print $ countLit $ nthApplication rules 18
+-- Read the rules, and expand them to all equivalent left hand sides
readRules :: Text -> [Rule]
readRules = expandRules . successfulParse
+expandRules :: [Rule] -> [Rule]
expandRules = concatMap expandRule
+expandRule :: Rule -> [Rule]
expandRule rule = [Rule l (rulePost rule) | l <- allArrangements (rulePre rule)]
+reflectH :: Grid -> Grid
reflectH g = M.fromList [((r, c) , M.findWithDefault False (rm - r, c) g) | r <- [0..rm], c <- [] ]
where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+reflectV :: Grid -> Grid
reflectV g = M.fromList [((r, c) , M.findWithDefault False (r, cm - c) g) | r <- [0..rm], c <- [] ]
where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+-- awkward naming to avoid clashing with Prelude
+transposeG :: Grid -> Grid
transposeG g = M.fromList [((c, r) , M.findWithDefault False (r, c) g) | r <- [0..rm], c <- [] ]
where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+-- Find all the arrangments of a grid, including reflection and rotation.
+allArrangements :: Grid -> [Grid]
allArrangements grid = map (\f -> f grid) [ id
, reflectH
, reflectV
+-- Count number of lit pixels
+countLit :: Grid -> Int
countLit = M.size . M.filter id
-applyOnce rules g = contractExploded $ (apply rules) $ explodeGrid g
+-- apply the rules _n_ times
+nthApplication :: [Rule] -> Int -> Grid
nthApplication rules n = (!! n) $ iterate (applyOnce rules) initialGrid
+-- Apply one step of the expansion
+applyOnce :: [Rule] -> Grid -> Grid
+applyOnce rules g = contractExploded $ (apply rules) $ explodeGrid g
+-- find the appropriate rule and apply it to a grid
+apply :: [Rule] -> Grid -> Grid
apply rules grid = rulePost thisRule
where ri = head $ findIndices (\r -> rulePre r == grid) rules
thisRule = rules!!ri
+-- create the appropriate subgrids of a grid
explodeGrid :: Grid -> ExplodedGrid
explodeGrid g = if (rm + 1) `rem` 2 == 0
then explodeGrid' 2 g
else explodeGrid' 3 g
where (rm, cm) = bounds g
-contractExploded :: ExplodedGrid -> Grid
-contractExploded gs = foldl1 (>|<) $ map (foldl1 (>-<)) rows
- where rows = explodedRows gs
explodeGrid' :: Int -> Grid -> ExplodedGrid
explodeGrid' n g = M.fromList [((bigR, bigC), subGrid n g bigR bigC) | bigR <- [0..bigRm], bigC <- [0..bigCm]]
where (rm, cm) = bounds g
where rStep = bigR * n
cStep = bigC * n
+-- merge a set of subgrids into one
+contractExploded :: ExplodedGrid -> Grid
+contractExploded gs = foldl1 (>|<) $ map (foldl1 (>-<)) rows
+ where rows = explodedRows gs
+-- find the rows of an exploded grid
+explodedRows :: ExplodedGrid -> [ExplodedGrid]
explodedRows eg = [M.filterWithKey (\(r, _) _ -> r == row) eg | row <- [0..rowMax] ]
where (rowMax, _) = bounds eg
+-- merge two grids horizontally
+(>-<) :: Grid -> Grid -> Grid
(>-<) g1 g2 = M.union g1 g2'
where (_, cm) = bounds g1
g2' = M.mapKeys (\(r, c) -> (r, c + cm + 1)) g2
+-- merge two grids vertically
+(>|<) :: Grid -> Grid -> Grid
(>|<) g1 g2 = M.union g1 g2'
where (rm, _) = bounds g1
g2' = M.mapKeys (\(r, c) -> (r + rm + 1, c)) g2
bounds :: M.Map (Int, Int) a -> (Int, Int)
bounds grid = (maximum $ map fst $ M.keys grid, maximum $ map snd $ M.keys grid)
+showGrid :: Grid -> String
showGrid g = unlines [[showGChar $ M.findWithDefault False (r, c) g |
c <- [] ] | r <- [0..rm] ]
where (rm, cm) = bounds g
showGChar False = '.'
+-- really persuade Megaparsec not to include newlines in how it consume spaces.
onlySpace = (char ' ') <|> (char '\t')
sc :: Parser ()
absent = id False <$ symbol "."
rulesP = ruleP `sepBy` space
-ruleP = Rule <$> gridP <*> (ruleJoin *> gridP)
+ruleP = Rule <$> gridP <* ruleJoin <*> gridP
gridP = gridify <$> rowP `sepBy` rowSep
where gridify g = M.fromList $ concat
--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
+import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Lexer as L
+import Text.Megaparsec.Text (Parser)
+import qualified Control.Applicative as CA
+-- import qualified Data.Functor as F
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+import Data.List
+import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parMap, rpar)
+type Grid = M.Map (Int, Int) Bool
+type ExplodedGrid = M.Map (Int, Int) Grid
+data Rule = Rule Grid Grid deriving (Eq, Show)
+rulePre (Rule g _) = g
+rulePost (Rule _ g) = g
+initialGrid = case parse gridP "" ".#./..#/###" of
+ Left _ -> M.empty
+ Right g -> g
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent21.txt"
+ let rules = readRules text
+ print $ countLit $ nthApplication rules 5
+ print $ countLit $ nthApplication rules 18
+-- Read the rules, and expand them to all equivalent left hand sides
+readRules :: Text -> [Rule]
+readRules = expandRules . successfulParse
+expandRules :: [Rule] -> [Rule]
+expandRules = concatMap expandRule
+expandRule :: Rule -> [Rule]
+expandRule rule = [Rule l (rulePost rule) | l <- allArrangements (rulePre rule)]
+reflectH :: Grid -> Grid
+reflectH g = M.fromList [((r, c) , M.findWithDefault False (rm - r, c) g) | r <- [0..rm], c <- [] ]
+ where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+reflectV :: Grid -> Grid
+reflectV g = M.fromList [((r, c) , M.findWithDefault False (r, cm - c) g) | r <- [0..rm], c <- [] ]
+ where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+-- awkward naming to avoid clashing with Prelude
+transposeG :: Grid -> Grid
+transposeG g = M.fromList [((c, r) , M.findWithDefault False (r, c) g) | r <- [0..rm], c <- [] ]
+ where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+-- Find all the arrangments of a grid, including reflection and rotation.
+allArrangements :: Grid -> [Grid]
+allArrangements grid = map (\f -> f grid) [ id
+ , reflectH
+ , reflectV
+ , transposeG
+ , reflectH . transposeG
+ , reflectV . transposeG
+ , reflectH . reflectV . transposeG
+ , reflectV . reflectH
+ ]
+-- Count number of lit pixels
+countLit :: Grid -> Int
+countLit = M.size . M.filter id
+-- apply the rules _n_ times
+nthApplication :: [Rule] -> Int -> Grid
+nthApplication rules n = (!! n) $ iterate (applyOnce rules) initialGrid
+-- Apply one step of the expansion
+applyOnce :: [Rule] -> Grid -> Grid
+-- applyOnce rules g = contractExploded $ (apply rules) $ explodeGrid g
+applyOnce rules g = contractExploded $ M.unions $ parMap rpar ( (apply rules)) $ M.splitRoot $ explodeGrid g
+-- find the appropriate rule and apply it to a grid
+apply :: [Rule] -> Grid -> Grid
+apply rules grid = rulePost thisRule
+ where ri = head $ findIndices (\r -> rulePre r == grid) rules
+ thisRule = rules!!ri
+-- create the appropriate subgrids of a grid
+explodeGrid :: Grid -> ExplodedGrid
+explodeGrid g = if (rm + 1) `rem` 2 == 0
+ then explodeGrid' 2 g
+ else explodeGrid' 3 g
+ where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+explodeGrid' :: Int -> Grid -> ExplodedGrid
+explodeGrid' n g = M.fromList [((bigR, bigC), subGrid n g bigR bigC) | bigR <- [0..bigRm], bigC <- [0..bigCm]]
+ where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+ bigRm = (rm + 1) `div` n - 1
+ bigCm = (cm + 1) `div` n - 1
+subGrid :: Int -> Grid -> Int -> Int -> Grid
+subGrid n g bigR bigC = M.fromList [ ((r, c),
+ M.findWithDefault False (r + rStep, c + cStep) g)
+ | r <- [0..(n - 1)], c <- [0..(n - 1)]
+ ]
+ where rStep = bigR * n
+ cStep = bigC * n
+-- merge a set of subgrids into one
+contractExploded :: ExplodedGrid -> Grid
+-- contractExploded gs = foldl1 (>|<) $ map (foldl1 (>-<)) rows
+contractExploded gs = foldl1 (>|<) $ parMap rpar (foldl1 (>-<)) rows
+ where rows = explodedRows gs
+-- find the rows of an exploded grid
+explodedRows :: ExplodedGrid -> [ExplodedGrid]
+explodedRows eg = [M.filterWithKey (\(r, _) _ -> r == row) eg | row <- [0..rowMax] ]
+ where (rowMax, _) = bounds eg
+-- merge two grids horizontally
+(>-<) :: Grid -> Grid -> Grid
+(>-<) g1 g2 = M.union g1 g2'
+ where (_, cm) = bounds g1
+ g2' = M.mapKeys (\(r, c) -> (r, c + cm + 1)) g2
+-- merge two grids vertically
+(>|<) :: Grid -> Grid -> Grid
+(>|<) g1 g2 = M.union g1 g2'
+ where (rm, _) = bounds g1
+ g2' = M.mapKeys (\(r, c) -> (r + rm + 1, c)) g2
+bounds :: M.Map (Int, Int) a -> (Int, Int)
+bounds grid = (maximum $ map fst $ M.keys grid, maximum $ map snd $ M.keys grid)
+showGrid :: Grid -> String
+showGrid g = unlines [[showGChar $ M.findWithDefault False (r, c) g |
+ c <- [] ] | r <- [0..rm] ]
+ where (rm, cm) = bounds g
+ showGChar True = '#'
+ showGChar False = '.'
+-- really persuade Megaparsec not to include newlines in how it consume spaces.
+onlySpace = (char ' ') <|> (char '\t')
+sc :: Parser ()
+sc = (skipSome onlySpace) CA.empty CA.empty
+lexeme = L.lexeme sc
+symbol = L.symbol sc
+rowSep = symbol "/"
+ruleJoin = symbol "=>"
+present = id True <$ symbol "#"
+absent = id False <$ symbol "."
+rulesP = ruleP `sepBy` space
+ruleP = Rule <$> gridP <* ruleJoin <*> gridP
+gridP = gridify <$> rowP `sepBy` rowSep
+ where gridify g = M.fromList $ concat
+ [map (\(c, v) -> ((r, c), v)) nr |
+ (r, nr) <- zip [0..]
+ [zip [0..] r | r <- g]]
+rowP = some (present <|> absent)
+successfulParse :: Text -> [Rule]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parse rulesP "input" input of
+ Left _error -> []
+ Right instructions -> instructions
\ No newline at end of file