Finally done day 22 properly, with search
[advent-of-code-16.git] / adventofcode1622 / app / advent22psm.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 module Main(main) where
5 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
6 import Text.Parsec
7 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number
8 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe)
9 import Data.List (find, delete, sort)
10 import Data.Foldable (foldr')
11 import Data.Hashable
12 import qualified Data.HashSet as S
13 import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
14 import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>), (><))
15 import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as P
16 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
17 import Data.HashMap.Strict ((!))
19 import Debug.Trace
22 data Node = Node { size :: Int
23 , used :: Int
24 , available :: Int
25 , use_pc :: Int
26 } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
27 instance Hashable Node
28 type NodeLocation = (Int, Int)
29 type NodeMap = M.HashMap NodeLocation Node
31 data SearchState = SearchState { targetLoc :: NodeLocation
32 , holeLoc :: NodeLocation
33 , grid :: NodeMap
34 , trail :: Q.Seq CSearchState
35 } deriving (Generic)
36 instance Hashable SearchState where
37 hashWithSalt salt s = hashWithSalt salt (canonical s)
38 instance Eq SearchState where
39 s1 == s2 = canonical s1 == canonical s2
40 instance Show SearchState where
41 show s = "Search {" ++ (show $ canonical s) ++ " ; " ++ (show $ trail s) ++ "}"
43 type CSearchState = (NodeLocation, NodeLocation)
44 type CSearchStates = S.HashSet CSearchState
45 type Agenda = P.MinPQueue Int SearchState
48 canonical :: SearchState -> CSearchState
49 canonical s = (targetLoc s, holeLoc s)
51 testGrid = "\
52 \Filesystem Size Used Avail Use%\n\
53 \/dev/grid/node-x0-y0 10T 8T 2T 80%\n\
54 \/dev/grid/node-x0-y1 11T 6T 5T 54%\n\
55 \/dev/grid/node-x0-y2 32T 28T 4T 87%\n\
56 \/dev/grid/node-x1-y0 9T 7T 2T 77%\n\
57 \/dev/grid/node-x1-y1 8T 0T 8T 0%\n\
58 \/dev/grid/node-x1-y2 11T 7T 4T 63%\n\
59 \/dev/grid/node-x2-y0 10T 6T 4T 60%\n\
60 \/dev/grid/node-x2-y1 9T 8T 1T 88%\n\
61 \/dev/grid/node-x2-y2 9T 6T 3T 66%\n\
62 \"
64 main :: IO ()
65 main = do
66 text <- readFile "data/advent22.txt"
67 let sizes = M.fromList $ successfulParse $ parseFile text
68 part1 sizes
69 part2 sizes
70 -- part2 $ M.fromList $ successfulParse $ parseFile testGrid
72 part1 :: NodeMap -> IO ()
73 part1 sizes = print $ length viable
74 where viable = [(a, b) | a <- M.keys sizes,
75 b <- M.keys sizes,
76 a /= b,
77 (used $ sizes!a) > 0,
78 (used $ sizes!a) <= (available $ sizes!b)]
81 part2 :: NodeMap -> IO ()
82 part2 sizes = print $ length $ trail $ fromMaybe (snd $ P.findMin $ initAgenda sizes) $ aStar (initAgenda sizes) S.empty
84 initAgenda :: NodeMap -> Agenda
85 initAgenda nodes = P.singleton (heuristic st) st
86 where st = startSt nodes
88 aStar :: Agenda -> CSearchStates -> Maybe SearchState
89 aStar agenda closed
90 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ fst $ P.findMin agenda) ++ ": " ++ (show current) ++ " :: " ++ (show newAgenda)) False = undefined
91 | P.null agenda = Nothing
92 | otherwise =
93 if isGoal current then Just current
94 else if creached `S.member` closed
95 then aStar (P.deleteMin agenda) closed
96 else aStar newAgenda (S.insert creached closed)
97 where
98 (_, current) = P.findMin agenda
99 creached = canonical current
100 newAgenda = foldr' (\(c, a) q -> P.insert c a q) (P.deleteMin agenda) $ candidates current closed
103 -- searchTrace :: [SearchState] -> String
104 -- searchTrace ss = unlines $ map (sst) ss
105 -- where sst s = "(" ++ show (tx s) ++ ", " ++ show (ty s) ++ ") :: " ++ holeS s
106 -- hole sk = fromJust $ find (\n -> used n == 0) $ grid sk
107 -- holeS sk = "(" ++ show (x $ hole sk) ++ ", " ++ show (y $ hole sk) ++ ")"
109 startSt :: NodeMap -> SearchState
110 startSt nodes = SearchState { targetLoc = (maximum xs, 0)
111 , holeLoc = hole
112 , trail = Q.empty
113 , grid = nodes
114 }
115 where xs = map (\n -> fst n) (M.keys nodes)
116 hole = holeLocation nodes
118 holeLocation :: NodeMap -> NodeLocation
119 holeLocation nodes = head $ M.keys $ M.filter (\n -> used n == 0) nodes
121 isGoal :: SearchState -> Bool
122 isGoal st = targetLoc st == (0, 0)
124 heuristic :: SearchState -> Int
125 heuristic st = (tx + ty) + (abs (hx - tx)) + (abs (hy - ty)) - 1
126 where (tx, ty) = targetLoc st
127 (hx, hy) = holeLoc st
129 adjacent :: NodeLocation -> NodeLocation -> Bool
130 adjacent (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = abs (x1 - x2) + abs (y1 - y2) == 1
132 -- A move of data from n1 to n2 is legal.
133 legal :: NodeMap -> NodeLocation -> NodeLocation -> Bool
134 legal nodes n1 n2 = adjacent n1 n2 && (used $ nodes!n1) > 0 && (used $ nodes!n1) <= (available $ nodes!n2)
136 candidates :: SearchState -> CSearchStates -> S.HashSet (Int, SearchState)
137 candidates st closed = newCandidates
138 where
139 previous = trail st
140 succs = successors st
141 nonloops = S.filter (\s -> not $ (canonical s) `S.member` closed) succs
142 cost s = heuristic s + (Q.length $ trail s)
143 newCandidates = (\a -> (cost a, a)) nonloops
145 successors :: SearchState -> S.HashSet SearchState
146 successors st = S.fromList $ map (newState st) possibleMoves
147 where nodes = grid st
148 h = holeLoc st
149 possibleMoves = [(h, n) | n <- (M.keys nodes), legal nodes n h]
152 -- Moving hole from h to h'
153 newState :: SearchState -> (NodeLocation, NodeLocation) -> SearchState
154 newState st (h, h') = candidate
155 where candidate = st {targetLoc = t', holeLoc = h', trail = trail', grid = grid'}
156 t = targetLoc st
157 t' = if t == h' then h else t
158 trail' = (canonical st) <| (trail st)
159 u = used ((grid st)!h')
160 u' = used ((grid st)!h)
161 a = size((grid st)!h) - used ((grid st)!h')
162 a' = size((grid st)!h') - used ((grid st)!h)
163 grid' = M.adjust (\n -> n {used = u, available = a}) h $ M.adjust (\n -> n {used = u', available = a'}) h' $ grid st
166 --
167 -- Parsing
168 --
170 duFile = duLine `sepEndBy` newline
171 -- duLine = (optionMaybe nodeL)
173 duLine = (nodeL >>= return . Just) <|> (headerL >> return Nothing)
175 headerL = (many (noneOf "\r\n"))
177 nodeL = nodeify <$> (string "/dev/grid/node-x" *> int)
178 <*> (string "-y" *> int)
179 <*> (spaces *> int <* string "T")
180 <*> (spaces *> int <* string "T")
181 <*> (spaces *> int <* string "T")
182 <*> (spaces *> int <* string "%")
183 where nodeify x y size used available use_pc =
184 ((x, y), Node {size=size, used=used, available=available, use_pc=use_pc})
186 parseFile :: String -> Either ParseError [Maybe (NodeLocation, Node)]
187 parseFile input = parse duFile "(unknown)" input
189 parseLine :: String -> Either ParseError (Maybe (NodeLocation, Node))
190 parseLine input = parse duLine "(unknown)" input
192 successfulParse :: Either ParseError [Maybe a] -> [a]
193 successfulParse (Left _) = []
194 successfulParse (Right a) = catMaybes a