--- /dev/null
+int o(String char) {
+ return char.codeUnitAt(0) - 'a'.codeUnitAt(0) + 1;
+int n(int rune) {
+ return rune - 'a'.codeUnitAt(0) + 1;
+String c(int num) {
+ return new String.fromCharCode((num - 1) % 26 + 'a'.codeUnitAt(0));
+var letters = new RegExp(r'[a-z]');
+String code1(String expanded_passphrase) {
+ String passphrase = letters.allMatches(expanded_passphrase).map((Match m) => m[0]).join();
+ String c0 = passphrase[0];
+ String c1 = passphrase[1];
+ passphrase.substring(2).runes.forEach((int rune) {
+ c0 = c(o(c0) + o(c1));
+ c1 = c(o(c1) + n(rune));
+ });
+ return c0 + c1;
+String code2(String expanded_passphrase) {
+ String passphrase = letters.allMatches(expanded_passphrase).map((Match m) => m[0]).join();
+ int alpha = 5;
+ int beta = 11;
+ String c0 = "r";
+ String c1 = "i";
+ passphrase.runes.forEach((int rune) {
+ c0 = c(o(c0) + o(c1) * alpha);
+ c1 = c(o(c1) + n(rune) * beta);
+ });
+ return c0 + c1;
+void main() {
+// "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".runes.forEach((int rune) {
+// print('$rune : ${new String.fromCharCode(rune)} :: ${n(rune)} ${c(n(rune) + 28)}');
+// });
+// for (var match in letters.allMatches('The quick ! broWn')) {
+// print(match.group(0)); // 15, then 20
+// };
+// print(letters.allMatches('The quick ! broWn').map((Match m) => m[0]).join());
+ String phr = "the traveller in the grey riding-coat, who called himself mr. melville, was "
+ "contemplating the malice of which the gods are capable.";
+// print(code1('the cat.'));
+ print(code1(phr));
+// print(code2('the cat.'));
+ print(code2(phr));