ghc-options: -O2
+ -eventlog
-rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -p -s -hT"
+Only include the `-eventlog` directive if you want to use Threadscope to investigate parallel behaviour.
then running
, RecordWildCards
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TemplateHaskell
- , TransformListComp
+ -- , TransformListComp
, TupleSections
, TypeApplications
, TypeFamilies
main-is: advent14/Main.hs
build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens
+executable advent15original
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent15/MainOriginal.hs
+ build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens
+executable advent15sorted
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent15/MainSorted.hs
+ build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens
+executable advent15lazy
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent15/MainLazy.hs
+ build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens
+executable advent15directpar
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent15/MainDirectParallel.hs
+ build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens, parallel, deepseq
executable advent15
import: common-extensions, build-directives
main-is: advent15/Main.hs
- build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens
+ build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens, parallel, deepseq, split
+executable advent15prof
+ import: common-extensions, build-directives
+ main-is: advent15/Main.hs
+ build-depends: text, attoparsec, containers, linear, lens, parallel, deepseq, split
+ ghc-options: -O2
+ -Wall
+ -threaded
+ -eventlog
+ -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -p -s -hT -ls"
executable advent16
import: common-extensions, build-directives
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
import Data.Ix
-import qualified Data.Set as S
+-- import qualified Data.Set as S
import Linear hiding (Trace, trace, distance)
+import Data.List (sortOn)
+import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
+import Data.Ord (Down(..))
+-- import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Parallel.Strategies -- (rpar, using, withStrategy, parList, parMap)
+-- import Control.DeepSeq
type Position = V2 Int
data Sensor = Sensor Position Position -- sensor position, beacon position
deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Ord Sensor where
+ (Sensor s1 b1) `compare` (Sensor s2 b2) = (s1 `manhattan` b1) `compare` (s2 `manhattan` b2)
newtype Region = Region { getRegion :: Position -> Bool }
instance Semigroup Region where
do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
let sensors = successfulParse text
+ let coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
-- print sensors
- print $ part1 sensors
- print $ part2 sensors
+ print $ part1 sensors coverage
+ print $ part2 sensors coverage
thisY :: Int
-- thisY = 10
-- searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 20 20))
searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 4000000 4000000))
-part1, part2 :: [Sensor] -> Int
-part1 sensors = length $ filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied) $ filter (getRegion coverage) rowCoords
- where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby sensors
- rowCoords = range ((V2 (globalMinX sensors) thisY), (V2 (globalMaxX sensors) thisY))
+part1, part2 :: [Sensor] -> Region -> Int
+part1 sensors coverage = sum (fmap countForbidden rowChunks `using` (parList rseq))
+ where -- coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ rowCoords = range ( (V2 (globalMinX sensors) thisY)
+ , (V2 (globalMaxX sensors) thisY)
+ )
+ rowChunks = chunksOf 1000 rowCoords
occupied = concatMap (\(Sensor s b) -> [s, b]) sensors
+ -- forbidden = (filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied) $ filter (getRegion coverage) rowCoords) `using` (parList rpar)
+ -- forbidden = (fmap (\p -> (getRegion coverage p, p)) rowCoords) `using` (parList rdeepseq)
+ countForbidden positions =
+ length $ filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied)
+ $ filter (getRegion coverage) positions
+part2 sensors coverage = x * 4000000 + y
+ where -- coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ boundaries = fmap (filter (inRange searchRange))
+ $ fmap justOutside sensors
+ -- holes = (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries) `using` (parList rpar)
+ holes = fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries
+ `using` (parList rseq)
+ -- holes = (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries) `using` (parList rpar)
+ -- holes = withStrategy (parList rpar) (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries)
+ -- holes = using (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries) (parList rpar)
+ -- holes = parMap rpar (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries
+ V2 x y = head $ concat holes
-part2 sensors = x * 4000000 + y
- where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby sensors
- boundaries = S.filter (inRange searchRange) $ S.unions $ fmap justOutside sensors
- V2 x y = S.findMin $ S.filter (\p -> not $ getRegion coverage p) boundaries
manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
manhattan p1 p2 = (abs dx) + (abs dy)
globalMinX = minimum . fmap minX
globalMaxX = maximum . fmap maxX
-justOutside :: Sensor -> S.Set Position
-justOutside (Sensor s@(V2 sx sy) b) = S.fromList (topLeft ++ topRight ++ bottomLeft ++ bottomRight)
+justOutside :: Sensor -> [Position]
+justOutside (Sensor s@(V2 sx sy) b) = topLeft ++ topRight ++ bottomLeft ++ bottomRight
where d = 1 + manhattan s b
topLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
topRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at
+import AoC
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
+import Data.Ix
+-- import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Linear hiding (Trace, trace, distance)
+import Data.List (sortOn)
+import Data.Ord (Down(..))
+-- import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Parallel.Strategies -- (rpar, using, withStrategy, parList, parMap)
+-- import Control.DeepSeq
+type Position = V2 Int
+data Sensor = Sensor Position Position -- sensor position, beacon position
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Ord Sensor where
+ (Sensor s1 b1) `compare` (Sensor s2 b2) = (s1 `manhattan` b1) `compare` (s2 `manhattan` b2)
+newtype Region = Region { getRegion :: Position -> Bool }
+instance Semigroup Region where
+ r1 <> r2 = Region (\p -> getRegion r1 p || getRegion r2 p)
+instance Monoid Region where
+ -- mempty = Region (\p -> False)
+ mempty = Region (const False)
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
+ let sensors = successfulParse text
+ let coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ -- print sensors
+ print $ part1 sensors coverage
+ print $ part2 sensors coverage
+thisY :: Int
+-- thisY = 10
+thisY = 2000000
+searchRange :: (Position, Position)
+-- searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 20 20))
+searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 4000000 4000000))
+part1, part2 :: [Sensor] -> Region -> Int
+part1 sensors coverage = length $ filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied)
+ $ fmap snd $ filter fst forbidden
+ where -- coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ rowCoords = range ( (V2 (globalMinX sensors) thisY)
+ , (V2 (globalMaxX sensors) thisY)
+ )
+ occupied = concatMap (\(Sensor s b) -> [s, b]) sensors
+ -- forbidden = (filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied) $ filter (getRegion coverage) rowCoords) `using` (parList rpar)
+ forbidden = (fmap (\p -> (getRegion coverage p, p)) rowCoords)
+ `using` (parList rdeepseq)
+part2 sensors coverage = x * 4000000 + y
+ where -- coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ boundaries = fmap (filter (inRange searchRange))
+ $ fmap justOutside sensors
+ holes = (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries)
+ `using` (parList rpar)
+ -- holes = (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries) `using` (parList rpar)
+ -- holes = withStrategy (parList rpar) (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries)
+ -- holes = using (fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries) (parList rpar)
+ -- holes = parMap rpar (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries
+ V2 x y = head $ concat holes
+manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
+manhattan p1 p2 = (abs dx) + (abs dy)
+ where V2 dx dy = p1 ^-^ p2
+nearby :: Sensor -> Region
+nearby (Sensor s b) = Region (\p -> manhattan s p <= dist)
+ where dist = manhattan s b
+minX, maxX :: Sensor -> Int
+minX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx - (manhattan s b)
+maxX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx + (manhattan s b)
+globalMinX, globalMaxX :: [Sensor] -> Int
+globalMinX = minimum . fmap minX
+globalMaxX = maximum . fmap maxX
+justOutside :: Sensor -> [Position]
+justOutside (Sensor s@(V2 sx sy) b) = topLeft ++ topRight ++ bottomLeft ++ bottomRight
+ where d = 1 + manhattan s b
+ topLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ topRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ bottomLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+ bottomRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+-- Parse the input file
+sensorsP :: Parser [Sensor]
+sensorP :: Parser Sensor
+positionP :: Parser Position
+sensorsP = sensorP `sepBy` endOfLine
+sensorP = Sensor <$> ("Sensor at " *> positionP) <*> (": closest beacon is at " *> positionP)
+positionP = V2 <$> (("x=" *> signed decimal) <* ", ") <*> ("y=" *> signed decimal)
+successfulParse :: Text -> [Sensor]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly sensorsP input of
+ Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right sensors -> sensors
--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at
+import AoC
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
+import Data.Ix
+-- import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Linear hiding (Trace, trace, distance)
+import Data.List (sortOn)
+import Data.Ord (Down(..))
+-- import Data.Maybe
+type Position = V2 Int
+data Sensor = Sensor Position Position -- sensor position, beacon position
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Ord Sensor where
+ (Sensor s1 b1) `compare` (Sensor s2 b2) = (s1 `manhattan` b1) `compare` (s2 `manhattan` b2)
+newtype Region = Region { getRegion :: Position -> Bool }
+instance Semigroup Region where
+ r1 <> r2 = Region (\p -> getRegion r1 p || getRegion r2 p)
+instance Monoid Region where
+ -- mempty = Region (\p -> False)
+ mempty = Region (const False)
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
+ let sensors = successfulParse text
+ -- print sensors
+ print $ part1 sensors
+ print $ part2 sensors
+thisY :: Int
+-- thisY = 10
+thisY = 2000000
+searchRange :: (Position, Position)
+-- searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 20 20))
+searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 4000000 4000000))
+part1, part2 :: [Sensor] -> Int
+part1 sensors = length $ filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied) $ filter (getRegion coverage) rowCoords
+ where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ rowCoords = range ((V2 (globalMinX sensors) thisY), (V2 (globalMaxX sensors) thisY))
+ occupied = concatMap (\(Sensor s b) -> [s, b]) sensors
+part2 sensors = x * 4000000 + y
+ where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ boundaries = fmap (filter (inRange searchRange)) $ fmap justOutside sensors
+ V2 x y = head $ concat $ fmap (filter (not . (getRegion coverage))) boundaries
+manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
+manhattan p1 p2 = (abs dx) + (abs dy)
+ where V2 dx dy = p1 ^-^ p2
+nearby :: Sensor -> Region
+nearby (Sensor s b) = Region (\p -> manhattan s p <= dist)
+ where dist = manhattan s b
+minX, maxX :: Sensor -> Int
+minX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx - (manhattan s b)
+maxX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx + (manhattan s b)
+globalMinX, globalMaxX :: [Sensor] -> Int
+globalMinX = minimum . fmap minX
+globalMaxX = maximum . fmap maxX
+justOutside :: Sensor -> [Position]
+justOutside (Sensor s@(V2 sx sy) b) = topLeft ++ topRight ++ bottomLeft ++ bottomRight
+ where d = 1 + manhattan s b
+ topLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ topRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ bottomLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+ bottomRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+-- Parse the input file
+sensorsP :: Parser [Sensor]
+sensorP :: Parser Sensor
+positionP :: Parser Position
+sensorsP = sensorP `sepBy` endOfLine
+sensorP = Sensor <$> ("Sensor at " *> positionP) <*> (": closest beacon is at " *> positionP)
+positionP = V2 <$> (("x=" *> signed decimal) <* ", ") <*> ("y=" *> signed decimal)
+successfulParse :: Text -> [Sensor]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly sensorsP input of
+ Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right sensors -> sensors
--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at
+import AoC
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
+import Data.Ix
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Linear hiding (Trace, trace, distance)
+type Position = V2 Int
+data Sensor = Sensor Position Position -- sensor position, beacon position
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+newtype Region = Region { getRegion :: Position -> Bool }
+instance Semigroup Region where
+ r1 <> r2 = Region (\p -> getRegion r1 p || getRegion r2 p)
+instance Monoid Region where
+ -- mempty = Region (\p -> False)
+ mempty = Region (const False)
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
+ let sensors = successfulParse text
+ -- print sensors
+ print $ part1 sensors
+ print $ part2 sensors
+thisY :: Int
+-- thisY = 10
+thisY = 2000000
+searchRange :: (Position, Position)
+-- searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 20 20))
+searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 4000000 4000000))
+part1, part2 :: [Sensor] -> Int
+part1 sensors = length $ filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied) $ filter (getRegion coverage) rowCoords
+ where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby sensors
+ rowCoords = range ((V2 (globalMinX sensors) thisY), (V2 (globalMaxX sensors) thisY))
+ occupied = concatMap (\(Sensor s b) -> [s, b]) sensors
+part2 sensors = x * 4000000 + y
+ where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby sensors
+ boundaries = {-# SCC boundaries #-} S.filter (inRange searchRange) $ S.unions $ fmap justOutside sensors
+ V2 x y = {-# SCC findMinV #-} S.findMin $ S.filter (not . (getRegion coverage)) boundaries
+manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
+manhattan p1 p2 = (abs dx) + (abs dy)
+ where V2 dx dy = p1 ^-^ p2
+nearby :: Sensor -> Region
+nearby (Sensor s b) = Region (\p -> manhattan s p <= dist)
+ where dist = manhattan s b
+minX, maxX :: Sensor -> Int
+minX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx - (manhattan s b)
+maxX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx + (manhattan s b)
+globalMinX, globalMaxX :: [Sensor] -> Int
+globalMinX = minimum . fmap minX
+globalMaxX = maximum . fmap maxX
+justOutside :: Sensor -> S.Set Position
+justOutside (Sensor s@(V2 sx sy) b) = S.fromList (topLeft ++ topRight ++ bottomLeft ++ bottomRight)
+ where d = 1 + manhattan s b
+ topLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ topRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ bottomLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+ bottomRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+-- Parse the input file
+sensorsP :: Parser [Sensor]
+sensorP :: Parser Sensor
+positionP :: Parser Position
+sensorsP = sensorP `sepBy` endOfLine
+sensorP = Sensor <$> ("Sensor at " *> positionP) <*> (": closest beacon is at " *> positionP)
+positionP = V2 <$> (("x=" *> signed decimal) <* ", ") <*> ("y=" *> signed decimal)
+successfulParse :: Text -> [Sensor]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly sensorsP input of
+ Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right sensors -> sensors
--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at
+import AoC
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
+import Data.Ix
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Linear hiding (Trace, trace, distance)
+import Data.List (sortOn)
+import Data.Ord (Down(..))
+type Position = V2 Int
+data Sensor = Sensor Position Position -- sensor position, beacon position
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Ord Sensor where
+ -- (Sensor s1 b1) `compare` (Sensor s2 b2)
+ -- | cmp == EQ = s1 `compare` s2
+ -- | otherwise = cmp
+ -- where cmp = (s1 `manhattan` b1) `compare` (s2 `manhattan` b2)
+ (Sensor s1 b1) `compare` (Sensor s2 b2)
+ = (s1 `manhattan` b1) `compare` (s2 `manhattan` b2)
+newtype Region = Region { getRegion :: Position -> Bool }
+instance Semigroup Region where
+ r1 <> r2 = Region (\p -> getRegion r1 p || getRegion r2 p)
+instance Monoid Region where
+ -- mempty = Region (\p -> False)
+ mempty = Region (const False)
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
+ let sensors = successfulParse text
+ -- print sensors
+ print $ part1 sensors
+ print $ part2 sensors
+thisY :: Int
+-- thisY = 10
+thisY = 2000000
+searchRange :: (Position, Position)
+-- searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 20 20))
+searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 4000000 4000000))
+part1, part2 :: [Sensor] -> Int
+part1 sensors = length $ filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied) $ filter (getRegion coverage) rowCoords
+ where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ rowCoords = range ((V2 (globalMinX sensors) thisY), (V2 (globalMaxX sensors) thisY))
+ occupied = concatMap (\(Sensor s b) -> [s, b]) sensors
+part2 sensors = x * 4000000 + y
+ where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby $ sortOn Down sensors
+ boundaries = {-# SCC boundaries #-} S.filter (inRange searchRange) $ S.unions $ fmap justOutside sensors
+ V2 x y = {-# SCC findMinV #-} S.findMin $ S.filter (not . (getRegion coverage)) boundaries
+manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
+manhattan p1 p2 = (abs dx) + (abs dy)
+ where V2 dx dy = p1 ^-^ p2
+nearby :: Sensor -> Region
+nearby (Sensor s b) = Region (\p -> manhattan s p <= dist)
+ where dist = manhattan s b
+minX, maxX :: Sensor -> Int
+minX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx - (manhattan s b)
+maxX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx + (manhattan s b)
+globalMinX, globalMaxX :: [Sensor] -> Int
+globalMinX = minimum . fmap minX
+globalMaxX = maximum . fmap maxX
+justOutside :: Sensor -> S.Set Position
+justOutside (Sensor s@(V2 sx sy) b) = S.fromList (topLeft ++ topRight ++ bottomLeft ++ bottomRight)
+ where d = 1 + manhattan s b
+ topLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ topRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
+ bottomLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+ bottomRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
+-- Parse the input file
+sensorsP :: Parser [Sensor]
+sensorP :: Parser Sensor
+positionP :: Parser Position
+sensorsP = sensorP `sepBy` endOfLine
+sensorP = Sensor <$> ("Sensor at " *> positionP) <*> (": closest beacon is at " *> positionP)
+positionP = V2 <$> (("x=" *> signed decimal) <* ", ") <*> ("y=" *> signed decimal)
+successfulParse :: Text -> [Sensor]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly sensorsP input of
+ Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right sensors -> sensors
--- /dev/null
+cabal run advent15original advent15,18.47,202.19,2:02.91,17888168
+cabal run advent15sorted advent15,18.09,189.46,2:00.68,17886248
+cabal run advent15lazy advent15,0.10,5.69,0:05.64,80708
+cabal run advent15directpar advent15,3.34,27.14,0:11.49,1322200
+cabal run advent15 advent15,0.82,15.22,0:02.90,726936
+cabal run advent15,0.95,17.88,0:05.89,730904
+cabal run advent15,0.59,14.82,0:02.36,792416
+cabal run advent15,0.84,17.90,0:05.65,690064
+cabal run advent15,0.70,14.46,0:02.36,672592
--- /dev/null
+| Program | System time | User time | Wall time | Memory used (kb) |
+| Original | 18.47 | 202.19 | 2:02.91 | 17,888,168 |
+| Sorted region | 18.09 | 189.46 | 2:00.68 | 17,886,248 |
+| Lazy boundary creation | 0.10 | 5.69 | 0:05.64 | 80,708 |
+| Direct parallelism | 3.34 | 27.14 | 0:11.49 | 1,322,200 |
+| Parallelism and chunking | 0.59 | 14.82 | 0:02.36 | 672,592 |