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+# Keyword ciphers
+a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
+k | e | y | w | o | r | d | a | b | c | f | g | h | i | j | l | m | n | p | q | s | t | u | v | x | z
+* Taking a more Pythonic approach
+# The cipher
+* Still character-by-character substitution, still monosubstitution.
+Ciphertext alphabet: start with a keyword, write out the rest of the alphabet, removing duplicates.
+## Three variants
+Write out the rest of the alphabet...
+1. ...starting from 'a' (keywordabcf...)
+2. ...starting from the last letter of the keyword (keywordfgh...)
+3. ...starting from the largest letter of the keyword (keywordzabc...)
+# A more Pythonic way
+_string_`.translate()` and _string_`.maketrans()`
+* Make the 'ciphertext' alphabet, relate to the 'plaintext' alphabet (`string.ascii_lowercase`)
+* Use those to make the translation table
+* Enciphering is simply applying `plaintext.translate(enciphering_table)`
+* Deciphering just uses a different table
+# Making the cipher alphabet from a keyword
+Three challenges:
+1. How to say which type of cipher alphabet to use
+2. Where to start the rest of the alphabet
+3. Removing duplicate letters
+1. Keyword arguments for procedures
+2. sort and slices
+3. Use something like an ordered set
+Both enciphering and deciphering need the same keyword-based alphabet, so pull this out into another procedure.
+# Keyword arguments
+Used to:
+1. give a default value for a parameter
+2. allow parameters to be named (not just positional)
+Give our `keyword_encipher` and `keyword_decipher` procedures a keyword parameter of `wrap_alphabet`.
+Pass this parameter to the `keyword_alphabet` procedure.
+## Note: `Enum` introduced in Python 3.4. This is a better solution.
+# Deduplicating a sequence
+We need
+* Something set-like
+* Something ordered
+No ordered set in Python, but do have an ordered dict.
+* Keys of a dict are a set.
+* Keys in an ordered dict retain their order (subsequent instances are ignored)
+`deduplicated_list = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(list))`
+# Sorts and slices
+## Recap
+Write out the rest of the alphabet...
+1. ...starting from 'a' (keywordabcf...)
+2. ...starting from the last letter of the keyword (keywordfgh...)
+3. ...starting from the largest letter of the keyword (keywordzabc...)
+* Santitise the keyword before we use it
+## Cases
+1. As we're deduplicating anyway, just add the entire alphabet to the end of the keyword, then deduplicate.
+`deduplicate(keyword + string.ascii_lowercase)`
+2. and 3. How to find the appropriate letter of the keyword.
+Indexing pulls out letters. `'keyword'[0]` = 'k' ; `'keyword'[3]` = 'w' ; `'keyword'[-1]` = 'd'
+Slices pulls out substrings. `'keyword'[1:4]` = 'eyw' ; `'keyword'[:3]` = 'key' ; `'keyword'[5:]` = 'rd'
+`deduplicate(keyword + string_ascii_lowercase[from:] + string.ascii_lowercase)`
+Question: why not take a slice of the second alphabet copy?
+Question: what do we use as the last letter of 'character'? 'r' or 'e'?
+`sorted()` will put a string in lexicographical order.
+`.find()` will find an item in a sequence
++# Keyword enciphering
++Now we've got the keyword-based cipher alphabet, simply use `.translate()` to do the enciphering/deciphering.
++Use `''.maketrans()` to make the translation table.
++Does it pass the tests?
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