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- ul.task-list{list-style: none;}
+ /* The extra [class] is a hack that increases specificity enough to
+ override a similar rule in reveal.js */
+ ul.task-list[class]{list-style: none;}
ul.task-list li input[type="checkbox"] {
+ font-size: inherit;
width: 0.8em;
margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1.6em;
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pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; }
- pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; line-height: 1.25; }
+ pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; }
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pre.numberSource code
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code span.vs { color: #4070a0; } /* VerbatimString */
code span.wa { color: #60a0b0; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } /* Warning */
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<header id="title-block-header">
ghc-options: -O2
- -eventlog
-rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -p -s -hT"</code></pre>
-<p>Only include the <code>-eventlog</code> directive if you want to use
-Threadscope to investigate parallel behaviour.</p>
<p>then running</p>
<pre><code>cabal run advent01prof --enable-profiling</code></pre>
<p>Generate the profile graph with</p>
<pre><code>hp2ps -M advent01.hp</code></pre>
+<p>To generate an eventlog (used for tracking multi-core performance),
+pass in the <code>-l</code> RTS flag:</p>
+<pre><code>cabal run advent01 --enable-profiling -- +RTS -N -p -s -hT -l</code></pre>
<h1 id="packages">Packages</h1>
<p>Packages I used a lot:</p>
ghc-options: -O2
- -eventlog
-rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -p -s -hT"
-Only include the `-eventlog` directive if you want to use Threadscope to investigate parallel behaviour.
then running
hp2ps -M advent01.hp
+To generate an eventlog (used for tracking multi-core performance), pass in the `-l` RTS flag:
+cabal run advent01 --enable-profiling -- +RTS -N -p -s -hT -l
# Packages
executable advent23
import: common-extensions, build-directives
main-is: advent23/Main.hs
- build-depends: linear, containers, lens, pqueue, mtl
+ build-depends: linear, containers, lens, monad-par, monad-par-extras
+executable advent23tree
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent23/MainTree.hs
+ build-depends: linear, containers, lens
+executable advent23ndl
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent23/MainNoDepthLimit.hs
+ build-depends: linear, containers, lens, monad-par, monad-par-extras
executable advent23original
import: common-extensions, build-directives
main-is: advent23/MainOriginal.hs
import Linear -- (V2(..), (^+^))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
-import Data.Sequence (Seq( (:|>), (:<|) ) )
import Control.Lens
import Data.List (foldl')
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Max as P
-import Data.Foldable
-import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Monad.Par
+-- import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.Trace
+-- import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.Sparks
+import Control.Monad.Par.Combinator
data Slide = SlideLeft | SlideRight | SlideUp | SlideDown
deriving (Show, Eq)
makeLenses ''CompressedPath
type CompressedMap = M.Map Position [CompressedPath]
-data Mountain = Mountain
- { _paths :: CompressedMap
- , _start :: Position
- , _goal :: Position
- } deriving (Eq, Show)
-makeLenses ''Mountain
-type MountainContext = Reader Mountain
-data Agendum =
- Agendum { _current :: Position
- , _trail :: Q.Seq Position
- , _trailCost :: Int
- , _cost :: Int
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-makeLenses ''Agendum
-type Agenda = P.MaxPQueue Int Agendum
-type ExploredStates = M.Map Position Int
+parallelDepthLimit = 7 :: Int
main :: IO ()
main =
do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
text <- readFile dataFileName
let (forest, slides, start, end) = mkGrid text
- -- print $ compress slides forest start end
print $ part1 slides forest start end
print $ part2 slides forest start end
part1, part2 :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> Int
-part1 slides forest start end = searchCompressed $ Mountain cMap start end
+part1 slides forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
where cMap = compress slides forest start end
-part2 slides forest start end = searchCompressed $ Mountain cMap start end
+ paths = searchCompressed cMap end [start]
+part2 _ forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
+-- part2 _ forest start end = maximum $ fmap length paths
where cMap = compress M.empty forest start end
--- part2 _ forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
--- where cMap = compress M.empty forest start end
--- paths = searchCompressed cMap start end
+ paths = searchCompressed cMap end [start]
adjacents :: Position -> Slides -> Grid -> [Position]
adjacents here slides forest = filter (`S.notMember` forest) $ fmap (here ^+^) deltas
go com here = search slides forest iPoints com $ fmap (: [here]) $ adjacents here slides forest
--- searchCompressed :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [[Position]] -> [[Position]] -> [[Position]]
--- -- searchCompressed _ _ _ (c:_) _ | DT.trace (show c) False = undefined
--- searchCompressed _ _ found [] = found
--- searchCompressed map goal found (current:agenda)
--- | head current == goal = searchCompressed map goal (current:found) agenda
--- | otherwise = searchCompressed map goal found (nextPositions ++ agenda)
--- where neighbours0 = map M.! (head current)
--- neighbours = neighbours0 ^.. folded . filtered ((`notElem` current) . _nextPos)
--- nextPositions = fmap ((: current) . _nextPos) neighbours
-searchCompressed :: Mountain -> Int
-searchCompressed mountain = maybe 0 _trailCost result
- where result = runReader searchMountain mountain
-searchMountain :: MountainContext (Maybe Agendum)
-searchMountain =
- do agenda <- initAgenda
- aStar agenda Nothing
-initAgenda :: MountainContext Agenda
-initAgenda =
- do s <- asks _start
- c <- estimateCost Q.Empty s
- let agendum = Agendum { _current = s, _trail = Q.empty, _trailCost = 0, _cost = c}
- let agenda = P.singleton c agendum
- return agenda
-aStar :: Agenda -> (Maybe Agendum) -> MountainContext (Maybe Agendum)
-aStar agenda best
- -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ fst $ P.findMin agenda) ++ ": " ++ (show reached) ++ " <- " ++ (show $ toList $ Q.take 1 $ _trail $ currentAgendum) ++ " :: " ++ (show newAgenda)) False = undefined
- -- | DT.trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ _current $ snd $ P.findMax agenda) ) False = undefined
- -- | DT.trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ snd $ P.findMax agenda) ) False = undefined
- -- | DT.trace ("Peeping " ++ (show agenda) ) False = undefined
- | P.null agenda = return best
- | (fst $ P.findMax agenda) < maybe 0 _trailCost best = return best
- | otherwise =
- do let (_, currentAgendum) = P.findMax agenda
- let reached = currentAgendum ^. current
- nexts <- candidates currentAgendum
- let newAgenda = foldl' (\q a -> P.insert (_cost a) a q) (P.deleteMax agenda) nexts
- reachedGoal <- isGoal reached
- let best' = updateBest reachedGoal best currentAgendum
- -- let closed' = M.insert reached (currentAgendum ^. trailCost) closed
- if reachedGoal -- || (reached `S.member` closed)
- then aStar (P.deleteMax agenda) best' -- closed'
- else aStar newAgenda best' -- closed'
-updateBest :: Bool -> Maybe Agendum -> Agendum -> Maybe Agendum
-updateBest False current _ = current
-updateBest True Nothing best
- -- | DT.trace ("Nothing " ++ show best) False = undefined
- | otherwise = Just best
-updateBest True (Just current) best
- -- | DT.trace (show current ++ " " ++ show best) False = undefined
- | (current ^. trailCost) > (best ^. trailCost) = Just current
- | otherwise = Just best
-candidates :: Agendum -> MountainContext (Q.Seq Agendum)
-candidates agendum =
- do let here = agendum ^. current
- let previous = agendum ^. trail
- let prevCost = agendum ^. trailCost
- ts <- asks _paths
- let succs = Q.fromList $ ts M.! here
- -- succs <- successors candidate
- let nonloops = Q.filter (\s -> (s ^. nextPos) `notElem` previous) succs
- mapM (makeAgendum previous prevCost here) nonloops
-makeAgendum :: (Q.Seq Position) -> Int -> Position -> CompressedPath -> MountainContext Agendum
-makeAgendum previous prevCost here step =
- do let newTrail = previous :|> here
- predicted <- estimateCost newTrail $ step ^. nextPos
- -- ts <- asks _trails
- let incurred = prevCost + step ^. pathLen
- return Agendum { _current = step ^. nextPos
- , _trail = newTrail
- , _trailCost = incurred
- , _cost = incurred + predicted
- }
-isGoal :: Position -> MountainContext Bool
-isGoal here =
- do goal <- asks _goal
- return $ here == goal
-estimateCost :: Q.Seq Position -> Position -> MountainContext Int
-estimateCost r e =
- do ts <- asks _paths
- let endCost = fromMaybe 0 $ maximumOf (folded . filtered ((`notElem` r) . _nextPos) . pathLen) $ ts M.! e
- let res = S.fromList $ toList (r :|> e)
- let otherPaths = concat $ M.elems $ ts `M.withoutKeys` res
- let restCost = sumOf (folded . filtered ((`notElem` r) . _nextPos) . pathLen) otherPaths
- return $ (restCost `div` 2) + endCost
--- pathLength :: CompressedMap -> [Position] -> Int
--- pathLength map ps = sum $ zipWith (stepLength map) ps $ tail ps
--- stepLength :: CompressedMap -> Position -> Position -> Int
--- stepLength map here there =
--- -- head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filtered ((== here) . _nextPos) . pathLen
--- head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filteredBy (nextPos . only here) . pathLen
+searchCompressed :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
+searchCompressed map goal current = runPar $ searchCompressedM parallelDepthLimit map goal current
+searchCompressedM :: Int -> CompressedMap -> Position -> [Position] -> Par [[Position]]
+-- searchCompressed _ _ _ (c:_) _ | DT.trace (show c) False = undefined
+searchCompressedM depthLimit map goal current
+ | head current == goal = return [current]
+ | depthLimit == 0 = return $ searchCompressedTree map goal current
+ | otherwise =
+ do paths <- parMapM (searchCompressedM (depthLimit - 1) map goal) nextPositions
+ return $ concat paths
+ where neighbours0 = map M.! (head current)
+ neighbours = neighbours0 ^.. folded . filtered ((`notElem` current) . _nextPos)
+ nextPositions = fmap ((: current) . _nextPos) neighbours
+searchCompressedTree :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
+-- searchCompressed _ _ _ (c:_) _ | DT.trace (show c) False = undefined
+searchCompressedTree map goal current
+ | head current == goal = [current]
+ | otherwise = concatMap (searchCompressedTree map goal) nextPositions
+ where neighbours0 = map M.! (head current)
+ neighbours = neighbours0 ^.. folded . filtered ((`notElem` current) . _nextPos)
+ nextPositions = fmap ((: current) . _nextPos) neighbours
+pathLength :: CompressedMap -> [Position] -> Int
+pathLength map ps = sum $ zipWith (stepLength map) ps $ tail ps
+stepLength :: CompressedMap -> Position -> Position -> Int
+stepLength map here there =
+ -- head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filtered ((== here) . _nextPos) . pathLen
+ head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filteredBy (nextPos . only here) . pathLen
-- reading the map
--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2024/01/02/advent-of-code-2023-day-23/
+import qualified Debug.Trace as DT
+import AoC
+import Linear -- (V2(..), (^+^))
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Control.Lens
+import Data.List (foldl')
+import Control.Monad.Par
+-- import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.Trace
+-- import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.Sparks
+import Control.Monad.Par.Combinator
+data Slide = SlideLeft | SlideRight | SlideUp | SlideDown
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Position = V2 Int -- r, c
+_r, _c :: Lens' (V2 Int) Int
+_r = _x
+_c = _y
+type Grid = S.Set Position
+type Slides = M.Map Position Slide
+data CompressedPath = CPath { _nextPos :: Position, _pathLen :: Int }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+makeLenses ''CompressedPath
+type CompressedMap = M.Map Position [CompressedPath]
+parallelDepthLimit = 7
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- readFile dataFileName
+ let (forest, slides, start, end) = mkGrid text
+ print $ part1 slides forest start end
+ print $ part2 slides forest start end
+part1, part2 :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> Int
+part1 slides forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
+ where cMap = compress slides forest start end
+ paths = searchCompressed cMap end [start]
+part2 _ forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
+-- part2 _ forest start end = maximum $ fmap length paths
+ where cMap = compress M.empty forest start end
+ paths = searchCompressed cMap end [start]
+adjacents :: Position -> Slides -> Grid -> [Position]
+adjacents here slides forest = filter (`S.notMember` forest) $ fmap (here ^+^) deltas
+ where deltas = case M.lookup here slides of
+ Nothing -> [ V2 0 1, V2 1 0, V2 0 (-1), V2 (-1) 0 ]
+ Just SlideLeft -> [ V2 0 (-1) ]
+ Just SlideRight -> [ V2 0 1 ]
+ Just SlideUp -> [ V2 (-1) 0 ]
+ Just SlideDown -> [ V2 1 0 ]
+searchStep :: Slides -> Grid -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
+searchStep _ _ [] = []
+searchStep slides forest path@(here:rest) = fmap (:path) valids
+ where nexts = adjacents here slides forest
+ valids = filter (`notElem` rest) nexts
+search :: Slides -> Grid -> [Position] -> CompressedMap -> [[Position]] -> CompressedMap
+search _ _ _ foundPaths [] = foundPaths
+search slides forest goals foundPaths (current:agenda)
+ | head current `elem` goals = search slides forest goals foundPaths' agenda
+ | otherwise = search slides forest goals foundPaths (agenda ++ extendeds)
+ where extendeds = searchStep slides forest current
+ origin = last current
+ foundPaths' = if origin == head current then foundPaths
+ else M.adjust (cp :) origin foundPaths
+ cp = CPath (head current) (length current - 1)
+-- collapsing the map
+interestingPoints :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> CompressedMap
+interestingPoints slides forest start end = M.fromList [(p, []) | p <- pointsSE]
+ where Just minR = minimumOf (folded . _r) forest
+ Just maxR = maximumOf (folded . _r) forest
+ Just minC = minimumOf (folded . _c) forest
+ Just maxC = maximumOf (folded . _c) forest
+ points = [ V2 r c | r <- [(minR + 2)..(maxR - 2)]
+ , c <- [(minC + 1)..(maxC - 1)]
+ , (V2 r c) `S.notMember` forest
+ , (length $ adjacents (V2 r c) slides forest) > 2
+ ]
+ pointsSE = start : end : points
+compress :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> CompressedMap
+compress slides forest start end = foldl' go compressed0 iPoints
+ where compressed0 = interestingPoints slides forest start end
+ iPoints = M.keys compressed0
+ go com here = search slides forest iPoints com $ fmap (: [here]) $ adjacents here slides forest
+searchCompressed :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
+searchCompressed map goal current = runPar $ searchCompressedM map goal current
+searchCompressedM :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [Position] -> Par [[Position]]
+-- searchCompressed _ _ _ (c:_) _ | DT.trace (show c) False = undefined
+searchCompressedM map goal current
+ | head current == goal = return [current]
+ | otherwise =
+ do paths <- parMapM (searchCompressedM map goal) nextPositions
+ return $ concat paths
+ where neighbours0 = map M.! (head current)
+ neighbours = neighbours0 ^.. folded . filtered ((`notElem` current) . _nextPos)
+ nextPositions = fmap ((: current) . _nextPos) neighbours
+-- searchCompressedTree :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
+-- -- searchCompressed _ _ _ (c:_) _ | DT.trace (show c) False = undefined
+-- searchCompressedTree map goal current
+-- | head current == goal = [current]
+-- | otherwise = concatMap (searchCompressedTree map goal) nextPositions
+-- where neighbours0 = map M.! (head current)
+-- neighbours = neighbours0 ^.. folded . filtered ((`notElem` current) . _nextPos)
+-- nextPositions = fmap ((: current) . _nextPos) neighbours
+pathLength :: CompressedMap -> [Position] -> Int
+pathLength map ps = sum $ zipWith (stepLength map) ps $ tail ps
+stepLength :: CompressedMap -> Position -> Position -> Int
+stepLength map here there =
+ -- head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filtered ((== here) . _nextPos) . pathLen
+ head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filteredBy (nextPos . only here) . pathLen
+-- reading the map
+mkGrid :: String -> (Grid, Slides, Position, Position)
+mkGrid text = ((S.union forest caps), slides, start, end)
+ where rows = lines text
+ maxR = length rows - 1
+ maxC = (length $ head rows) - 1
+ forest = S.fromList [ V2 r c | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
+ , rows !! r !! c == '#'
+ ]
+ slides = M.fromList [ (V2 r c, readSlide (rows !! r !! c))
+ | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
+ , elem (rows !! r !! c) ("<>^v" :: String)
+ ]
+ start = head $ [ V2 0 c | c <- [0..maxC]
+ , rows !! 0 !! c == '.'
+ ]
+ end = head $ [ V2 maxR c | c <- [0..maxC]
+ , rows !! maxR !! c == '.'
+ ]
+ caps = S.fromList [start ^+^ (V2 -1 0), end ^+^ (V2 1 0)]
+readSlide :: Char -> Slide
+readSlide '<' = SlideLeft
+readSlide '>' = SlideRight
+readSlide '^' = SlideUp
+readSlide 'v' = SlideDown
--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2024/01/02/advent-of-code-2023-day-23/
+import qualified Debug.Trace as DT
+import AoC
+import Linear -- (V2(..), (^+^))
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Control.Lens
+import Data.List (foldl')
+-- import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.Trace
+-- import Control.Monad.Par.Combinator
+data Slide = SlideLeft | SlideRight | SlideUp | SlideDown
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Position = V2 Int -- r, c
+_r, _c :: Lens' (V2 Int) Int
+_r = _x
+_c = _y
+type Grid = S.Set Position
+type Slides = M.Map Position Slide
+data CompressedPath = CPath { _nextPos :: Position, _pathLen :: Int }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+makeLenses ''CompressedPath
+type CompressedMap = M.Map Position [CompressedPath]
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- readFile dataFileName
+ let (forest, slides, start, end) = mkGrid text
+ print $ part1 slides forest start end
+ print $ part2 slides forest start end
+part1, part2 :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> Int
+part1 slides forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
+ where cMap = compress slides forest start end
+ paths = searchCompressed cMap end [start]
+part2 _ forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
+ where cMap = compress M.empty forest start end
+ paths = searchCompressed cMap end [start]
+adjacents :: Position -> Slides -> Grid -> [Position]
+adjacents here slides forest = filter (`S.notMember` forest) $ fmap (here ^+^) deltas
+ where deltas = case M.lookup here slides of
+ Nothing -> [ V2 0 1, V2 1 0, V2 0 (-1), V2 (-1) 0 ]
+ Just SlideLeft -> [ V2 0 (-1) ]
+ Just SlideRight -> [ V2 0 1 ]
+ Just SlideUp -> [ V2 (-1) 0 ]
+ Just SlideDown -> [ V2 1 0 ]
+searchStep :: Slides -> Grid -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
+searchStep _ _ [] = []
+searchStep slides forest path@(here:rest) = fmap (:path) valids
+ where nexts = adjacents here slides forest
+ valids = filter (`notElem` rest) nexts
+search :: Slides -> Grid -> [Position] -> CompressedMap -> [[Position]] -> CompressedMap
+search _ _ _ foundPaths [] = foundPaths
+search slides forest goals foundPaths (current:agenda)
+ | head current `elem` goals = search slides forest goals foundPaths' agenda
+ | otherwise = search slides forest goals foundPaths (agenda ++ extendeds)
+ where extendeds = searchStep slides forest current
+ origin = last current
+ foundPaths' = if origin == head current then foundPaths
+ else M.adjust (cp :) origin foundPaths
+ cp = CPath (head current) (length current - 1)
+-- collapsing the map
+interestingPoints :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> CompressedMap
+interestingPoints slides forest start end = M.fromList [(p, []) | p <- pointsSE]
+ where Just minR = minimumOf (folded . _r) forest
+ Just maxR = maximumOf (folded . _r) forest
+ Just minC = minimumOf (folded . _c) forest
+ Just maxC = maximumOf (folded . _c) forest
+ points = [ V2 r c | r <- [(minR + 2)..(maxR - 2)]
+ , c <- [(minC + 1)..(maxC - 1)]
+ , (V2 r c) `S.notMember` forest
+ , (length $ adjacents (V2 r c) slides forest) > 2
+ ]
+ pointsSE = start : end : points
+compress :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> CompressedMap
+compress slides forest start end = foldl' go compressed0 iPoints
+ where compressed0 = interestingPoints slides forest start end
+ iPoints = M.keys compressed0
+ go com here = search slides forest iPoints com $ fmap (: [here]) $ adjacents here slides forest
+searchCompressed :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
+-- searchCompressed _ _ _ (c:_) _ | DT.trace (show c) False = undefined
+searchCompressed map goal current
+ | head current == goal = [current]
+ | otherwise = concatMap (searchCompressed map goal) nextPositions
+ where neighbours0 = map M.! (head current)
+ neighbours = neighbours0 ^.. folded . filtered ((`notElem` current) . _nextPos)
+ nextPositions = fmap ((: current) . _nextPos) neighbours
+pathLength :: CompressedMap -> [Position] -> Int
+pathLength map ps = sum $ zipWith (stepLength map) ps $ tail ps
+stepLength :: CompressedMap -> Position -> Position -> Int
+stepLength map here there =
+ -- head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filtered ((== here) . _nextPos) . pathLen
+ head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filteredBy (nextPos . only here) . pathLen
+-- reading the map
+mkGrid :: String -> (Grid, Slides, Position, Position)
+mkGrid text = ((S.union forest caps), slides, start, end)
+ where rows = lines text
+ maxR = length rows - 1
+ maxC = (length $ head rows) - 1
+ forest = S.fromList [ V2 r c | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
+ , rows !! r !! c == '#'
+ ]
+ slides = M.fromList [ (V2 r c, readSlide (rows !! r !! c))
+ | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
+ , elem (rows !! r !! c) ("<>^v" :: String)
+ ]
+ start = head $ [ V2 0 c | c <- [0..maxC]
+ , rows !! 0 !! c == '.'
+ ]
+ end = head $ [ V2 maxR c | c <- [0..maxC]
+ , rows !! maxR !! c == '.'
+ ]
+ caps = S.fromList [start ^+^ (V2 -1 0), end ^+^ (V2 1 0)]
+readSlide :: Char -> Slide
+readSlide '<' = SlideLeft
+readSlide '>' = SlideRight
+readSlide '^' = SlideUp
+readSlide 'v' = SlideDown