13 years agoUpdated documentation
Neil Smith [Fri, 11 Mar 2011 12:08:28 +0000 (12:08 +0000)]
Updated documentation

13 years agoRenamed porter2_module to porter2_constants
Neil Smith [Fri, 7 Jan 2011 08:47:41 +0000 (08:47 +0000)]
Renamed porter2_module to porter2_constants

13 years agoSplit constants into a module, procedures directly into String.
Neil Smith [Wed, 5 Jan 2011 11:41:22 +0000 (11:41 +0000)]
Split constants into a module, procedures directly into String.

13 years agoInitial commit
Neil Smith [Tue, 4 Jan 2011 16:30:13 +0000 (16:30 +0000)]
Initial commit