{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- import Debug.Trace
import Linear (V2(..))
-import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
+-- import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Control.Monad.Extra (concatMapM)
+-- import Control.Monad.Trans.List
type Coord = V2 Integer -- x, y, with north and east incresing values (origin a bottom left)
data Door = Door Coord Coord deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Doors = S.Set Door
-makeDoor :: Coord -> Coord -> Door
-makeDoor a b
- | a < b = Door a b
- | otherwise = Door b a
+data MazeSection = Path [Coord] | Junction [Maze] deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Maze = [MazeSection]
+type Mapper = State Doors [Coord]
+makeDoor :: Coord -> Coord -> Door
+makeDoor !a !b
+ | a < b = Door a b
+ | otherwise = Door b a
main :: IO ()
main = do
text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent20.txt"
+ let maze = successfulParse text
print $ T.length text
- -- let (ip, instrs) = successfulParse text
- -- print (ip, instrs)
- -- -- print $ part1 ip instrs
- -- print $ sum [i | i <- [1..1032], 1032 `mod` i == 0]
- -- -- print $ part2 ip instrs
- -- print $ sum [i | i <- [1..10551432], 10551432 `mod` i == 0]
+ -- print maze
+ part1 maze
+emptyMap = S.empty
+part1 maze =
+ do
+ let start = V2 0 0
+ let doors = execState (mapMaze [start] maze) emptyMap
+ print $ length doors
--- type Parser = Parsec Void Text
-type Parser = ParsecT Void Text (StateT [Coord] [])
+mapMaze :: [Coord] -> Maze -> Mapper
+mapMaze !starts !sections =
+ foldM (\heres section -> mapMazeSection heres section) starts sections
+mapMazeSection :: [Coord] -> MazeSection -> Mapper
+mapMazeSection !starts (Junction mazes) =
+ concatMapM (\maze -> mapMaze starts maze) mazes
+mapMazeSection !starts (Path steps) =
+ mapM mapPath starts
+ where mapPath start = foldM (\here step -> includeDoor here step) start steps
+includeDoor :: Coord -> Coord -> State Doors Coord
+includeDoor !here !step =
+ do let there = (here + step)
+ let door = there `seq` makeDoor here there
+ modify' (door `seq` S.insert door)
+ return there
+type Parser = Parsec Void Text
sc :: Parser ()
sc = L.space (skipSome spaceChar) CA.empty CA.empty
-lexeme = L.lexeme sc
--- integer = lexeme L.decimal
+-- lexeme = L.lexeme sc
symb = L.symbol sc
branchSepP = symb "|"
openBranchP = symb "("
eP = (symb "E" *> pure (V2 1 0))
wP = (symb "W" *> pure (V2 -1 0))
--- instructionFileP = (startP `between` endP) branchesP
--- branchesP :: MyParser Doors
--- branchesP = fmap S.unions . many $ choiceP <|> pathP
--- choiceP :: MyParser Doors
--- choiceP = (openBranchP `between` closeBranchP) $ do
--- here <- get
--- return fmap S.unions (`sepBy` branchSepP) $ do
--- put here
--- return branchesP
--- pathP :: MyParser Doors
--- pathP = S.fromList <$> many stepP
-pathP = many stepP
--- stepP :: MyParser Door
-stepP = do
- heres <- get
- delta <- doorP
- let theres = map (+delta) heres
- put theres
- return (map (\h -> makeDoor h (h + delta)) heres)
+pathP = Path <$> some doorP
--- choiceP :: MyParser [Door]
--- choiceP = (openBranchP `between` closeBranchP) $ do
--- heres <- get
--- do
--- here <- heres
--- put [here]
--- branch <- (pathP `sepBy` branchSepP)
--- return branch
+junctionP = Junction <$> (openBranchP `between` closeBranchP) manyMazesP
- -- fmap concat $ (`sepBy` branchSepP) $ do
- -- here <- heres
- -- pathP
+manyMazesP = mazeP `sepBy` branchSepP
+mazeSectionP = pathP <|> junctionP
-{- heres <- get
- choices <- (`sepBy` branchSepP) $ do
- put heres
- pathP
- return $ concat choices -- (S.unions choices)-}
+mazeP = many mazeSectionP
--- choiceOrPathP = many (choiceP <|> pathP)
+wholeMazeP = (startP `between` endP) mazeP
--- successfulParse :: Text -> (Integer, [Instruction])
--- successfulParse input =
--- case parse instructionsP "input" input of
--- Left _error -> (0, []) -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
--- Right instructions -> instructions
\ No newline at end of file
+successfulParse :: Text -> Maze
+successfulParse input =
+ case parse wholeMazeP "input" input of
+ Left _error -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right maze -> maze