--- /dev/null
+-- Using the idea of canonical representation of buildings from
+-- https://andars.github.io/aoc_day11.html by Andrew Foote,
+-- plus my extension of represening the pairs as an integer.
+-- This version is A* search, using a priority queue for the agenda
+-- and HashSets for various collecions.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+module Main(main) where
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+-- import Prelude hiding (length, take, drop)
+import Data.List (subsequences, (\\), sort, sortOn, nub, findIndices)
+import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import Data.Char (isDigit)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as P
+import Data.Hashable
+import qualified Data.HashSet as S
+import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
+import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>), (><))
+import Data.Foldable (toList, foldr')
+data Item = Generator String | Microchip String deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
+instance Hashable Item
+type Floor = [Item]
+data Building = Building Int [Floor] deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
+instance Hashable Building
+data CBuilding = CBuilding Int Integer deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
+instance Hashable CBuilding
+type CBuildings = S.HashSet CBuilding
+data Agendum = Agendum {current :: Building, trail :: Q.Seq CBuilding, cost :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Agenda = P.MinPQueue Int Agendum
+type Candidates = S.HashSet (Int, Agendum)
+instance Ord Item where
+ compare (Generator a) (Generator b) = compare a b
+ compare (Microchip a) (Microchip b) = compare a b
+ compare (Generator _) (Microchip _) = LT
+ compare (Microchip _) (Generator _) = GT
+instance Ord Building where
+ compare b1 b2 = comparing estimateCost b1 b2
+building1 = Building 0 [
+ (sort [Generator "polonium", Generator "thulium",
+ Microchip "thulium", Generator "promethium", Generator "ruthenium",
+ Microchip "ruthenium", Generator "cobalt", Microchip "cobalt"]),
+ (sort [Microchip "polonium", Microchip "promethium"]),
+ [],
+ []
+ ]
+building0 = Building 0 [
+ (sort [Generator "polonium", Generator "thulium",
+ Microchip "thulium", Generator "promethium"]),
+ (sort [Microchip "polonium", Microchip "promethium"]),
+ [],
+ []
+ ]
+building2 = Building 0 [
+ (sort [Generator "polonium", Generator "thulium",
+ Microchip "thulium", Generator "promethium", Generator "ruthenium",
+ Microchip "ruthenium", Generator "cobalt", Microchip "cobalt",
+ Generator "elerium", Microchip "elerium",
+ Generator "dilithium", Microchip "dilithium"]),
+ (sort [Microchip "polonium", Microchip "promethium"]),
+ [],
+ []
+ ]
+buildingTest = Building 0 [
+ sort([Microchip "hydrogen", Microchip "lithium"]),
+ [Generator "hydrogen"],
+ [Generator "lithium"],
+ []]
+canonical :: Building -> CBuilding
+canonical (Building f floors) = CBuilding f (read $ filter (isDigit) $ show $ sort pairs)
+ where names = nub $ map (\(Generator n) -> n) $ filter (isGenerator) $ concat floors
+ floorOf (Generator g) = head (findIndices
+ (\fl -> (Generator g) `elem` fl)
+ floors)
+ floorOf (Microchip g) = head (findIndices
+ (\fl -> (Microchip g) `elem` fl)
+ floors)
+ pairs = foldl (\ps n -> (floorOf (Generator n), floorOf (Microchip n)):ps) [] names
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ part1
+ part2
+part1 :: IO ()
+part1 = print $ length $ trail $ fromMaybe (snd $ P.findMin $ initAgenda buildingTest) $ aStar (initAgenda building1) S.empty
+part2 :: IO ()
+part2 = print $ length $ trail $ fromMaybe (snd $ P.findMin $ initAgenda buildingTest) $ aStar (initAgenda building2) S.empty
+initAgenda :: Building -> Agenda
+initAgenda b = P.singleton (estimateCost b) Agendum {current = b, trail = Q.empty, cost = estimateCost b}
+aStar :: Agenda -> CBuildings -> Maybe Agendum
+-- aStar [] _ = Agendum {current=buildingTest, trail=[], cost=0}
+aStar agenda closed
+ | P.null agenda = Nothing
+ | otherwise =
+ if isGoal reached then Just currentAgendum
+ else if creached `S.member` closed
+ then aStar (P.deleteMin agenda) closed
+ else aStar newAgenda (S.insert creached closed)
+ where
+ (_, currentAgendum) = P.findMin agenda
+ reached = current currentAgendum
+ creached = canonical reached
+ newAgenda = foldr' (\(c, a) q -> P.insert c a q) (P.deleteMin agenda) $ candidates currentAgendum closed
+ -- newAgenda = P.union (P.deleteMin agenda)
+ -- (P.fromList $ toList $ candidates currentAgendum closed)
+candidates :: Agendum -> CBuildings -> Q.Seq (Int, Agendum)
+candidates agendum closed = newCandidates
+ where
+ candidate = current agendum
+ previous = trail agendum
+ succs = legalSuccessors $ successors candidate
+ nonloops = Q.filter (\s -> not $ (canonical s) `S.member` closed) succs
+ newCandidates = fmap (\a -> (cost a, a)) $ fmap (\n -> makeAgendum n) nonloops
+ makeAgendum new = Agendum {current = new,
+ trail = (canonical candidate) <| previous,
+ cost = estimateCost new + length previous + 1}
+isGoal :: Building -> Bool
+isGoal (Building f floors) =
+ f+1 == height && (all (null) $ take f floors)
+ where height = length floors
+isLegal :: Building -> Bool
+isLegal (Building f floors) =
+ null floor
+ ||
+ not (any (isGenerator) floor)
+ ||
+ any (safePair) pairs
+ where floor = floors!!f
+ pairs = [(i, j) | i <- floor, j <- floor, isGenerator i]
+ safePair (Generator e, Microchip f) = e == f
+ safePair (Generator _, Generator _) = False
+isGenerator :: Item -> Bool
+isGenerator (Generator _) = True
+isGenerator (Microchip _) = False
+successors :: Building -> (Q.Seq Building)
+successors (Building f floors) = Q.fromList [updateBuilding f floors nf is | nf <- nextFloors, is <- items]
+ where
+ floor = floors!!f
+ items = filter (\is -> length is == 1 || length is == 2) $ subsequences floor
+ nextFloors = if f == 0 then [1]
+ else if f+1 == length floors then [f-1]
+ else [f+1, f-1]
+legalSuccessors :: (Q.Seq Building) -> (Q.Seq Building)
+legalSuccessors = Q.filter (isLegal)
+updateBuilding :: Int -> [Floor] -> Int -> [Item] -> Building
+updateBuilding oldF oldFloors newF items = Building newF newFloors
+ where newFloors = map (updateFloor) $ zip [0..] oldFloors
+ updateFloor (f, fl)
+ | f == oldF = sort $ fl \\ items
+ | f == newF = sort $ items ++ fl
+ | otherwise = fl
+estimateCost :: Building -> Int
+estimateCost (Building _ floors) =
+ sum $ map (\(c, f) -> c * length f) $ zip [0..] $ reverse floors