wheel being used
+* The current position of the wheel
+# Data structures
+What's a convenient representation of the wheel
+1. for the object to use internally
+2. for a person to use to describe the wheel
+They may not be the same, and we'll have to translate between them
+# Data structures
+### Internal use: list of transpositions.
+[2, 3, 0, 1, 22, 8, 15, 12, 5, ...
+so position 0 ('a') swaps with position 2 ('c'), position 3 ('d') swaps with position 1 ('b'), and so on.
+* This will be a nightmare to enter correctly
+### Exernal use: list of pairs
+[('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ...]
+Easier to enter
+* Need to validate the human-entered list, to check it's valid
+# Validating the wheel description
+What tests?
+# Validating the wheel specification
+What tests?
+* 13 elements...
+* ...each a pair...
+* ...and 26 letters mentioned overall
+# Making the PocketEnigma class
+class PocketEnigma(object):
+ def __init__(self, wheel=1, position='a'):
+ self.wheel1 = [('a', 'z'), ('b', 'e'), ('c', 'x'), ('d', 'k'),
+ ('f', 'h'), ('g', 'j'), ('i', 'm'), ('l', 'r'), ('n', 'o'),
+ ('p', 'v'), ('q', 't'), ('s', 'u'), ('w', 'y')]
+ self.wheel2 = [('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('e', 'w'), ('f', 'i'),
+ ('g', 'p'), ('h', 'm'), ('j', 'k'), ('l', 'n'), ('o', 'q'),
+ ('r', 'z'), ('s', 'u'), ('t', 'v'), ('x', 'y')]
+ # Rest of initialisation code here
+ def make_wheel_map(self, wheel_spec):
+ ...
+ self.wheel_map = ...
+ ...
+ def validate_wheel_spec(self, wheel_spec):
+ if len(wheel_spec) != 13:
+ raise ValueError("Wheel specification has {} pairs, requires 13".
+ format(len(wheel_spec)))
+ ...
+# Looking up the enciphered version of a letter
+*Not* advancing the wheel before
+Keep `self.position` to record where the wheel is
+* `__init__` can be passed a letter, but internally it's a number
+But the wheel map only works if the wheel arrow is pointing at 'a'
+1. Rotate the source letter back `position` spaces
+2. Do the lookup
+3. Rotate the destination letter forward `position` spaces
+(all mod 26)
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