--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2024/12/11/advent-of-code-2024-day-11/
+import AoC
+-- import Data.List
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text -- hiding (take, takeWhile)
+import Data.IntMultiSet (IntMultiSet)
+import qualified Data.IntMultiSet as MS
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
+ let stones = successfulParse text
+ -- print stones
+ -- putStrLn $ unlines $ fmap show $ take 7 $ iterate blink stones
+ print $ part1 stones
+ print $ part2 stones
+part1, part2 :: [Int] -> Int
+part1 stones = length $ (!! 25) $ iterate blink stones
+part2 stonesList = MS.size $ (!! 75) $ iterate blinkMS stones
+ where stones = MS.fromList stonesList
+blink :: [Int] -> [Int]
+blink = concatMap expandStone
+blinkMS :: IntMultiSet -> IntMultiSet
+blinkMS = MS.concatMap expandStone
+expandStone :: Int -> [Int]
+expandStone 0 = [1]
+expandStone n
+ | isEvenLen = [read nS1, read nS2]
+ | otherwise = [n * 2024]
+ where nStr = show n
+ nSL = length nStr
+ isEvenLen = nSL `mod` 2 == 0
+ (nS1, nS2) = splitAt (nSL `div` 2) nStr
+-- parse the input file
+stonesP :: Parser [Int]
+stonesP = decimal `sepBy` " "
+successfulParse :: Text -> [Int]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly stonesP input of
+ Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right stones -> stones
-- extra-source-files:
common warnings
- ghc-options: -Wall
+ ghc-options: -Wall
common common-modules
- other-modules: AoC
+ other-modules: AoC
common common-extensions
default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes
executable adventofcode24
import: warnings
main-is: Main.hs
- -- other-modules:
+ -- other-modules: AoC
-- other-extensions:
base >=4.20,
import: common-extensions, build-directives
main-is: advent10/Main.hs
build-depends: linear, array, mtl
\ No newline at end of file
+executable advent11
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent11/Main.hs
+ build-depends: attoparsec, text, multiset