streamA = stream generatorA generatorAStart
streamB = stream generatorB generatorBStart
-generator :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
+generator :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
generator divisor factor n = n * factor `rem` divisor
-toWord16 :: Word64 -> Word16
+toWord16 :: Int -> Word16
toWord16 = fromIntegral
-stream :: (Word64 -> Word64) -> Word64 -> [Word16]
+stream :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> [Word16]
stream gen n0 = map toWord16 $ drop 1 $ iterate gen n0
filteredStream :: Word16 -> [Word16] -> [Word16]
-filteredStream f str = filter ((== 0) . ( .&. f)) str
+filteredStream f = filter ((== 0) . ( .&. f))
import Data.Word (Word64)
-- | Returns the initial values for generators A and B.
-parse :: String -> (Word64, Word64)
+-- parse :: String -> (Word64, Word64)
parse _ = (873, 583)
-- parse input = (read a, read b) where
-- [line1, line2] = lines input
print $ day15b "none"
--- | One step of generator A.
-genA :: Word64 -> Word64
-genA x = x * 16807 `mod` 2147483647
--- | One step of generator B.
-genB :: Word64 -> Word64
+genA, genB :: Int -> Int
+genA x = x * 16807 `mod` 2147483647
genB x = x * 48271 `mod` 2147483647
--- | Step generator A until a multiple of 4.
-genA' :: Word64 -> Word64
-genA' x = let y = genA x in if y .&. 3 == 0 then y else genA' y
+day15a :: String -> Int
+day15a input = length . filter id . take 40000000 $ zipWith (==) a b where
+ (a0, b0) = parse input
+ a = map (.&. 0xffff) $ iterate genA a0
+ b = map (.&. 0xffff) $ iterate genB b0
--- | Step generator A until a multiple of 8.
-genB' :: Word64 -> Word64
-genB' x = let y = genB x in if y .&. 7 == 0 then y else genB' y
+day15b :: String -> Int
+day15b input = length . filter id . take 5000000 $ zipWith (==) a b where
+ (a0, b0) = parse input
+ a = map (.&. 0xffff) . filter ((== 0) . (`mod` 4)) $ iterate genA a0
+ b = map (.&. 0xffff) . filter ((== 0) . (`mod` 8)) $ iterate genB b0
--- | One step of both generators A and B.
-gen :: (Word64, Word64) -> (Word64, Word64)
-gen = genA *** genB
--- | Step both generators A and B until a multiple of 4 and 8 respectively.
-gen' :: (Word64, Word64) -> (Word64, Word64)
-gen' = genA' *** genB'
+-- -- | One step of generator A.
+-- genA :: Word64 -> Word64
+-- genA x = x * 16807 `mod` 2147483647
--- | prop> count p f x n == length (filter p . take n . tail $ iterate f x)
-count :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> Int -> Int
-count p f = count' 0 where
- count' !k x 0 = k
- count' !k x n = count' (if p y then k + 1 else k) y (n - 1) where y = f x
+-- -- | One step of generator B.
+-- genB :: Word64 -> Word64
+-- genB x = x * 48271 `mod` 2147483647
-day15a :: String -> Int
-day15a input =
- count (uncurry ((==) `on` (.&. 0xffff))) gen (parse input) 40000000
+-- -- | Step generator A until a multiple of 4.
+-- genA' :: Word64 -> Word64
+-- genA' x = let y = genA x in if y .&. 3 == 0 then y else genA' y
-day15b :: String -> Int
-day15b input =
- count (uncurry ((==) `on` (.&. 0xffff))) gen' (parse input) 5000000
+-- -- | Step generator A until a multiple of 8.
+-- genB' :: Word64 -> Word64
+-- genB' x = let y = genB x in if y .&. 7 == 0 then y else genB' y
+-- -- | One step of both generators A and B.
+-- gen :: (Word64, Word64) -> (Word64, Word64)
+-- gen = genA *** genB
+-- -- | Step both generators A and B until a multiple of 4 and 8 respectively.
+-- gen' :: (Word64, Word64) -> (Word64, Word64)
+-- gen' = genA' *** genB'
+-- -- | prop> count p f x n == length (filter p . take n . tail $ iterate f x)
+-- count :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> Int -> Int
+-- count p f = count' 0 where
+-- count' !k x 0 = k
+-- count' !k x n = count' (if p y then k + 1 else k) y (n - 1) where y = f x
+-- day15a :: String -> Int
+-- day15a input =
+-- count (uncurry ((==) `on` (.&. 0xffff))) gen (parse input) 40000000
+-- day15b :: String -> Int
+-- day15b input =
+-- count (uncurry ((==) `on` (.&. 0xffff))) gen' (parse input) 5000000