-- import Control.Applicative
import Data.Tuple
--- import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set ((\\))
-data Path = Path String [String] (S.Set String)
+data Path = Path String -- current cave
+ [String] -- caves visited
+ (S.Set String) -- closed set of small cavees visited
+ (Maybe String) -- the small cave we've visited twice
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type PathSet = S.Set Path
main =
do text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent12.txt"
let edges = successfulParse text
- print edges
let graph = mkGraph edges
- print graph
- print $ part1 graph
- -- print $ part1 displays
- -- print $ part2 displays
+ let paths = allPaths graph (S.singleton (Path "start" [] S.empty Nothing)) S.empty
+ print $ part1 paths
+ print $ part2 paths
mkGraph :: [(String, String)] -> Graph
mkGraph edges = foldr mkEdge pass1 $ map swap edges
where pass1 = foldr mkEdge M.empty edges
- mkEdge (here, there) g = M.insertWith (S.union) here (S.singleton there) g
+ mkEdge (here, there) = M.insertWith (S.union) here (S.singleton there)
-part1 graph = S.size $ allPaths graph (S.singleton (Path "start" [] S.empty)) S.empty
+part1 :: PathSet -> Int
+part1 paths = S.size $ S.filter nonReturning paths
+part2 :: PathSet -> Int
+part2 paths = S.size paths
allPaths :: Graph -> PathSet -> PathSet -> PathSet
allPaths graph agenda results
results' = S.union results $ recordResult current
extendPath :: Graph -> Path -> PathSet
-extendPath graph (Path current trail visited)
+extendPath graph (Path current trail visited returned)
| current == "end" = S.empty
- | otherwise = S.map newPath visitable
+ | (current == "start") && (current `S.member` visited) = S.empty
+ | otherwise = S.union (S.map newPathNovel visitableNovel)
+ (S.map newPathReturning visitableReturning)
where neighbours = graph ! current
visited' = if isSmall current then S.insert current visited else visited
trail' = (current:trail)
- visitable = neighbours \\ visited
- newPath next = Path next trail' visited'
+ visitableNovel = neighbours \\ visited -- if we're not returning to a small cave
+ visitableReturning = if returned == Nothing
+ then (S.filter isSmall neighbours) `S.intersection` visited -- returning to a small cave already visited
+ else S.empty
+ newPathNovel next = Path next trail' visited' returned
+ newPathReturning next = Path next trail' visited' (Just next)
recordResult :: Path -> PathSet
-recordResult path@(Path current _trail _visited)
+recordResult path@(Path current _ _ _)
| current == "end" = S.singleton path -- (Path current trail visited)
| otherwise = S.empty
isSmall :: String -> Bool
isSmall = all isLower
-isBig = not . isSmall
+nonReturning :: Path -> Bool
+nonReturning (Path _ _ _ Nothing) = True
+nonReturning (Path _ _ _ (Just _)) = False
-- Parse the input file
graphP = edgeP `sepBy` endOfLine
-edgeP = (,) <$> (many1 letter <* "-") <*> many1 letter
+edgeP = (,) <$> many1 letter <* "-" <*> many1 letter
-- successfulParse :: Text -> (Integer, [Maybe Integer])
successfulParse input =