, text
, megaparsec
-executable advent24iterate
+executable advent24naive
hs-source-dirs: src/advent24
- main-is: advent24iterate.hs
+ main-is: advent24naive.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, containers
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
--- Box division approach taken from fizbin:
--- https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/a8s17l/2018_day_23_solutions/ecfmpy0/
import Debug.Trace
-- import Prelude hiding ((++))
import qualified Control.Applicative as CA
import Data.List hiding (group)
-import Data.Function (on)
+-- import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
let armies = successfulParse text
print armies
print $ part1 (fst armies) (snd armies)
+ print $ part2 (fst armies) (snd armies)
+part1 :: Army -> Army -> Int
+part1 immuneArmy infectionArmy = uncurry remainingUnitCount endState
+ where endState = battle immuneArmy infectionArmy
+part2 immuneArmy infectionArmy = (minimalBoost, part1 immuneArmy' infectionArmy)
+ where boostUpper = findSuccessfulBoost 1 immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ minimalBoost = boostSearch 0 boostUpper immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ immuneArmy' = applyBoost minimalBoost immuneArmy
+findSuccessfulBoost boost immuneArmy infectionArmy =
+ if success
+ then boost
+ else findSuccessfulBoost (2 * boost) immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ where success = immuneSuccessWithBoost boost immuneArmy infectionArmy
+boostSearch lower upper _ _ | trace ("Searching in " ++ show (lower, upper)) False = undefined
+boostSearch lower upper immuneArmy infectionArmy =
+ if lower == upper
+ then lower
+ else boostSearch lower' upper' immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ where boost = lower + (upper - lower) `div` 2
+ success = immuneSuccessWithBoost boost immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ lower' = if success then lower else boost + 1
+ upper' = if success then boost else upper
+immuneSuccessWithBoost :: Int -> Army -> Army -> Bool
+immuneSuccessWithBoost boost _ _ | trace ("Trial with boost " ++ show boost) False = undefined
+immuneSuccessWithBoost boost immuneArmy infectionArmy = immuneWins $ battle immuneArmy' infectionArmy
+ where immuneArmy' = applyBoost boost immuneArmy
+effectivePower :: Group -> Int
effectivePower group = (_units group) * (_damage group)
+damageCaused :: Group -> Group -> Int
damageCaused attacker defender =
if attackType `elem` immunities then 0
else if attackType `elem` weaknesses then (2 * effectivePower attacker)
weaknesses = foldl' extractWeakness [] (_modifiers defender)
immunities = foldl' extractImmunity [] (_modifiers defender)
+extractWeakness :: [String] -> Modifier -> [String]
extractWeakness currentWeaknesses (Weakness ws) = currentWeaknesses ++ ws
extractWeakness currentWeaknesses (Immunity _ws) = currentWeaknesses
+extractImmunity :: [String] -> Modifier -> [String]
extractImmunity currentImmunity (Weakness _ms) = currentImmunity
extractImmunity currentImmunity (Immunity ms) = currentImmunity ++ ms
+applyDamage :: Group -> Int -> Group
applyDamage group damage = group { _units = unitsRemaining }
where unitsKilled = damage `div` (_hps group)
unitsRemaining = maximum [0, (_units group) - unitsKilled]
battleOrder :: Army -> Army -> [BattleOrder]
battleOrder immuneArmy infectionArmy = mergeOrders immuneIds infectIds
where armyIds army = reverse $ sort [(_initiative (army!k), k) | k <- M.keys army]
- -- $ sortOn (\k -> (_initiative (army!k), k)) $ M.keys army
immuneIds = armyIds immuneArmy
infectIds = armyIds infectionArmy
| i1 >= i2 = (Immune k1):(mergeOrders id1s ((i2, k2):id2s))
| otherwise = (Infection k2):(mergeOrders ((i1, k1):id1s) id2s)
-battleRound :: Army -> Army -> (Army, Army)
-battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace ("Round\n" ++ show immuneArmy ++ " " ++ show infectionArmy) False = undefined
+battleRound :: (Army, Army) -> (Army, Army)
+-- battleRound (immuneArmy, infectionArmy) | trace ("Round\n" ++ show immuneArmy ++ " " ++ show infectionArmy) False = undefined
-- battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace (show (armyCount immuneArmy) ++ " " ++ show (armyCount infectionArmy)) False = undefined
-battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy = (pruneArmy immuneArmy', pruneArmy infectionArmy')
+battleRound (immuneArmy, infectionArmy) = (pruneArmy immuneArmy'', pruneArmy infectionArmy')
where immuneAllocations = allocateAttackers immuneArmy infectionArmy
infectionAllocations = allocateAttackers infectionArmy immuneArmy
actionOrder = battleOrder immuneArmy infectionArmy
(immuneArmy', infectionArmy') = foldl' (\ (a1, a2) order -> handleOrder order immuneAllocations infectionAllocations a1 a2)
(immuneArmy, infectionArmy) actionOrder
+ -- test for stalemate
+ immuneArmy'' = if (immuneArmy' == immuneArmy) && (infectionArmy' == infectionArmy)
+ then M.empty
+ else immuneArmy'
--- armyCount army = sum [_units g | g <- M.elems army ]
handleOrder :: BattleOrder -> [Allocation] -> [Allocation] -> Army -> Army -> (Army, Army)
handleOrder (Immune k) allocations _ attackArmy defendArmy = (attackArmy, defendArmy')
damage = damageCaused (attackArmy!attacker) defendGroup
defendGroup' = applyDamage defendGroup damage
-battle :: Army -> Army -> Int
-battle immuneArmy infectionArmy =
- if battleOver immuneArmy infectionArmy
- then remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy
- else battle immuneArmy' infectionArmy'
- where (immuneArmy', infectionArmy') = battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy
+battle :: Army -> Army -> (Army, Army)
+battle immuneArmy infectionArmy = head $ dropWhile (not . uncurry battleOver) $ iterate battleRound (immuneArmy, infectionArmy)
pruneArmy :: Army -> Army
remainingUnitCount :: Army -> Army -> Int
-- remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace ("End with\n" ++ show immuneArmy ++ " " ++ show infectionArmy) False = undefined
remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy = (unitCount immuneArmy) + (unitCount infectionArmy)
- where unitCount army = sum $ [_units g | g <- M.elems army]
+unitCount :: Army -> Int
+unitCount army = sum [_units g | g <- M.elems army]
+immuneWins :: (Army, Army) -> Bool
+immuneWins (immuneArmy, infectionArmy) = (unitCount immuneArmy > 0) && (unitCount infectionArmy == 0)
-part1 = battle
+applyBoost :: Int -> Army -> Army
+applyBoost boost = M.map (\g -> g { _damage = (_damage g + boost)})
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
+++ /dev/null
-{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
--- Box division approach taken from fizbin:
--- https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/a8s17l/2018_day_23_solutions/ecfmpy0/
-import Debug.Trace
--- import Prelude hiding ((++))
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
-import Data.Void (Void)
-import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
-import Text.Megaparsec.Char
-import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
-import qualified Control.Applicative as CA
-import Data.List hiding (group)
-import Data.Function (on)
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
-data Group = Group { _units :: Int
- , _hps :: Int
- , _modifiers :: [Modifier]
- , _damage :: Int
- , _damageType :: String
- , _initiative :: Int
- } deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Ord Group where
- g1 `compare` g2 = if (effectivePower g1) == (effectivePower g2)
- then (_initiative g1) `compare` (_initiative g2)
- else (effectivePower g1) `compare` (effectivePower g2)
-data Modifier = Weakness [String] | Immunity [String]
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-type Army = M.Map Int Group
-type Allocation = (Int, Int)
-data BattleOrder = Immune Int | Infection Int deriving (Eq, Show)
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent24.txt"
- let armies = successfulParse text
- print armies
- print $ part1 (fst armies) (snd armies)
-part1 = battle
-effectivePower :: Group -> Int
-effectivePower group = (_units group) * (_damage group)
-damageCaused :: Group -> Group -> Int
-damageCaused attacker defender =
- if attackType `elem` immunities then 0
- else if attackType `elem` weaknesses then (2 * effectivePower attacker)
- else effectivePower attacker
- where attackType = _damageType attacker
- weaknesses = foldl' extractWeakness [] (_modifiers defender)
- immunities = foldl' extractImmunity [] (_modifiers defender)
-extractWeakness :: [String] -> Modifier -> [String]
-extractWeakness currentWeaknesses (Weakness ws) = currentWeaknesses ++ ws
-extractWeakness currentWeaknesses (Immunity _ws) = currentWeaknesses
-extractImmunity :: [String] -> Modifier -> [String]
-extractImmunity currentImmunity (Weakness _ms) = currentImmunity
-extractImmunity currentImmunity (Immunity ms) = currentImmunity ++ ms
-applyDamage :: Group -> Int -> Group
-applyDamage group damage = group { _units = unitsRemaining }
- where unitsKilled = damage `div` (_hps group)
- unitsRemaining = maximum [0, (_units group) - unitsKilled]
-keysByEffectivePower :: Army -> [Int]
-keysByEffectivePower army = reverse $ sortOn (\k -> effectivePower (army!k)) (M.keys army)
-allocateAttackers :: Army -> Army -> [Allocation]
-allocateAttackers attackers defenders = fst $ foldl' (allocateAttacker attackers defenders) ([], M.keys defenders) $ keysByEffectivePower attackers
-allocateAttacker :: Army -> Army -> ([Allocation], [Int]) -> Int -> ([Allocation], [Int])
--- allocateAttacker attackers defenders allocated@(assignedTargets, availableTargets) attackerKey | trace ("Allocate " ++ show attackerKey ++ "\n" ++ show allocated ++ "\n" ++ show [(t, sortTarget t) | t <- targets]) False = undefined
--- where targets = reverse $ sortOn sortTarget availableTargets
--- sortTarget t = ( damageCaused (attackers!attackerKey) (defenders!t)
--- , effectivePower (defenders!t)
--- , _initiative (defenders!t)
--- )
-allocateAttacker attackers defenders (assignedTargets, availableTargets) attackerKey =
- if null viableTargets
- then (assignedTargets, availableTargets)
- else (((attackerKey, target):assignedTargets), delete target availableTargets)
- where attacker = attackers!attackerKey
- viableTargets = filter (\t -> damageCaused attacker (defenders!t) > 0 ) availableTargets
- target = head $ reverse $ sortOn sortTarget viableTargets
- sortTarget t = ( damageCaused attacker (defenders!t)
- , effectivePower (defenders!t)
- , _initiative (defenders!t)
- )
-battleOrder :: Army -> Army -> [BattleOrder]
-battleOrder immuneArmy infectionArmy = mergeOrders immuneIds infectIds
- where armyIds army = reverse $ sort [(_initiative (army!k), k) | k <- M.keys army]
- -- $ sortOn (\k -> (_initiative (army!k), k)) $ M.keys army
- immuneIds = armyIds immuneArmy
- infectIds = armyIds infectionArmy
-mergeOrders :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [BattleOrder]
-mergeOrders [] ids = [ Infection k | (_, k) <- ids ]
-mergeOrders ids [] = [ Immune k | (_, k) <- ids ]
-mergeOrders ((i1, k1):id1s) ((i2, k2):id2s)
- | i1 >= i2 = (Immune k1):(mergeOrders id1s ((i2, k2):id2s))
- | otherwise = (Infection k2):(mergeOrders ((i1, k1):id1s) id2s)
-battleRound :: (Army, Army) -> (Army, Army)
--- battleRound (immuneArmy, infectionArmy) | trace ("Round\n" ++ show immuneArmy ++ " " ++ show infectionArmy) False = undefined
--- battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace (show (armyCount immuneArmy) ++ " " ++ show (armyCount infectionArmy)) False = undefined
-battleRound (immuneArmy, infectionArmy) = (pruneArmy immuneArmy', pruneArmy infectionArmy')
- where immuneAllocations = allocateAttackers immuneArmy infectionArmy
- infectionAllocations = allocateAttackers infectionArmy immuneArmy
- actionOrder = battleOrder immuneArmy infectionArmy
- (immuneArmy', infectionArmy') = foldl' (\ (a1, a2) order -> handleOrder order immuneAllocations infectionAllocations a1 a2)
- (immuneArmy, infectionArmy) actionOrder
--- armyCount army = sum [_units g | g <- M.elems army ]
-handleOrder :: BattleOrder -> [Allocation] -> [Allocation] -> Army -> Army -> (Army, Army)
-handleOrder (Immune k) allocations _ attackArmy defendArmy = (attackArmy, defendArmy')
- where defendArmy' = handleAttack k allocations attackArmy defendArmy
-handleOrder (Infection k) _ allocations defendArmy attackArmy = (defendArmy', attackArmy)
- where defendArmy' = handleAttack k allocations attackArmy defendArmy
-handleAttack :: Int -> [Allocation] -> Army -> Army -> Army
-handleAttack attacker allocations attackArmy defendArmy =
- if not $ null attackersAllocations
- then M.insert defender defendGroup' defendArmy
- else defendArmy
- where attackersAllocations = filter (\a -> attacker == fst a ) allocations
- defender = snd $ head attackersAllocations
- defendGroup = (defendArmy!defender)
- damage = damageCaused (attackArmy!attacker) defendGroup
- defendGroup' = applyDamage defendGroup damage
-battle :: Army -> Army -> Int
-battle immuneArmy infectionArmy = uncurry remainingUnitCount endState
- where endState = head $ dropWhile (not . uncurry battleOver) $ iterate battleRound (immuneArmy, infectionArmy)
-pruneArmy :: Army -> Army
-pruneArmy = M.filter (\g -> _units g > 0)
-battleOver :: Army -> Army -> Bool
-battleOver immuneArmy infectionArmy = (M.null immuneArmy) || (M.null infectionArmy)
-remainingUnitCount :: Army -> Army -> Int
--- remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace ("End with\n" ++ show immuneArmy ++ " " ++ show infectionArmy) False = undefined
-remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy = (unitCount immuneArmy) + (unitCount infectionArmy)
- where unitCount army = sum $ [_units g | g <- M.elems army]
-type Parser = Parsec Void Text
-sc :: Parser ()
-sc = L.space (skipSome spaceChar) CA.empty CA.empty
-lexeme = L.lexeme sc
-integer = lexeme L.decimal
--- signedInteger = L.signed sc integer
-symb = L.symbol sc
-comma = symb ","
-semicolon = symb ";"
-openBracket = symb "("
-closeBracket = symb ")"
-immuneHeaderP = symb "Immune System:"
-infectionHeaderP = symb "Infection:"
-sizePaddingP = symb "units each with"
-hpPaddingP = symb "hit points"
-attackPaddingP = symb "with an attack that does"
-initiativePaddingP = symb "damage at initiative"
-weaknessPaddingP = symb "weak to"
-immunityPaddingP = symb "immune to"
-armiesP = (,) <$> immuneGroupsP <*> infectionGroupsP
-immuneGroupsP = immuneHeaderP *> many groupP
-infectionGroupsP = infectionHeaderP *> many groupP
--- 72 units each with 5294 hit points (weak to slashing; immune to radiation, cold) with an attack that does 639 fire damage at initiative 1
-groupP = engroup <$> (integer <* sizePaddingP )
- <*> (integer <* hpPaddingP)
- <*> (attackModifierGroupP <* attackPaddingP )
- <*> integer
- <*> (damageTypeP <* initiativePaddingP)
- <*> integer
- where engroup units hps aMods damage damageType initative =
- Group { _units = units
- , _hps = hps
- , _modifiers = aMods
- , _damage = damage
- , _damageType = damageType
- , _initiative = initative
- }
-attackModifierGroupP = option [] ((openBracket `between` closeBracket) attackModifiersP)
-attackModifiersP = attackModifierP `sepBy` semicolon
-attackModifierP = weaknessP <|> immunityP
-weaknessP = Weakness <$> (weaknessPaddingP *> damageTypesP)
-immunityP = Immunity <$> (immunityPaddingP *> damageTypesP)
-damageTypeP = some letterChar <* sc
-damageTypesP = damageTypeP `sepBy` comma
-successfulParse :: Text -> (Army, Army)
--- successfulParse _ = []
-successfulParse input =
- case parse armiesP "input" input of
- Left _error -> (M.empty, M.empty) -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
- Right armies -> idTag armies
- where idTag (immune, infect) = (tagArmy immune, tagArmy infect)
- tagArmy army = M.fromList $ zip [1..] army
--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+-- Box division approach taken from fizbin:
+-- https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/a8s17l/2018_day_23_solutions/ecfmpy0/
+import Debug.Trace
+-- import Prelude hiding ((++))
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Void (Void)
+import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
+import Text.Megaparsec.Char
+import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
+import qualified Control.Applicative as CA
+import Data.List hiding (group)
+import Data.Function (on)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+data Group = Group { _units :: Int
+ , _hps :: Int
+ , _modifiers :: [Modifier]
+ , _damage :: Int
+ , _damageType :: String
+ , _initiative :: Int
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Ord Group where
+ g1 `compare` g2 = if (effectivePower g1) == (effectivePower g2)
+ then (_initiative g1) `compare` (_initiative g2)
+ else (effectivePower g1) `compare` (effectivePower g2)
+data Modifier = Weakness [String] | Immunity [String]
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+type Army = M.Map Int Group
+type Allocation = (Int, Int)
+data BattleOrder = Immune Int | Infection Int deriving (Eq, Show)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent24.txt"
+ let armies = successfulParse text
+ print armies
+ print $ part1 (fst armies) (snd armies)
+effectivePower group = (_units group) * (_damage group)
+damageCaused attacker defender =
+ if attackType `elem` immunities then 0
+ else if attackType `elem` weaknesses then (2 * effectivePower attacker)
+ else effectivePower attacker
+ where attackType = _damageType attacker
+ weaknesses = foldl' extractWeakness [] (_modifiers defender)
+ immunities = foldl' extractImmunity [] (_modifiers defender)
+extractWeakness currentWeaknesses (Weakness ws) = currentWeaknesses ++ ws
+extractWeakness currentWeaknesses (Immunity _ws) = currentWeaknesses
+extractImmunity currentImmunity (Weakness _ms) = currentImmunity
+extractImmunity currentImmunity (Immunity ms) = currentImmunity ++ ms
+applyDamage group damage = group { _units = unitsRemaining }
+ where unitsKilled = damage `div` (_hps group)
+ unitsRemaining = maximum [0, (_units group) - unitsKilled]
+keysByEffectivePower :: Army -> [Int]
+keysByEffectivePower army = reverse $ sortOn (\k -> effectivePower (army!k)) (M.keys army)
+allocateAttackers :: Army -> Army -> [Allocation]
+allocateAttackers attackers defenders = fst $ foldl' (allocateAttacker attackers defenders) ([], M.keys defenders) $ keysByEffectivePower attackers
+allocateAttacker :: Army -> Army -> ([Allocation], [Int]) -> Int -> ([Allocation], [Int])
+-- allocateAttacker attackers defenders allocated@(assignedTargets, availableTargets) attackerKey | trace ("Allocate " ++ show attackerKey ++ "\n" ++ show allocated ++ "\n" ++ show [(t, sortTarget t) | t <- targets]) False = undefined
+-- where targets = reverse $ sortOn sortTarget availableTargets
+-- sortTarget t = ( damageCaused (attackers!attackerKey) (defenders!t)
+-- , effectivePower (defenders!t)
+-- , _initiative (defenders!t)
+-- )
+allocateAttacker attackers defenders (assignedTargets, availableTargets) attackerKey =
+ if null viableTargets
+ then (assignedTargets, availableTargets)
+ else (((attackerKey, target):assignedTargets), delete target availableTargets)
+ where attacker = attackers!attackerKey
+ viableTargets = filter (\t -> damageCaused attacker (defenders!t) > 0 ) availableTargets
+ target = head $ reverse $ sortOn sortTarget viableTargets
+ sortTarget t = ( damageCaused attacker (defenders!t)
+ , effectivePower (defenders!t)
+ , _initiative (defenders!t)
+ )
+battleOrder :: Army -> Army -> [BattleOrder]
+battleOrder immuneArmy infectionArmy = mergeOrders immuneIds infectIds
+ where armyIds army = reverse $ sort [(_initiative (army!k), k) | k <- M.keys army]
+ -- $ sortOn (\k -> (_initiative (army!k), k)) $ M.keys army
+ immuneIds = armyIds immuneArmy
+ infectIds = armyIds infectionArmy
+mergeOrders :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [BattleOrder]
+mergeOrders [] ids = [ Infection k | (_, k) <- ids ]
+mergeOrders ids [] = [ Immune k | (_, k) <- ids ]
+mergeOrders ((i1, k1):id1s) ((i2, k2):id2s)
+ | i1 >= i2 = (Immune k1):(mergeOrders id1s ((i2, k2):id2s))
+ | otherwise = (Infection k2):(mergeOrders ((i1, k1):id1s) id2s)
+battleRound :: Army -> Army -> (Army, Army)
+battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace ("Round\n" ++ show immuneArmy ++ " " ++ show infectionArmy) False = undefined
+-- battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace (show (armyCount immuneArmy) ++ " " ++ show (armyCount infectionArmy)) False = undefined
+battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy = (pruneArmy immuneArmy', pruneArmy infectionArmy')
+ where immuneAllocations = allocateAttackers immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ infectionAllocations = allocateAttackers infectionArmy immuneArmy
+ actionOrder = battleOrder immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ (immuneArmy', infectionArmy') = foldl' (\ (a1, a2) order -> handleOrder order immuneAllocations infectionAllocations a1 a2)
+ (immuneArmy, infectionArmy) actionOrder
+-- armyCount army = sum [_units g | g <- M.elems army ]
+handleOrder :: BattleOrder -> [Allocation] -> [Allocation] -> Army -> Army -> (Army, Army)
+handleOrder (Immune k) allocations _ attackArmy defendArmy = (attackArmy, defendArmy')
+ where defendArmy' = handleAttack k allocations attackArmy defendArmy
+handleOrder (Infection k) _ allocations defendArmy attackArmy = (defendArmy', attackArmy)
+ where defendArmy' = handleAttack k allocations attackArmy defendArmy
+handleAttack :: Int -> [Allocation] -> Army -> Army -> Army
+handleAttack attacker allocations attackArmy defendArmy =
+ if not $ null attackersAllocations
+ then M.insert defender defendGroup' defendArmy
+ else defendArmy
+ where attackersAllocations = filter (\a -> attacker == fst a ) allocations
+ defender = snd $ head attackersAllocations
+ defendGroup = (defendArmy!defender)
+ damage = damageCaused (attackArmy!attacker) defendGroup
+ defendGroup' = applyDamage defendGroup damage
+battle :: Army -> Army -> Int
+battle immuneArmy infectionArmy =
+ if battleOver immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ then remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy
+ else battle immuneArmy' infectionArmy'
+ where (immuneArmy', infectionArmy') = battleRound immuneArmy infectionArmy
+pruneArmy :: Army -> Army
+pruneArmy = M.filter (\g -> _units g > 0)
+battleOver :: Army -> Army -> Bool
+battleOver immuneArmy infectionArmy = (M.null immuneArmy) || (M.null infectionArmy)
+remainingUnitCount :: Army -> Army -> Int
+-- remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy | trace ("End with\n" ++ show immuneArmy ++ " " ++ show infectionArmy) False = undefined
+remainingUnitCount immuneArmy infectionArmy = (unitCount immuneArmy) + (unitCount infectionArmy)
+ where unitCount army = sum $ [_units g | g <- M.elems army]
+part1 = battle
+type Parser = Parsec Void Text
+sc :: Parser ()
+sc = L.space (skipSome spaceChar) CA.empty CA.empty
+lexeme = L.lexeme sc
+integer = lexeme L.decimal
+-- signedInteger = L.signed sc integer
+symb = L.symbol sc
+comma = symb ","
+semicolon = symb ";"
+openBracket = symb "("
+closeBracket = symb ")"
+immuneHeaderP = symb "Immune System:"
+infectionHeaderP = symb "Infection:"
+sizePaddingP = symb "units each with"
+hpPaddingP = symb "hit points"
+attackPaddingP = symb "with an attack that does"
+initiativePaddingP = symb "damage at initiative"
+weaknessPaddingP = symb "weak to"
+immunityPaddingP = symb "immune to"
+armiesP = (,) <$> immuneGroupsP <*> infectionGroupsP
+immuneGroupsP = immuneHeaderP *> many groupP
+infectionGroupsP = infectionHeaderP *> many groupP
+-- 72 units each with 5294 hit points (weak to slashing; immune to radiation, cold) with an attack that does 639 fire damage at initiative 1
+groupP = engroup <$> (integer <* sizePaddingP )
+ <*> (integer <* hpPaddingP)
+ <*> (attackModifierGroupP <* attackPaddingP )
+ <*> integer
+ <*> (damageTypeP <* initiativePaddingP)
+ <*> integer
+ where engroup units hps aMods damage damageType initative =
+ Group { _units = units
+ , _hps = hps
+ , _modifiers = aMods
+ , _damage = damage
+ , _damageType = damageType
+ , _initiative = initative
+ }
+attackModifierGroupP = option [] ((openBracket `between` closeBracket) attackModifiersP)
+attackModifiersP = attackModifierP `sepBy` semicolon
+attackModifierP = weaknessP <|> immunityP
+weaknessP = Weakness <$> (weaknessPaddingP *> damageTypesP)
+immunityP = Immunity <$> (immunityPaddingP *> damageTypesP)
+damageTypeP = some letterChar <* sc
+damageTypesP = damageTypeP `sepBy` comma
+successfulParse :: Text -> (Army, Army)
+-- successfulParse _ = []
+successfulParse input =
+ case parse armiesP "input" input of
+ Left _error -> (M.empty, M.empty) -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right armies -> idTag armies
+ where idTag (immune, infect) = (tagArmy immune, tagArmy infect)
+ tagArmy army = M.fromList $ zip [1..] army