]> git.njae.me.uk Git - ou-summer-of-code-2017.git/shortlog
2017-06-12 Neil SmithAdded some instructions, and labels for jumps
2017-06-12 Neil SmithUpdated instructions, created tables for website
2017-06-12 Neil SmithUpdated question text
2017-06-12 Neil SmithDone problem set and solution for day 6
2017-06-11 Neil SmithCreated sample tours and images of them
2017-06-10 Neil SmithStarted on interpreter
2017-06-10 Neil SmithDone some work on tour shapes
2017-06-10 Neil SmithAdded some more one-liner solutions
2017-06-08 Neil SmithClarified instructions
2017-06-05 Neil SmithDone some work on problem 7
2017-06-02 Neil SmithRenamed wordsearch, added example problem
2017-06-01 Neil SmithAdded a new day 3, rearranged days
2017-05-22 Neil SmithUpdated problem ideas
2017-05-22 Neil SmithUpdated word chain problem
2017-05-20 Neil SmithFixed typo
2017-05-20 Neil SmithTweaked problem definition and data file for problem 1
2017-05-19 Neil SmithUpdated some solutions
2017-05-19 Neil SmithRenamed wordsearch puzzle
2017-05-19 Neil SmithAdded problem 3, display board
2017-05-19 Neil SmithUpdated problem list and links
2017-05-18 Neil SmithDone word chains puzzle
2017-05-18 Neil SmithAdded links to AoC sites
2017-05-17 Neil SmithDone puzzle 2
2017-05-15 Neil SmithProblem 1 done
2017-04-11 Neil SmithAdded links to project workspace
2017-03-09 Neil SmithTidyied up problem ideas
2017-03-08 Neil SmithAdded some problem ideas
2017-03-08 Neil SmithAdded description of M269 skills
2017-03-08 Neil SmithAdded Sublime project file
2017-03-08 Neil SmithCleared unnecessary output
2017-03-08 Neil SmithAdded blurb and trusted notebooks
2017-03-08 Neil SmithRenamed 'sequence' to 'substring'
2017-01-30 Neil SmithAdded sequence finding
2017-01-27 Neil SmithMore and better puzzles
2017-01-27 Neil SmithBetter puzzle creation
2017-01-27 Neil SmithWordsearch puzzles