--- /dev/null
+graph Cave {
+0 -- d [ label = ", 64"];
+0 -- g [ label = "t, 28"];
+0 -- h [ label = "m, 210"];
+0 -- i [ label = "lm, 226"];
+0 -- m [ label = "g, 182"];
+0 -- p [ label = "sx, 164"];
+0 -- q [ label = "o, 134"];
+0 -- s [ label = ", 50"];
+0 -- t [ label = ", 16"];
+0 -- x [ label = "n, 110"];
+a -- m [ label = "ceuw, 146"];
+a -- y [ label = "eu, 66"];
+b -- w [ label = "a, 86"];
+c -- i [ label = ", 22"];
+c -- w [ label = ", 14"];
+d -- g [ label = "t, 90"];
+d -- h [ label = "m, 274"];
+d -- i [ label = "lm, 290"];
+d -- m [ label = "g, 244"];
+d -- p [ label = "sx, 128"];
+d -- q [ label = "o, 196"];
+d -- s [ label = ", 112"];
+d -- t [ label = ", 52"];
+d -- x [ label = "n, 172"];
+e -- r [ label = ", 94"];
+e -- u [ label = "y, 62"];
+e -- x [ label = ", 198"];
+f -- k [ label = "v, 34"];
+g -- h [ label = "mt, 236"];
+g -- i [ label = "lmt, 252"];
+g -- m [ label = "gt, 210"];
+g -- p [ label = "stx, 190"];
+g -- q [ label = "ot, 118"];
+g -- s [ label = "t, 78"];
+g -- t [ label = "t, 42"];
+g -- x [ label = "nt, 94"];
+h -- i [ label = "l, 32"];
+h -- m [ label = "gm, 390"];
+h -- p [ label = "msx, 374"];
+h -- q [ label = "mo, 342"];
+h -- s [ label = "m, 258"];
+h -- t [ label = "m, 226"];
+h -- x [ label = "mn, 318"];
+i -- m [ label = "glm, 406"];
+i -- p [ label = "lmsx, 390"];
+i -- q [ label = "lmo, 358"];
+i -- s [ label = "lm, 274"];
+i -- t [ label = "lm, 242"];
+i -- x [ label = "lmn, 334"];
+j -- o [ label = ", 48"];
+k -- z [ label = "r, 28"];
+l -- p [ label = ", 36"];
+m -- p [ label = "gsx, 344"];
+m -- q [ label = "go, 316"];
+m -- s [ label = "g, 228"];
+m -- t [ label = "g, 196"];
+m -- x [ label = "gn, 292"];
+m -- y [ label = "cw, 96"];
+n -- o [ label = ", 18"];
+n -- s [ label = "d, 30"];
+p -- q [ label = "osx, 296"];
+p -- s [ label = "sx, 212"];
+p -- t [ label = "sx, 152"];
+p -- x [ label = "nsx, 272"];
+p -- z [ label = ", 200"];
+q -- s [ label = "o, 184"];
+q -- t [ label = "o, 148"];
+q -- x [ label = "no, 100"];
+r -- u [ label = "y, 128"];
+r -- v [ label = "k, 36"];
+r -- x [ label = ", 264"];
+s -- t [ label = ", 64"];
+s -- x [ label = "n, 160"];
+t -- x [ label = "n, 124"];
+u -- x [ label = "y, 184"];
--- /dev/null
+graph Cave1 {
+0 -- d [ label = ", 62"];
+0 -- p [ label = "sx, 162"];
+0 -- t [ label = ", 14"];
+1 -- g [ label = "t, 26"];
+1 -- q [ label = "o, 132"];
+1 -- x [ label = "n, 108"];
+d -- p [ label = "sx, 128"];
+d -- t [ label = ", 52"];
+f -- k [ label = "v, 34"];
+k -- z [ label = "r, 28"];
+l -- p [ label = ", 36"];
+p -- t [ label = "sx, 152"];
+p -- z [ label = ", 200"];
+e -- r [ label = ", 94"];
+e -- u [ label = "y, 62"];
+e -- x [ label = ", 198"];
+g -- q [ label = "ot, 118"];
+g -- x [ label = "nt, 94"];
+q -- x [ label = "no, 100"];
+r -- u [ label = "y, 128"];
+r -- v [ label = "k, 36"];
+r -- x [ label = ", 264"];
+u -- x [ label = "y, 184"];
+2 -- m [ label = "g, 180"];
+2 -- s [ label = ", 48"];
+a -- m [ label = "ceuw, 146"];
+a -- y [ label = "eu, 66"];
+m -- s [ label = "g, 228"];
+m -- y [ label = "cw, 96"];
+n -- o [ label = ", 18"];
+n -- s [ label = "d, 30"];
+3 -- h [ label = "m, 208"];
+3 -- i [ label = "lm, 224"];
+b -- w [ label = "a, 86"];
+c -- i [ label = ", 22"];
+c -- w [ label = ", 14"];
+h -- i [ label = "l, 32"];
+j -- o [ label = ", 48"];
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+graph Cave {
+0 -- a [ label = ", 1"];
+0 -- e [ label = ", 1"];
+1 -- c [ label = "b, 2"];
+1 -- h [ label = "e, 4"];
+2 -- m [ label = "n, 4"];
+2 -- n [ label = "kl, 4"];
+3 -- i [ label = "h, 2"];
+3 -- k [ label = "g, 7"];
+a -- b [ label = ", 1"];
+a -- e [ label = ", 2"];
+b -- d [ label = "c, 2"];
+c -- h [ label = "be, 6"];
+c -- l [ label = "ij, 4"];
+d -- g [ label = "f, 2"];
+e -- f [ label = "d, 3"];
+i -- k [ label = "gh, 9"];
+j -- k [ label = ", 1"];
+m -- n [ label = "kln, 8"];
+n -- o [ label = "m, 2"];
- pqueue
- mtl
- lens
- advent18class:
- main: advent18class.hs
- source-dirs: src
- dependencies:
- - base >= 2 && < 6
- - text
- - containers
- - pqueue
- - mtl
- - lens
\ No newline at end of file
type PointOfInterest = M.Map Position Char
data Explorer = Explorer { _position :: S.Set Char
- , _keysHeld :: Keys
- , _travelled :: Int
- } deriving (Show)
+ , _keysHeld :: Keys
+ , _travelled :: Int
+ } deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Explorer
instance Eq Explorer where
e1 == e2 = (_position e1 == _position e2) && (_keysHeld e1 == _keysHeld e2)
instance Ord Explorer where
- e1 `compare` e2 =
- if _position e1 == _position e2
- then (_keysHeld e1) `compare` (_keysHeld e2)
- else (_position e1) `compare` (_position e2)
+ e1 `compare` e2 =
+ ((_position e1) `compare` (_position e2))
+ <> ((_keysHeld e1) `compare` (_keysHeld e2))
type ExploredStates = S.Set Explorer
text <- readFile "data/advent18.txt"
let (ccE, startPosition) = buildCaveComplex text
-- print ccE
- -- print $ contractCave ccE [startPosition]
+ -- print $ S.size $ edgeC $ _caveE ccE
+ -- print $ S.size $ _cave $ contractCave ccE [startPosition]
+ -- putStrLn $ showContracted $ contractCave ccE [startPosition]
+ -- let (re, ce) = startPosition
+ -- let startPositions = [(re - 1, ce - 1), (re - 1, ce + 1), (re + 1 , ce - 1), (re + 1, ce + 1)]
+ -- let cavern0 = ccE ^. caveE
+ -- let cavern = cavern0 `S.difference` [(re, ce), (re + 1, ce), (re - 1, ce), (re, ce + 1), (re, ce - 1)]
+ -- let caveComplex = ccE & caveE .~ cavern
+ -- let cc = contractCave caveComplex startPositions
+ -- putStrLn $ showContracted cc
print $ part1 ccE startPosition
print $ part2 ccE startPosition
+-- edgeC ec = S.foldl' ecAdd S.empty ec
+-- where ecAdd es n = S.union (eds n) es
+-- eds n = S.map (\m -> S.fromList [n, m]) $ nbrs n
+-- nbrs n = S.intersection ec $ possibleNeighbours n
part1 :: ExpandedCaveComplex -> Position -> Int
part1 cavern startPosition = maybe 0 _cost result
anyEdgeTouch :: Keys -> CaveEdge -> Bool
anyEdgeTouch xs e = S.foldl' (\t x -> t || (edgeTouches x e)) False xs
+-- anyEdgeTouch xs e = any (\x -> edgeTouches x e) $ S.toList xs
edgeOther :: Char -> CaveEdge -> Char
edgeOther x e
where cavern = cc ^. cave
bulk = S.foldr (\e s -> (showEdge e) ++ s) "" cavern
-showEdge e = (show h) ++ " -- " ++ (show t) ++ " [ label = \"" ++ (edgeLabel e) ++ "\"];\n"
+showEdge e = [h] ++ " -- " ++ [t] ++ " [ label = \"" ++ (edgeLabel e) ++ "\"];\n"
where edgeLabel e = (S.toList (e ^. keysRequired)) ++ ", " ++ (show (e ^. distance))
(h, t) = e ^. connections
+++ /dev/null
-import Debug.Trace
--- import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
-import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as P
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
-import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>), (><))
-import Data.Foldable (toList, foldr', foldl', all)
--- import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
--- import Data.List
-import Data.Char
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Lens hiding ((<|), (|>))
--- import Data.Map.Lens
-type Position = (Integer, Integer) -- r, c
-type Keys = S.Set Char
-type PointOfInterest = M.Map Position Char
-data Explorer1 = Explorer1 { _explorer1Position :: Char
- , _explorer1KeysHeld :: Keys
- , _explorer1Travelled :: Int
- } deriving (Show)
-data Explorer4 = Explorer4 { _explorer4Position :: S.Set Char
- , _explorer4KeysHeld :: Keys
- , _explorer4Travelled :: Int
- } deriving (Show)
-makeFields ''Explorer1
-makeFields ''Explorer4
-type ExploredStates e = S.Set e
-type ExpandedCave = S.Set Position
-data ExpandedCaveComplex = ExpandedCaveComplex { _caveE :: ExpandedCave
- , _keysE :: PointOfInterest
- , _doors :: PointOfInterest
- } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-makeLenses ''ExpandedCaveComplex
-data CaveEdge = CaveEdge { _keysRequired :: S.Set Char
- , _distance :: Int
- } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-makeLenses ''CaveEdge
-type EdgeKey = (Char, Char)
-type Cave = M.Map EdgeKey CaveEdge
-data CaveComplex = CaveComplex { _cave :: Cave
- , _keys :: S.Set Char
- } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-makeLenses ''CaveComplex
-type CaveContext = Reader CaveComplex
-data Agendum e = Agendum { _current :: e
- , _trail :: Q.Seq e
- , _cost :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Agenda e = P.MinPQueue Int (Agendum e)
-instance Eq Explorer1 where
- e1 == e2 = (_explorer1Position e1 == _explorer1Position e2) && (_explorer1KeysHeld e1 == _explorer1KeysHeld e2)
-instance Eq Explorer4 where
- e1 == e2 = (_explorer4Position e1 == _explorer4Position e2) && (_explorer4KeysHeld e1 == _explorer4KeysHeld e2)
-instance Ord Explorer1 where
- e1 `compare` e2 =
- if _explorer1Position e1 == _explorer1Position e2
- then (_explorer1KeysHeld e1) `compare` (_explorer1KeysHeld e2)
- else (_explorer1Position e1) `compare`(_explorer1Position e2)
-instance Ord Explorer4 where
- e1 `compare` e2 =
- if _explorer4Position e1 == _explorer4Position e2
- then (_explorer4KeysHeld e1) `compare` (_explorer4KeysHeld e2)
- else (_explorer4Position e1) `compare`(_explorer4Position e2)
-class (Eq e, Ord e, Show e) => Explorer e where
- successors :: e -> CaveContext (Q.Seq e)
- estimateCost :: e -> CaveContext Int
- extendExplorer :: e -> EdgeKey -> CaveEdge -> e
- -- positionE :: e -> Position
- -- keysHeldE :: e -> Keys
- emptyExplorer :: e
-instance Explorer Explorer1 where
- successors explorer = -- return Q.empty
- do let here = explorer ^. position
- cavern <- asks _cave
- let kH = explorer ^. keysHeld
- let locations0 = M.filterWithKey (\k _ds -> edgeTouches here k) cavern
- let locations1 = M.filter (\e -> S.null ((e ^. keysRequired) `S.difference` kH)) locations0
- let succs = M.foldrWithKey' (\k e q -> (extendExplorer explorer k e) <| q) Q.empty locations1
- return succs
- estimateCost explorer = -- return 0
- do let here = explorer ^. position
- ks <- asks _keys
- cavern <- asks _cave
- let kH = explorer ^. keysHeld
- let unfound = ks `S.difference` kH
- let unfoundEdges = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> (edgeTouches here k) && ((edgeOther here k) `S.member` unfound)) cavern
- let furthest = maximum $ (0:) $ map _distance $ M.elems unfoundEdges
- return $ max 0 $ furthest + (S.size unfound) - 1
- -- return $ S.size unfound
- emptyExplorer = Explorer1 { _explorer1Position = '0', _explorer1KeysHeld = S.empty, _explorer1Travelled = 0 }
- extendExplorer explorer edgeKey edge =
- explorer & position .~ there
- & keysHeld .~ kH'
- & travelled .~ d'
- where there = edgeOther (explorer ^. position) edgeKey
- kH' = S.insert there (explorer ^. keysHeld)
- d' = (explorer ^. travelled) + (edge ^. distance)
-instance Explorer Explorer4 where
- successors explorer = -- return Q.empty
- do let heres = explorer ^. position
- cavern <- asks _cave
- let kH = explorer ^. keysHeld
- let locations0 = M.filterWithKey (\k _ds -> anyEdgeTouch heres k) cavern
- let locations1 = M.filter (\e -> S.null ((e ^. keysRequired) `S.difference` kH)) locations0
- let succs = M.foldrWithKey' (\k e q -> (extendExplorer explorer k e) <| q) Q.empty locations1
- return succs
- estimateCost explorer = -- return 0
- do let heres = explorer ^. position
- ks <- asks _keys
- cavern <- asks _cave
- let kH = explorer ^. keysHeld
- let unfound = ks `S.difference` kH
- let unfoundEdges0 = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> anyEdgeTouch heres k) cavern
- let unfoundEdges = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not $ anyEdgeTouch kH k) unfoundEdges0
- let furthest = maximum $ (0:) $ map _distance $ M.elems unfoundEdges
- return $ max 0 $ furthest + (S.size unfound) - 1
- emptyExplorer = Explorer4 { _explorer4Position = S.fromList "0123", _explorer4KeysHeld = S.empty, _explorer4Travelled = 0 }
- extendExplorer explorer edgeKey edge =
- explorer & position .~ pos'
- & keysHeld .~ kH'
- & travelled .~ d'
- where here = S.findMin $ S.filter (\p -> edgeTouches p edgeKey) (explorer ^. position)
- there = edgeOther here edgeKey
- kH' = S.insert there (explorer ^. keysHeld)
- d' = (explorer ^. travelled) + (edge ^. distance)
- pos' = S.insert there $ S.delete here (explorer ^. position)
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- text <- readFile "data/advent18.txt"
- let (ccE, startPosition) = buildCaveComplex text
- -- print ccE
- print $ part1 ccE startPosition
- print $ part2 ccE startPosition
-part1 :: ExpandedCaveComplex -> Position -> Int
-part1 cavern startPosition = maybe 0 _cost result
- where cc = contractCave cavern [startPosition]
- explorer = emptyExplorer :: Explorer1
- result = runReader (searchCave explorer) cc
-part2 :: ExpandedCaveComplex -> Position -> Int
-part2 caveComplex0 (re, ce) = maybe 0 _cost result
- where
- startPositions = [(re - 1, ce - 1), (re - 1, ce + 1), (re + 1 , ce - 1), (re + 1, ce + 1)]
- cavern0 = _caveE caveComplex0
- cavern = cavern0 `S.difference` [(re, ce), (re + 1, ce), (re - 1, ce), (re, ce + 1), (re, ce - 1)]
- caveComplex = caveComplex0 {_caveE = cavern}
- cc = contractCave caveComplex startPositions
- explorer = emptyExplorer :: Explorer4
- result = runReader (searchCave explorer) cc
--- buildCaveComplex :: Explorer e => String -> (CaveComplex, e)
-buildCaveComplex :: String -> (ExpandedCaveComplex, Position)
-buildCaveComplex text = (ccE, startPosition)
- where (ccE, startPosition) = foldl' buildCaveRow (cc0, (0, 0)) $ zip [0..] rows
- cc0 = ExpandedCaveComplex {_caveE = S.empty, _keysE = M.empty, _doors = M.empty}
- -- explorer0 = emptyExplorer -- Explorer { _position = (0, 0), _keysHeld = S.empty }
- rows = lines text
-buildCaveRow :: (ExpandedCaveComplex, Position) -> (Integer, String) -> (ExpandedCaveComplex, Position)
-buildCaveRow (cc, explorers) (r, row) = foldl' (buildCaveCell r) (cc, explorers) $ zip [0..] row
-buildCaveCell :: Integer -> (ExpandedCaveComplex, Position) -> (Integer, Char) -> (ExpandedCaveComplex, Position)
-buildCaveCell r (cc, startPosition) (c, char)
- | char == '.' = (cc', startPosition)
- | char == '@' = (cc', here)
- | isLower char = (cc' { _keysE = M.insert here char $ _keysE cc'}, startPosition)
- | isUpper char = (cc' { _doors = M.insert here char $ _doors cc'}, startPosition)
- | otherwise = (cc, startPosition)
- where cc' = cc { _caveE = S.insert here $ _caveE cc }
- here = (r, c)
-mkEdgeKey a b = if a < b then (a, b) else (b, a)
-edgeTouches x (a, b)
- | x == a = True
- | x == b = True
- | otherwise = False
-anyEdgeTouch xs p = S.foldl' (\t x -> t || (edgeTouches x p)) False xs
-edgeOther x (a, b)
- | x == a = b
- | otherwise = a
-contractCave :: ExpandedCaveComplex -> [Position] -> CaveComplex
-contractCave expanded startPositions = cavern
- where explorers = M.fromList $ zip startPositions $ map intToDigit [0..]
- starts = M.union explorers $ _keysE expanded
- cavern0 = CaveComplex {_cave = M.empty, _keys = S.fromList $ M.elems $ _keysE expanded}
- cavern = M.foldrWithKey (contractFrom expanded) cavern0 starts
-contractFrom :: ExpandedCaveComplex -> Position -> Char -> CaveComplex -> CaveComplex
-contractFrom expanded startPos startKey cc = cc { _cave = M.union (_cave cc) reachables }
- where reachables = reachableFrom [(startPos, edge0)] S.empty expanded' startKey
- edge0 = CaveEdge {_keysRequired = S.empty, _distance = 0}
- expanded' = expanded {_keysE = M.delete startPos $ _keysE expanded}
-reachableFrom :: [(Position, CaveEdge)] -> (S.Set Position) -> ExpandedCaveComplex -> Char -> Cave
-reachableFrom [] _closed _expanded _startKey = M.empty
-reachableFrom ((here, edge):boundary) closed expanded startKey
- | here `S.member` closed = reachableFrom boundary closed expanded startKey
- | here `M.member` ks = M.insert edgeKey edge $ reachableFrom boundary closed' expanded startKey
- | here `M.member` drs = reachableFrom boundaryD closed' expanded startKey
- | otherwise = reachableFrom boundary' closed' expanded startKey
- where nbrs0 = S.intersection (_caveE expanded) $ possibleNeighbours here
- nbrs = S.difference nbrs0 closed
- closed' = S.insert here closed
- ks = _keysE expanded
- drs = _doors expanded
- edgeKey = mkEdgeKey startKey (ks!here)
- edge' = edge { _distance = (_distance edge) + 1}
- edgeD = edge' {_keysRequired = S.insert (toLower (drs!here)) (_keysRequired edge')}
- neighbours = S.map (\n -> (n, edge')) nbrs
- neighboursD = S.map (\n -> (n, edgeD)) nbrs
- boundary' = boundary ++ (S.toAscList neighbours)
- boundaryD = boundary ++ (S.toAscList neighboursD)
-possibleNeighbours :: Position -> S.Set Position
-possibleNeighbours (r, c) = [(r + 1, c), (r - 1, c), (r, c + 1), (r, c - 1)]
-searchCave :: (Explorer e, HasTravelled e Int, HasKeysHeld e Keys) => e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
-searchCave explorer =
- do agenda <- initAgenda explorer
- aStar agenda S.empty
-initAgenda :: (Explorer e, HasTravelled e Int, HasKeysHeld e Keys) => e -> CaveContext (Agenda e)
-initAgenda explorer =
- do cost <- estimateCost explorer
- return $ P.singleton cost Agendum { _current = explorer, _trail = Q.empty, _cost = cost}
-aStar :: (Explorer e, HasTravelled e Int, HasKeysHeld e Keys) => Agenda e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
-aStar agenda closed
- -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ fst $ P.findMin agenda) ++ ": " ++ (show reached) ++ " <- " ++ (show $ toList $ Q.take 1 $ _trail $ currentAgendum) ++ " :: " ++ (show newAgenda)) False = undefined
- -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ _current $ snd $ P.findMin agenda) ) False = undefined
- | P.null agenda = return Nothing
- | otherwise =
- do let (_, currentAgendum) = P.findMin agenda
- let reached = _current currentAgendum
- nexts <- candidates currentAgendum closed
- let newAgenda = foldl' (\q a -> P.insert (_cost a) a q) (P.deleteMin agenda) nexts
- reachedGoal <- isGoal reached
- if reachedGoal
- then return (Just currentAgendum)
- else if reached `S.member` closed
- then aStar (P.deleteMin agenda) closed
- else aStar newAgenda (S.insert reached closed)
-isGoal :: (Explorer e, HasTravelled e Int, HasKeysHeld e Keys) => e -> CaveContext Bool
-isGoal explorer =
- do ks <- asks _keys
- return $ ks == (explorer ^. keysHeld)
-candidates :: (Explorer e, HasTravelled e Int, HasKeysHeld e Keys) => Agendum e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Q.Seq (Agendum e))
-candidates agendum closed =
- do let candidate = _current agendum
- let previous = _trail agendum
- succs <- successors candidate
- let nonloops = Q.filter (\s -> not $ s `S.member` closed) succs
- mapM (makeAgendum candidate previous) nonloops
-makeAgendum :: (Explorer e, HasTravelled e Int, HasKeysHeld e Keys) => e -> (Q.Seq e) -> e -> CaveContext (Agendum e)
-makeAgendum candidate previous new =
- do predicted <- estimateCost new
- return Agendum { _current = new
- , _trail = candidate <| previous
- , _cost = (new ^. travelled) + predicted
- }
\ No newline at end of file
type PointOfInterest = M.Map Position Char
-class (Eq e, Ord e, Show e) => ExplorerC e where
+class (Eq e, Ord e, Show e) => Explorer e where
successors :: e -> CaveContext (Q.Seq e)
estimateCost :: e -> CaveContext Int
-- positionE :: e -> Position
type Agenda e = P.MinPQueue Int (Agendum e)
-- type Candidates e = S.Set (Int, Agendum e)
-instance ExplorerC Explorer1 where
+instance Explorer Explorer1 where
successors explorer =
do let here = _position1 explorer
let locations0 = possibleNeighbours here
keysHeldE = _keysHeld1
emptyExplorer = Explorer1 { _position1 = (0, 0), _keysHeld1 = S.empty }
-instance ExplorerC Explorer4 where
+instance Explorer Explorer4 where
successors explorer =
do let rawHeres = _position4 explorer
let heres = setToSeq $ allSplits rawHeres
main :: IO ()
main = do
- text <- readFile "data/advent18x.txt"
+ text <- readFile "data/advent18.txt"
let (cc, explorer) = buildCaveComplex text
-- print cc
-- print explorer
print $ part1 cc explorer
print $ part2 cc explorer
-part1 :: ExplorerC e => CaveComplex -> e -> Int
+part1 :: Explorer e => CaveComplex -> e -> Int
part1 cave explorer = maybe 0 (( + 1) . _cost ) result
where result = runReader (searchCave explorer) cave
explorer = Explorer4 {_position4 = [(re + 1, ce + 1), (re - 1, ce + 1), (re + 1, ce - 1), (re - 1, ce - 1)], _keysHeld4 = S.empty }
result = runReader (searchCave explorer) caveComplex
-keySeq :: ExplorerC e => (Agendum e) -> Q.Seq Keys
+keySeq :: Explorer e => (Agendum e) -> Q.Seq Keys
keySeq agendum = Q.filter (not . S.null) kdiff
where keyss = fmap keysHeldE $ _trail agendum
kdiff = fmap (uncurry S.difference) $ Q.zip ((keysHeldE $ _current agendum) <| keyss) keyss
-searchCave :: ExplorerC e => e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
+searchCave :: Explorer e => e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
searchCave explorer =
do agenda <- initAgenda explorer
aStar agenda S.empty
here = (r, c)
-initAgenda :: ExplorerC e => e -> CaveContext (Agenda e)
+initAgenda :: Explorer e => e -> CaveContext (Agenda e)
initAgenda explorer =
do cost <- estimateCost explorer
return $ P.singleton cost Agendum { _current = explorer, _trail = Q.empty, _cost = cost}
-aStar :: ExplorerC e => Agenda e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
+aStar :: Explorer e => Agenda e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
-- aStar [] _ = Agendum {current=buildingTest, trail=[], cost=0}
aStar agenda closed
-- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ fst $ P.findMin agenda) ++ ": " ++ (show reached) ++ " <- " ++ (show $ toList $ Q.take 1 $ _trail $ currentAgendum) ++ " :: " ++ (show newAgenda)) False = undefined
else aStar newAgenda (S.insert reached closed)
-isGoal :: ExplorerC e => e -> CaveContext Bool
+isGoal :: Explorer e => e -> CaveContext Bool
isGoal explorer =
do keys <- asks (S.fromList . M.elems . _keys)
return $ keys == keysHeldE explorer
-candidates :: ExplorerC e => Agendum e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Q.Seq (Agendum e))
+candidates :: Explorer e => Agendum e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Q.Seq (Agendum e))
-- candidates a _ | trace ("Cand " ++ show (a)) False = undefined
candidates agendum closed =
do let candidate = _current agendum
let nonloops = Q.filter (\s -> not $ s `S.member` closed) succs
mapM (makeAgendum candidate previous) nonloops
-makeAgendum :: ExplorerC e => e -> (Q.Seq e) -> e -> CaveContext (Agendum e)
+makeAgendum :: Explorer e => e -> (Q.Seq e) -> e -> CaveContext (Agendum e)
-- makeAgendum c _p n | trace ("Agendum " ++ (show c) ++ " " ++ (show n) ) False = undefined
makeAgendum candidate previous new =
do cost <- estimateCost new