--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2024/01/06/advent-of-code-2023-day-25/
+import AoC
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take)
+-- import Control.Applicative
+import Data.List (foldl', unfoldr, sort, delete)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Map ((!))
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Set ((\\))
+import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
+import Data.Sequence ( (><), Seq(..) )
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import System.Random
+import qualified Data.MultiSet as MS
+import Data.Tuple (swap)
+type Graph = M.Map String [String]
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
+ let halfGraph = successfulParse text
+ let graph = reverseGraph halfGraph
+ print $ part1 graph
+part1 :: Graph -> Int
+part1 graph = (S.size componentA) * (S.size componentB)
+ where (ss, gs) = splitAt 200 $ randomNodes graph 400
+ paths = fmap toList $ catMaybes $ fmap (bfsPair graph) $ zip ss gs
+ pathCounts = MS.fromList $ concatMap getEdges paths
+ populars = fmap snd $ take 3 $ reverse $ sort $ fmap swap $ MS.toOccurList pathCounts
+ separatedGraph = foldl' removeEdge graph populars
+ (a, b) = head populars
+ componentA = componentOf separatedGraph (S.singleton a) S.empty
+ componentB = componentOf separatedGraph (S.singleton b) S.empty
+reverseGraph :: Graph -> Graph
+reverseGraph graph = M.foldlWithKey' reverseNode graph graph
+reverseNode :: Graph -> String -> [String] -> Graph
+reverseNode graph here theres = foldl' (addReversed here) graph theres
+addReversed :: String -> Graph -> String -> Graph
+addReversed here graph there = M.insertWith (++) there [here] graph
+bfsPair :: Graph -> (String, String) -> Maybe (Seq String)
+bfsPair graph (start, goal) = bfs graph (Q.singleton (Q.singleton start)) goal S.empty
+bfs :: Graph -> Seq (Seq String) -> String -> S.Set String -> Maybe (Seq String)
+bfs _ Q.Empty _ _ = Nothing
+bfs graph (current :<| agenda) goal closed
+ | here == goal = Just current
+ | here `S.member` closed = bfs graph agenda goal closed
+ | otherwise = bfs graph (agenda >< nexts) goal (S.insert here closed)
+ where (_ :|> here) = current
+ nexts = Q.fromList $ fmap (current :|>) $ graph ! here
+componentOf :: Graph -> S.Set String -> S.Set String -> S.Set String
+componentOf graph boundary0 found
+ | S.null boundary0 = found
+ | otherwise = componentOf graph boundary2 found'
+ where (here, boundary1) = S.deleteFindMin boundary0
+ found' = S.insert here found
+ boundary2 = S.union boundary1 $ (S.fromList $ graph ! here) \\ found'
+randomNodes :: Graph -> Int -> [String]
+randomNodes graph n = fmap (\i -> fst $ M.elemAt i graph) indices
+ where range = (0, M.size graph - 1)
+ pureGen = mkStdGen 137
+ indices = take n $ unfoldr (Just . uniformR range) pureGen
+getEdges :: [String] -> [(String, String)]
+getEdges xs = zipWith go xs (tail xs)
+ where go a b
+ | a < b = (a, b)
+ | otherwise = (b, a)
+removeEdge :: Graph -> (String, String) -> Graph
+removeEdge graph (a, b) = M.adjust (delete a) b $ M.adjust (delete b) a graph
+-- Parse the input file
+graphP :: Parser Graph
+nodeP :: Parser (String, [String])
+nameP :: Parser String
+graphP = M.fromList <$> nodeP `sepBy` endOfLine
+nodeP = (,) <$> (nameP <* ": ") <*> (nameP `sepBy` " ")
+nameP = many1 letter
+successfulParse :: Text -> Graph
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly graphP input of
+ Left _err -> M.empty -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right matches -> matches
\ No newline at end of file