Day 13
[advent-of-code-18.git] / src / advent13 / advent13.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
5 import Data.List
6 import Data.Tuple (swap)
7 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
8 import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
10 import Debug.Trace
12 type Coord = (Int, Int) -- x, y
13 data Cell = Horizontal | Vertical | TopLeft | TopRight | Junction deriving (Show, Eq)
14 data Direction = Up | Right | Down | Left deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
15 data Decision = Anticlockwise | Straight | Clockwise deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
16 data Cart = Cart Direction Decision deriving (Eq, Show)
17 type Layout = M.Map Coord Cell
18 type Carts = M.Map Coord Cart
21 main :: IO ()
22 main = do
23 text <- readFile "data/advent13.txt"
24 let (layout, carts) = parse text
25 -- print carts
26 -- print layout
27 -- print $ propogateUntilCollision (orderedCarts carts) layout carts
28 putStrLn $ showCoord $ part1 carts layout
29 putStrLn $ showCoord $ part2 carts layout
32 part1 :: Carts -> Layout -> Coord
33 part1 carts layout = collisionSite
34 where (collisionSite, _, _, _) = propogateUntilCollision (orderedCarts carts) layout carts
36 part2 :: Carts -> Layout -> Coord
37 part2 carts layout = propogateUntilOne (orderedCarts carts) layout carts
39 showCoord :: Coord -> String
40 showCoord (x, y) = show x ++ "," ++ show y
43 -- Parsing
44 parse :: String -> (Layout, Carts)
45 parse text = foldl' parseRow (M.empty, M.empty) $ zip [0..] (lines text)
47 parseRow (layout, carts) (y, row) = foldl' parseCellWithY (layout, carts) $ zip [0..] row
48 where parseCellWithY = parseCell y
50 parseCell y (layout, carts) (x, cell) =
51 let here = (x, y)
52 in case cell of
53 '-' -> (M.insert here Horizontal layout, carts)
54 '|' -> (M.insert here Vertical layout, carts)
55 '\\' -> (M.insert here TopLeft layout, carts)
56 '/' -> (M.insert here TopRight layout, carts)
57 '+' -> (M.insert here Junction layout, carts)
58 '^' -> (M.insert here Vertical layout, M.insert here (Cart Up Anticlockwise) carts)
59 'v' -> (M.insert here Vertical layout, M.insert here (Cart Down Anticlockwise) carts)
60 '<' -> (M.insert here Horizontal layout, M.insert here (Cart Left Anticlockwise) carts)
61 '>' -> (M.insert here Horizontal layout, M.insert here (Cart Right Anticlockwise) carts)
62 _ -> (layout, carts)
65 -- Moving
67 -- first argument is the carts left to move this tick.
68 propogateUntilCollision :: [Coord] -> Layout -> Carts -> (Coord, Coord, [Coord], Carts)
69 -- propogateUntilCollision cs _ carts | trace ("pUC " ++ show cs ++ " " ++ show carts) False = undefined
70 -- finished this tick
71 propogateUntilCollision [] layout carts =
72 if M.size carts <= 1
73 then (survivingCoord, survivingCoord, [], carts) -- empty coords list asserts finished a tick with only one cart remaining.
74 else propogateUntilCollision (orderedCarts carts) layout carts -- start the next tick
75 where survivingCoord = head $ M.keys carts
76 -- not finished this tick, so move this cart then move the rest
77 propogateUntilCollision (c:cs) layout carts =
78 if c' `M.member` carts
79 then (c', c, cs, carts)
80 else propogateUntilCollision cs layout carts'
81 where cart = carts!c
82 (c', cart') = moveOnce c cart layout
83 carts' = M.insert c' cart' $ M.delete c carts
85 orderedCarts :: Carts -> [Coord]
86 orderedCarts carts = sortOn swap $ M.keys carts
88 -- move a cart, without getting as far as collision detection
89 moveOnce :: Coord -> Cart -> Layout -> (Coord, Cart)
90 moveOnce coord (Cart direction decision) layout = (coord', (Cart direction'' decision'))
91 where coord' = takeStep direction coord
92 direction' = (curve direction (layout!coord'))
93 (direction'', decision') = junctionTurn (layout!coord') direction' decision
95 -- keep moving carts until only one left
96 -- move carts until there's a collision; remove those carts then carry on
97 propogateUntilOne :: [Coord] -> Layout -> Carts -> Coord
98 propogateUntilOne coords layout carts =
99 if null coords' -- only when finished a tick and only one cart remaining.
100 then c1
101 else propogateUntilOne coords'' layout carts''
102 where (c1, c2, coords', carts') = propogateUntilCollision coords layout carts
103 carts'' = M.delete c1 $ M.delete c2 carts'
104 coords'' = filter (/= c1) $ filter (/= c2) coords'
106 -- Move in the current direction
107 takeStep :: Direction -> Coord -> Coord
108 takeStep Up (x, y) = (x, y-1)
109 takeStep Down (x, y) = (x, y+1)
110 takeStep Left (x, y) = ( x-1, y)
111 takeStep Right (x, y) = (x+1, y)
113 curve :: Direction -> Cell -> Direction
114 curve Up TopLeft = Left
115 curve Down TopLeft = Right
116 curve Left TopLeft = Up
117 curve Right TopLeft = Down
118 curve Up TopRight = Right
119 curve Down TopRight = Left
120 curve Left TopRight = Down
121 curve Right TopRight = Up
122 curve d _ = d
124 junctionTurn :: Cell -> Direction -> Decision -> (Direction, Decision)
125 junctionTurn Junction direction Anticlockwise = (predW direction, Straight)
126 junctionTurn Junction direction Straight = (direction, Clockwise)
127 junctionTurn Junction direction Clockwise = (succW direction, Anticlockwise)
128 junctionTurn _ direction decision = (direction, decision)
131 -- | a `succ` that wraps
132 succW :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a) => a -> a
133 succW dir | dir == maxBound = minBound
134 | otherwise = succ dir
136 -- | a `pred` that wraps
137 predW :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a) => a -> a
138 predW dir | dir == minBound = maxBound
139 | otherwise = pred dir