-# Accents
->>> caesar_encipher_letter('é', 1)
-What does it produce?
-What should it produce?
-## Unicode, combining codepoints, and normal forms
-Text encodings will bite you when you least expect it.
-* urlencoding is the other pain point.
-# Five minutes on StackOverflow later...
-def unaccent(text):
- """Remove all accents from letters.
- It does this by converting the unicode string to decomposed compatibility
- form, dropping all the combining accents, then re-encoding the bytes.
- >>> unaccent('hello')
- 'hello'
- >>> unaccent('HELLO')
- >>> unaccent('héllo')
- 'hello'
- >>> unaccent('héllö')
- 'hello'
- >>> unaccent('HÉLLÖ')
- """
- return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text).\
- encode('ascii', 'ignore').\
- decode('utf-8')
# Doing all the letters
## Test-first developement