>>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 5, fillvalue='!')
['afkpuz', 'bglqv!', 'chmrw!', 'dinsx!', 'ejoty!']
- split_text = [text[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(text), n)]
+ split_text = chunks(text, n, fillvalue)
return [''.join(l) for l in zip_longest(*split_text, fillvalue=fillvalue)]
def combine_every_nth(split_text):
>>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 4)
>>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 5)
- 'tubnhirfecooqkwx'
+ 'tubn hirf ecoo qkwx '
>>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 6)
'tqcrnxhukof eibwo '
>>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 7)
- 'tqcrnxhukof eibwo '
+ 'tqcrnx hukof eibwo '
- transpositions = [i for i in range(math.ceil(len(message) / rows))]
+ # transpositions = [i for i in range(math.ceil(len(message) / rows))]
+ # return column_transposition_encipher(message, transpositions,
+ # fillvalue=fillvalue, fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
+ transpositions = [i for i in range(rows)]
return column_transposition_encipher(message, transpositions,
- fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
+ fillvalue=fillvalue, fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=False)
def scytale_decipher(message, rows):
"""Deciphers using the scytale transposition cipher.
'thequickbrownfox '
>>> scytale_decipher('tubnhirfecooqkwx', 4)
- >>> scytale_decipher('tubnhirfecooqkwx', 5)
- 'thequickbrownfox'
+ >>> scytale_decipher('tubn hirf ecoo qkwx ', 5)
+ 'thequickbrownfox '
>>> scytale_decipher('tqcrnxhukof eibwo ', 6)
'thequickbrownfox '
- >>> scytale_decipher('tqcrnxhukof eibwo ', 7)
- 'thequickbrownfox '
+ >>> scytale_decipher('tqcrnx hukof eibwo ', 7)
+ 'thequickbrownfox '
- transpositions = [i for i in range(math.ceil(len(message) / rows))]
+ # transpositions = [i for i in range(math.ceil(len(message) / rows))]
+ # return column_transposition_decipher(message, transpositions,
+ # fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
+ transpositions = [i for i in range(rows)]
return column_transposition_decipher(message, transpositions,
- fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
+ fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=False)
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+# Taking this further
+### Countdown
+* Conundrum
+* Letters
+ * Picking letters to maximise score
+* Numbers
+ * Read the "Functional Pearl"
+### Hangman
+* Letter probabilities based on each word occurring once in the dictionary
+* Set of candidate words filtered by length, letters guessed
+### Text generation
+* Read some text, find the n-grams, generate more text from that.
+### Spelling correction
+* Suggest the most likely correct word, given the probability of these errors.
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+# Transposition ciphers
+ attack the fort at dawn
+ a t t a c
+ k t h e f
+ o r t a t
+ d a w n
+ akod ttra aean cft
+# Transposition ciphers
+Rather than changing symbols (substitution ciphers),
+Rearrange them.
+Still disguises the message.
+(Good ciphers do both, and more.)
+# Scytale
+Even older than Caesar cipher.
+* Wrap a strip round a pole
+* Write the message along it
+* Unwind the strip
+* "Unreadable" unless reader has pole of same diameter
+ attack the fort at dawn
+ a t t a c
+ k t h e f
+ o r t a t
+ d a w n
+ akod ttra aean cft
+# Generalising: column transposition ciphers
+Scytale essentially fills a grid by rows, then reads it by columns
+* (Deciphering is the reverse)
+Column transposition ciphers:
+* Fill a grid
+* Reorder columns based on keyword
+* Read the grid (perhaps different direction)
+Scytale is just a special case of column transposition.
+# Grids and data structures
+How to represent a grid?
+What operations do we need to do on it?
+# Grids and data structures
+How to represent a grid?
+* List of strings
+* Each row is a string
+* Rows in order in the list
+What operations do we need to do on it?
+* Fill, by rows or columns
+* Empty, by rows or columns
+* Rearrange columns
+* Calculate the size of the grid
+* Pad message to fit a rectangle of the required size
+# Finding sizes
+Know number of columns
+Number of rows = ceiling(message length / columns)
+Paddding is (rows * columns) - message length
+* What to use as default padding?
+* Keyword parameter!
+## Fit 'thequickbrownfox' (16 letters) into grid of
+* 4 columns
+* 5 columns
+# Fill and empty grid by rows
+Split message into row-sized chunks
+* slices and ranges
+Append all the rows together
+* `<string>.join()`
+Keep thinking about test cases!
+# Fill and empty grid by columns
+Idea: fill and empty by rows, with a transposition.
+`zip(*rows)` and `itertools.zip_longest(*rows)`
+# Swapping columns
+How to represent a transposition (_permutation_, to mathematicians)?
+How to create it from a keyword?
+# Idea of a transposition
+Says, for each element, where it should go
+0 1 2 3 4 5 6
+t r e a s o n
+a e n o r s t
+3 2 6 5 1 4 0
+The transposition `(3, 2, 6, 5, 1, 4, 0)` says that what was in position 3 moves to position 0, what was in position 2 moves to position 1, what was in position 6 moves to position 2, ...
+`enumerate(_iterable_)` yields an iterator that walks over the iterator, including the element indexes.
+>>> [i for i in enumerate('treason')]
+[(0, 't'), (1, 'r'), (2, 'e'), (3, 'a'), (4, 's'), (5, 'o'), (6, 'n')]
+>>> [i for i in enumerate((3, 2, 6, 5, 1, 4, 0))]
+[(0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 6), (3, 5), (4, 1), (5, 4), (6, 0)]
+Write the `transpose` and `untranspose` functions.
+# Transposition from a keyword
+Deduplicate the keyword
+Sort it
+Use `<iterable>.index()` to find the positions of the letters in the sorted keyword
+# Transposition ciphers
+Put it all together
+# Masking the fill characters
+Padding characters can be distinctive.
+Make a function that generates a random letter, based on the `normalised_english_counts`
+Use `callable()` to check if the `fillvalue` should be called or just inserted
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