--- /dev/null
+import Debug.Trace
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Void (Void)
+import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
+import Text.Megaparsec.Char
+import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
+import qualified Control.Applicative as CA
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
+import Data.IntMap.Strict ((!))
+import Data.List
+type Memory = M.IntMap Int
+data Machine = Machine { _memory :: Memory
+ , _ip :: Int
+ , _inputIndex :: Int
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type ProgrammedMachine = WriterT [Int] (ReaderT ([Int]) (State Machine)) ()
+data ParameterMode = Position | Immediate deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent05.txt"
+ let mem = successfulParse text
+ -- let machine = makeMachine mem
+ print $ findMachineOutput [1] mem
+ print $ findMachineOutput [5] mem
+ -- print $ part2 machine
+-- part1 machine = (_memory $ execState runAll machine1202)!0
+-- where machine1202 = machine { _memory = M.insert 1 12 $ M.insert 2 2 $ _memory machine }
+findMachineOutput inputs program = output -- last output
+ where finalStack =
+ runState (
+ runReaderT (
+ runWriterT runAll
+ )
+ inputs
+ )
+ (makeMachine program)
+ ((_retval, output), _machine) = finalStack
+-- part1 = nounVerbResult 12 2
+-- part2Target = 19690720
+-- part2 machine = noun * 100 + verb
+-- where (noun, verb) = head $ [(n, v) | n <- [0..99], v <- [0..99],
+-- nounVerbResult n v machine == part2Target ]
+makeMachine :: [Int] -> Machine
+makeMachine memory = Machine {_ip = 0, _inputIndex = 0
+ , _memory = M.fromList $ zip [0..] memory
+ }
+-- nounVerbResult :: Int -> Int -> Machine -> Int
+-- nounVerbResult noun verb machine = machineOutput nvMachine
+-- where nvMachine0 = machineNounVerb machine noun verb
+-- nvMachine = execState runAll nvMachine0
+-- machineNounVerb :: Machine -> Int -> Int -> Machine
+-- machineNounVerb machine noun verb = machine { _memory = M.insert 1 noun $ M.insert 2 verb $ _memory machine }
+-- machineOutput :: Machine -> Int
+-- machineOutput machine = (_memory machine)!0
+runAll :: ProgrammedMachine
+runAll = do mem <- gets _memory
+ ip <- gets _ip
+ unless (mem!ip == 99)
+ do runStep
+ runAll
+runStep :: ProgrammedMachine
+runStep =
+ do mem <- gets _memory
+ ip <- gets _ip
+ let opcode = (mem!ip) `mod` 100
+ let modes = parameterModes ((mem!ip) `div` 100)
+ fetchInput opcode
+ putOutput opcode modes
+ mem' <- gets _memory
+ let (mem'', ip') = perform opcode ip modes mem'
+ modify (\m -> m {_ip = ip', _memory = mem''})
+-- fetchInput opcode | trace ("Input with opcode " ++ show opcode) False = undefined
+fetchInput 3 =
+ do mem <- gets _memory
+ ip <- gets _ip
+ inputIndex <- gets _inputIndex
+ inputs <- ask
+ let mem' = iInsert (ip + 1) (inputs!!inputIndex) mem
+ modify (\m -> m {_inputIndex = inputIndex + 1, _memory = mem'})
+fetchInput _ = return ()
+-- putOutput opcode _modes | trace ("Output with opcode " ++ show opcode) False = undefined
+putOutput 4 modes =
+ do mem <- gets _memory
+ ip <- gets _ip
+ let v = getMemoryValue (ip + 1) (modes!!0) mem
+ tell [v]
+putOutput _ _ = return ()
+perform :: Int -> Int -> [ParameterMode] -> Memory -> (Memory, Int)
+-- perform instr ip modes mem | trace ("Perform ip " ++ show ip ++ " opcode " ++ show instr ++ " modes " ++ (show (take 3 modes)) ++ " args " ++ (intercalate ", " (map show [(mem!(ip+1)), (mem!(ip+2)), (mem!(ip+3))]))) False = undefined
+perform 1 ip modes mem = (iInsert (ip + 3) (a + b) mem, ip + 4)
+ where a = getMemoryValue (ip + 1) (modes!!0) mem
+ b = getMemoryValue (ip + 2) (modes!!1) mem
+perform 2 ip modes mem = (iInsert (ip + 3) (a * b) mem, ip + 4)
+ where a = getMemoryValue (ip + 1) (modes!!0) mem
+ b = getMemoryValue (ip + 2) (modes!!1) mem
+perform 3 ip _ mem = (mem, ip + 2)
+perform 4 ip _ mem = (mem, ip + 2)
+perform 5 ip modes mem = (mem, ip')
+ where a = getMemoryValue (ip + 1) (modes!!0) mem
+ b = getMemoryValue (ip + 2) (modes!!1) mem
+ ip' = if a /= 0 then b else ip + 3
+perform 6 ip modes mem = (mem, ip')
+ where a = getMemoryValue (ip + 1) (modes!!0) mem
+ b = getMemoryValue (ip + 2) (modes!!1) mem
+ ip' = if a == 0 then b else ip + 3
+perform 7 ip modes mem = (iInsert (ip + 3) res mem, ip + 4)
+ where a = getMemoryValue (ip + 1) (modes!!0) mem
+ b = getMemoryValue (ip + 2) (modes!!1) mem
+ res = if a < b then 1 else 0
+perform 8 ip modes mem = (iInsert (ip + 3) res mem, ip + 4)
+ where a = getMemoryValue (ip + 1) (modes!!0) mem
+ b = getMemoryValue (ip + 2) (modes!!1) mem
+ res = if a == b then 1 else 0
+perform _ ip _ mem = (mem, ip)
+getMemoryValue loc Position mem = mem!>loc
+getMemoryValue loc Immediate mem = mem!loc
+parameterModes :: Int -> [ParameterMode]
+parameterModes modeCode = unfoldr generateMode modeCode
+generateMode :: Int -> Maybe (ParameterMode, Int)
+generateMode modeCode = Just (mode, modeCode `div` 10)
+ where mode = case (modeCode `mod` 10) of
+ 0 -> Position
+ 1 -> Immediate
+-- Some IntMap utility functions, for syntactic sugar
+-- prefix version of (!)
+lkup k m = m!k
+-- indirect lookup
+(!>) m k = m!(m!k)
+-- indirect insert
+iInsert k v m = M.insert (m!k) v m
+-- Parse the input file
+type Parser = Parsec Void Text
+sc :: Parser ()
+sc = L.space (skipSome spaceChar) CA.empty CA.empty
+-- sc = L.space (skipSome (char ' ')) CA.empty CA.empty
+lexeme = L.lexeme sc
+integer = lexeme L.decimal
+signedInteger = L.signed sc integer
+symb = L.symbol sc
+comma = symb ","
+memoryP = signedInteger `sepBy` comma
+successfulParse :: Text -> [Int]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parse memoryP "input" input of
+ Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right memory -> memory
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null