]> git.njae.me.uk Git - cipher-training.git/shortlog
2016-03-18 Neil SmithAdded letter frequency treemap impage
2016-01-07 Neil SmithRemoved cipher challenge files
2014-07-29 Neil SmithFixed spelling of KeywordWrapAlphabet
2014-07-23 Neil SmithBits of tinkering
2014-07-22 Neil SmithDon't create language_models.py twice
2014-07-17 Neil SmithTweaked some slides.
2014-07-16 Neil SmithMade a few tweaks
2014-07-16 Neil SmithAdded Python idiom links, added fancy web font for...
2014-07-15 Neil SmithTweaked slide layout
2014-07-11 Neil SmithDone pocket enigma breaking by crib
2014-07-11 Neil SmithMoved a slide around, added project directories
2014-07-10 Neil SmithUpdated further work to include Enigma
2014-07-10 Neil SmithFinished the pocket enigma encipher slides
2014-07-10 Neil SmithStarted work on the pocket enigma slides
2014-07-10 Neil SmithMade a few tweaks to the pocket enigma
2014-07-10 Neil SmithTidying formatting
2014-07-05 Neil SmithAdded pocket enigma routines
2014-07-05 Neil SmithDone transposition slides
2014-07-02 Neil SmithMerge branch 'presentation-slides' of github.com:NeilNj...
2014-07-02 Neil SmithAdded transposition cipher slides
2014-06-23 Neil SmithMerged updated cipherbreak.py from development
2014-06-23 Neil SmithCopied modified cipherbreak from development branch
2014-06-23 Neil SmithTweaked the keyword break slides
2014-06-22 Neil SmithAdded fast-cheap-good picture, tidyied some formatting
2014-06-18 Neil SmithFinished word segmentation slides
2014-06-11 Neil SmithDone some work on word segmentation
2014-06-04 Neil SmithTidied up keyword ciphers and writeups
2014-06-01 Neil SmithMerge branch 'development' into presentation-slides
2014-06-01 Neil SmithIncluded Python 3.4's Enum for keyword alphabets, added...
2014-06-01 Neil SmithMerge branch 'development' of github.com:NeilNjae/ciphe...
2014-06-01 Neil SmithCaching word segmentation
2014-06-01 Neil SmithFinished keyword breaking, started word segmentation
2014-05-31 Neil SmithMore on keyword breaking
2014-05-21 Neil SmithExpanded the word list with the mona lisa words from...
2014-05-21 Neil SmithFixed the merge conflict
2014-05-14 Neil SmithMostly finished keyword ciphers
2014-04-23 Neil SmithFinished affine ciphers
2014-04-21 Neil SmithTrials for best metrics for affine cipher breaks
2014-04-18 Neil SmithModular multiplicative inverse example almost done
2014-04-13 Neil SmithUpdated Sublime's project file
2014-04-09 Neil SmithSplit out vector-based frequency analysis, started...
2014-04-03 Neil SmithRejigged caesar break slides
2014-04-03 Neil SmithMoved the logger details to cipherbreak.py
2014-03-26 Neil SmithMerge branch 'presentation-slides' of github.com:NeilNj...
2014-03-24 Neil SmithMore work on slides
2014-03-22 Neil SmithUp to first breaking of caesar ciphers
2014-03-14 Neil SmithUpdated letter frequencies, updated test values to...
2014-03-14 Neil SmithUpdated lettercount.py
2014-03-14 Neil SmithTinkering with slides
2014-03-12 Neil SmithMoved discussion of accents to cipher breaking
2014-03-12 Neil SmithMoved discussion of accents to cipher breaking
2014-03-12 Neil SmithFixed conflicting equation typesetting
2014-03-12 Neil SmithAdded vector diagrams
2014-03-12 Neil SmithIncluded frequency histogram diagrams
2014-03-11 Neil SmithFixed bug in norms.cosine_similarity, updated caesar...
2014-03-10 Neil SmithFinished for the day
2014-03-10 Neil SmithAdded another test case
2014-03-10 Neil SmithUnaccent letters before enciphering
2014-03-08 Neil SmithDone for a moment
2014-03-08 Neil SmithFixed typo in slide 1
2014-03-08 Neil SmithFixed docstring typo
2014-03-08 Neil SmithFinished caesar cipher slides
2014-03-07 Neil SmithPulled across the sublime-project file
2014-03-07 Neil SmithPrettified the slide
2014-03-07 Neil SmithAdded the first slide
2014-03-07 Neil SmithUpdated .gitignore
2014-03-07 Neil SmithRevised recording and revising of caesar parameter...
2014-03-07 Neil SmithAdded development files
2014-03-07 Neil SmithUpdated .gitignore
2014-03-07 Neil SmithInitial commit of resource files
2014-03-07 NeilNjaeInitial commit