2015-06-29 Neil SmithUpdated blurb again
2015-06-26 Neil SmithUpdated blurb
2015-03-10 Neil SmithAdded blurb
2014-07-23 Neil SmithFixed typo in solutions
2014-07-17 Neil SmithCopied changed file from presentation-slides branch
2014-07-16 Neil SmithCopied updated slides across
2014-07-16 Neil SmithAdded Python idiom links, added fancy web font for...
2014-07-15 Neil SmithCopied over updated slide layout from presentation...
2014-07-11 Neil SmithUpdated sublime project file
2014-07-11 Neil SmithPulled slides over from the presentation-slides branch
2014-07-03 Neil SmithCopied words_2013.txt from development branch
2014-07-03 Neil SmithMerged slides from presentation-slides branch
2014-03-12 Neil SmithMerge branch 'presentation-slides'
2014-03-12 Neil SmithMoved discussion of accents to cipher breaking
2014-03-12 Neil SmithMoved discussion of accents to cipher breaking
2014-03-12 Neil SmithFixed conflicting equation typesetting
2014-03-12 Neil SmithAdded vector diagrams
2014-03-12 Neil SmithIncluded frequency histogram diagrams
2014-03-10 Neil SmithFinished for the day
2014-03-08 Neil SmithDeleted count_1l.txt file
2014-03-08 Neil SmithDone for a moment
2014-03-08 Neil SmithFixed typo in slide 1
2014-03-08 Neil SmithMerge branch 'presentation-slides' with caesar cipher...
2014-03-08 Neil SmithFinished caesar cipher slides
2014-03-07 Neil SmithPulled across the sublime-project file
2014-03-07 Neil SmithPulled across the sublime-project file
2014-03-07 Neil SmithPrettified the slide
2014-03-07 Neil SmithAdded the first slide
2014-03-07 Neil SmithUpdated .gitignore
2014-03-07 Neil SmithUpdated .gitignore
2014-03-07 Neil SmithInitial commit of resource files
2014-03-07 NeilNjaeInitial commit