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1 <p><link rel="stylesheet" href="modest.css"></link></p>
2 <h1 id="advent-of-code-2016">Advent of Code 2016</h1>
3 <p>Code to solve the <a href="">Advent of Code</a> puzzles. This year, I'm trying to use the puzzles as a prompt to learn <a href="">Haskell</a>.</p>
4 <p><a href="">Learn you a Haskell</a>, <a href="">Introduction to Haskell 98</a>, and <a href="">Hackage</a> are good resources.</p>
5 <p>I'm using the basic Haskell Platform installation (install with</p>
6 <pre><code>$ sudo aptitude install haskell-platform</code></pre>
7 <p>).</p>
8 <p>Compile the code with</p>
9 <pre><code>ghc -o advent01 advent01.hs</code></pre>
10 <p>then run it as</p>
11 <pre><code>advent01</code></pre>
12 <p>(Using the <a href="">Modest styles</a>.)</p>