--- /dev/null
+ jupytext:
+ formats: ipynb,md
+ text_representation:
+ extension: .md
+ format_name: markdown
+ format_version: '1.3'
+ jupytext_version: 1.14.5
+ kernelspec:
+ display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
+ language: python
+ name: python3
+import unicodedata
+import re
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set
+from enum import Enum, auto
+dictionary : List[str] = [unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', w.strip()).\
+ encode('ascii', 'ignore').\
+ decode('utf-8')
+ for w in open('/usr/share/dict/british-english').readlines()
+ if w.strip().islower()
+ if w.strip().isalpha()
+ ]
+ordinals : Dict[str, int] = { 'last': -1
+ , 'first': 1
+ , 'second': 2
+ , 'third': 3
+ , 'fourth': 4
+ , 'fifth': 5
+ , 'sixth': 6
+ , 'seventh': 7
+ , 'eighth': 8
+ , 'ninth': 9
+ , 'tenth': 10
+ , 'eleventh': 11
+ , 'twelfth': 12
+ }
+# reverse_ordinals : Dict[int, str] = {n: w for w, n in ordinals.items()}
+def from_ordinal(word: str) -> int:
+ return ordinals[word]
+# def to_ordinal(number: int) -> str:
+# return reverse_ordinals[number]
+def tokenise(phrase: str) -> List[str]:
+ return [w.lower() for w in re.split(r'\W+', phrase) if w]
+tokenise("My first is in apple, but not in fish.")
+class RiddleValence(Enum):
+ Include = auto()
+ Exclude = auto()
+class RiddleElement:
+ valence : RiddleValence
+ letters : Set[str]
+Riddle = Dict[int, RiddleElement]
+stop_words = set('my is in within lies and also always you will find always the found'.split())
+negative_words = set('but not never'.split())
+def parse_line(tokens: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, RiddleElement, RiddleElement]:
+ stripped_tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in stop_words]
+ position_word = [t for t in stripped_tokens if t in ordinals][0]
+ pos = from_ordinal(position_word)
+ first_index, first_word = [(i, t) for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens)
+ if t not in ordinals
+ if t not in negative_words][0]
+ second_index, second_word = [(i, t) for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens)
+ if t not in ordinals
+ if t not in negative_words][1]
+ neg_indices = [i for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens) if t in negative_words]
+ first_clue = None
+ second_clue = None
+ if neg_indices:
+ if neg_indices[0] < first_index:
+ first_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
+ letters = set(first_word))
+ if len(neg_indices) > 1:
+ second_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
+ letters = set(second_word))
+ elif neg_indices[0] < second_index:
+ second_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
+ letters = set(second_word))
+ if first_clue is None:
+ first_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Include,
+ letters = set(first_word))
+ if second_clue is None:
+ second_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Include,
+ letters = set(second_word))
+ return (pos, first_clue, second_clue)
+e1 = parse_line(tokenise("My first is in apple, but not in pad."))
+e2 = parse_line(tokenise("My second is in apple and also in banana."))
+def collapse_riddle_elements(elems : List[Tuple[int, RiddleElement, RiddleElement]]) -> Dict[int, RiddleElement]:
+ def combine_elements(a: RiddleElement, b: RiddleElement) -> RiddleElement:
+ if a.valence == b.valence:
+ return RiddleElement(letters = a.letters | b.letters, valence = a.valence)
+ else:
+ if a.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
+ p, q = a, b
+ else:
+ p, q = b, a
+ return RiddleElement(letters = p.letters - q.letters, valence = RiddleValence.Include)
+ return {i: combine_elements(a, b) for i, a, b in elems}
+collapse_riddle_elements([e1, e2])
+sample_riddle_text = """My first is in shoat but not in oath
+My second is in orate but not in ratter
+My third is in preposition but not in osteoporosis
+My fourth is in astern but not in taster
+My fifth is in conscientiousness but not in suction
+My sixth is in immorality but not in immorally"""
+sample_riddle_lines = [parse_line(tokenise(l)) for l in sample_riddle_text.split('\n')]
+sample_riddle = collapse_riddle_elements(sample_riddle_lines)
+def parse_riddle(riddle_text: str) -> Dict[int, RiddleElement]:
+ riddle_lines = [parse_line(tokenise(l)) for l in riddle_text.split('\n')]
+ return collapse_riddle_elements(riddle_lines)
+def matches_element(pos: int, elem: RiddleElement, word: str) -> bool:
+ if len(word) < pos:
+ return False
+ if elem.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
+ return word[pos-1] in elem.letters
+ else:
+ return word[pos-1] not in elem.letters
+def matches_all_elements(riddle: Dict[int, RiddleElement], word: str) -> bool:
+ if -1 in riddle:
+ last_elem = riddle[-1]
+ new_riddle = {p: e for p, e in riddle.items() if p != -1}
+ new_riddle[len(word)] = last_elem
+ else:
+ new_riddle = riddle
+ return all(matches_element(i, elem, word) for i, elem in new_riddle.items())
+def solve_riddle(riddle: Dict[int, RiddleElement]) -> str:
+ return [w for w in dictionary
+ if len(w) == len(riddle)
+ if matches_all_elements(riddle, w)]
+def parse_and_solve_riddle(riddle_text: str) -> List[str]:
+ riddle = parse_riddle(riddle_text)
+ return solve_riddle(riddle)
+sample_riddles = open('sample-riddles.txt').read().split('\n\n')
+[parse_and_solve_riddle(r) for r in sample_riddles]
--- /dev/null
+My first is in shoat but not in oath
+My second is in orate but not in ratter
+My third is in preposition but not in osteoporosis
+My fourth is in astern but not in taster
+My fifth is in conscientiousness but not in suction
+My sixth is in immorality but not in immorally
+My first is in riddle, but not in little.
+My second is in think, but not in brink.
+My third is in thyme, but not in time.
+My fourth is in mother, but not in brother.
+My last is in time, but not in climb.
+My first is in spell, but not book.
+My second is in fright and also shook.
+My third is in cauldron, but never in pot.
+My fourth is in net and also in knot.
+My fifth is in bat, but never in vampire.
+My sixth is in coal, but not found in fire.
+My seventh is in moon, but not in night.
\ No newline at end of file