Update README.md
[battle-of-the-bands.git] / read-emotion-lexicon.ipynb
1 {
2 "cells": [
3 {
4 "cell_type": "code",
5 "execution_count": 1,
6 "metadata": {},
7 "outputs": [],
8 "source": [
9 "import pandas as pd\n",
10 "import numpy as np\n",
11 "import matplotlib\n",
12 "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
13 "%matplotlib inline \n",
14 "\n",
15 "import re\n",
16 "import pymongo\n",
17 "\n",
18 "import collections\n",
19 "\n"
20 ]
21 },
22 {
23 "cell_type": "code",
24 "execution_count": 2,
25 "metadata": {},
26 "outputs": [],
27 "source": [
28 "# Open a connection to the Mongo server\n",
29 "client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')"
30 ]
31 },
32 {
33 "cell_type": "code",
34 "execution_count": 21,
35 "metadata": {},
36 "outputs": [],
37 "source": [
38 "# Create a database and a collections within it.\n",
39 "songs_db = client.songs\n",
40 "albums = songs_db.albums\n",
41 "tracks = songs_db.tracks\n",
42 "genius_tracks = songs_db.gtracks"
43 ]
44 },
45 {
46 "cell_type": "code",
47 "execution_count": 4,
48 "metadata": {},
49 "outputs": [],
50 "source": [
51 "sentiments = songs_db.sentiments"
52 ]
53 },
54 {
55 "cell_type": "code",
56 "execution_count": 16,
57 "metadata": {},
58 "outputs": [
59 {
60 "name": "stdout",
61 "output_type": "stream",
62 "text": [
63 "abacus trust 1\n",
64 "abandon fear 1\n",
65 "abandon negative 1\n",
66 "abandon sadness 1\n",
67 "abandoned anger 1\n",
68 "abandoned fear 1\n",
69 "abandoned negative 1\n",
70 "abandoned sadness 1\n",
71 "abandonment anger 1\n",
72 "abandonment fear 1\n",
73 "abandonment negative 1\n",
74 "abandonment sadness 1\n",
75 "abandonment surprise 1\n",
76 "abba positive 1\n",
77 "abbot trust 1\n",
78 "abduction fear 1\n",
79 "abduction negative 1\n",
80 "abduction sadness 1\n",
81 "abduction surprise 1\n",
82 "aberrant negative 1\n",
83 "aberration disgust 1\n",
84 "aberration negative 1\n",
85 "abhor anger 1\n",
86 "abhor disgust 1\n",
87 "abhor fear 1\n",
88 "abhor negative 1\n",
89 "abhorrent anger 1\n",
90 "abhorrent disgust 1\n",
91 "abhorrent fear 1\n",
92 "abhorrent negative 1\n",
93 "ability positive 1\n",
94 "abject disgust 1\n",
95 "abject negative 1\n",
96 "abnormal disgust 1\n",
97 "abnormal negative 1\n",
98 "abolish anger 1\n",
99 "abolish negative 1\n",
100 "abolition negative 1\n",
101 "abominable disgust 1\n",
102 "abominable fear 1\n",
103 "abominable negative 1\n",
104 "abomination anger 1\n",
105 "abomination disgust 1\n",
106 "abomination fear 1\n",
107 "abomination negative 1\n",
108 "abort negative 1\n",
109 "abortion disgust 1\n",
110 "abortion fear 1\n",
111 "abortion negative 1\n",
112 "abortion sadness 1\n",
113 "abortive negative 1\n",
114 "abortive sadness 1\n",
115 "abovementioned positive 1\n",
116 "abrasion negative 1\n",
117 "abrogate negative 1\n",
118 "abrupt surprise 1\n",
119 "abscess negative 1\n",
120 "abscess sadness 1\n",
121 "absence fear 1\n",
122 "absence negative 1\n",
123 "absence sadness 1\n",
124 "absent negative 1\n",
125 "absent sadness 1\n",
126 "absentee negative 1\n",
127 "absentee sadness 1\n",
128 "absenteeism negative 1\n",
129 "absolute positive 1\n",
130 "absolution joy 1\n",
131 "absolution positive 1\n",
132 "absolution trust 1\n",
133 "absorbed positive 1\n",
134 "absurd negative 1\n",
135 "absurdity negative 1\n",
136 "abundance anticipation 1\n",
137 "abundance disgust 1\n",
138 "abundance joy 1\n",
139 "abundance negative 1\n",
140 "abundance positive 1\n",
141 "abundance trust 1\n",
142 "abundant joy 1\n",
143 "abundant positive 1\n",
144 "abuse anger 1\n",
145 "abuse disgust 1\n",
146 "abuse fear 1\n",
147 "abuse negative 1\n",
148 "abuse sadness 1\n",
149 "abysmal negative 1\n",
150 "abysmal sadness 1\n",
151 "abyss fear 1\n",
152 "abyss negative 1\n",
153 "abyss sadness 1\n",
154 "academic positive 1\n",
155 "academic trust 1\n",
156 "academy positive 1\n",
157 "accelerate anticipation 1\n",
158 "acceptable positive 1\n",
159 "acceptance positive 1\n",
160 "accessible positive 1\n",
161 "accident fear 1\n",
162 "accident negative 1\n",
163 "accident sadness 1\n",
164 "accident surprise 1\n",
165 "accidental fear 1\n",
166 "accidental negative 1\n",
167 "accidental surprise 1\n",
168 "accidentally surprise 1\n",
169 "accolade anticipation 1\n",
170 "accolade joy 1\n",
171 "accolade positive 1\n",
172 "accolade surprise 1\n",
173 "accolade trust 1\n",
174 "accommodation positive 1\n",
175 "accompaniment anticipation 1\n",
176 "accompaniment joy 1\n",
177 "accompaniment positive 1\n",
178 "accompaniment trust 1\n",
179 "accomplish joy 1\n",
180 "accomplish positive 1\n",
181 "accomplished joy 1\n",
182 "accomplished positive 1\n",
183 "accomplishment positive 1\n",
184 "accord positive 1\n",
185 "accord trust 1\n",
186 "account trust 1\n",
187 "accountability positive 1\n",
188 "accountability trust 1\n",
189 "accountable positive 1\n",
190 "accountable trust 1\n",
191 "accountant trust 1\n",
192 "accounts trust 1\n",
193 "accredited positive 1\n",
194 "accredited trust 1\n",
195 "accueil positive 1\n",
196 "accurate positive 1\n",
197 "accurate trust 1\n",
198 "accursed anger 1\n",
199 "accursed fear 1\n",
200 "accursed negative 1\n",
201 "accursed sadness 1\n",
202 "accusation anger 1\n",
203 "accusation disgust 1\n",
204 "accusation negative 1\n",
205 "accusative negative 1\n",
206 "accused anger 1\n",
207 "accused fear 1\n",
208 "accused negative 1\n",
209 "accuser anger 1\n",
210 "accuser fear 1\n",
211 "accuser negative 1\n",
212 "accusing anger 1\n",
213 "accusing fear 1\n",
214 "accusing negative 1\n",
215 "ace positive 1\n",
216 "ache negative 1\n",
217 "ache sadness 1\n",
218 "achieve joy 1\n",
219 "achieve positive 1\n",
220 "achieve trust 1\n",
221 "achievement anticipation 1\n",
222 "achievement joy 1\n",
223 "achievement positive 1\n",
224 "achievement trust 1\n",
225 "aching negative 1\n",
226 "aching sadness 1\n",
227 "acid negative 1\n",
228 "acknowledgment positive 1\n",
229 "acquire positive 1\n",
230 "acquiring anticipation 1\n",
231 "acquiring positive 1\n",
232 "acrobat fear 1\n",
233 "acrobat joy 1\n",
234 "acrobat positive 1\n",
235 "acrobat trust 1\n",
236 "action positive 1\n",
237 "actionable anger 1\n",
238 "actionable disgust 1\n",
239 "actionable negative 1\n",
240 "actual positive 1\n",
241 "acuity positive 1\n",
242 "acumen positive 1\n",
243 "adapt positive 1\n",
244 "adaptable positive 1\n",
245 "adder anger 1\n",
246 "adder disgust 1\n",
247 "adder fear 1\n",
248 "adder negative 1\n",
249 "adder sadness 1\n",
250 "addiction negative 1\n",
251 "addresses anticipation 1\n",
252 "addresses positive 1\n",
253 "adept positive 1\n",
254 "adequacy positive 1\n",
255 "adhering trust 1\n",
256 "adipose negative 1\n",
257 "adjudicate fear 1\n",
258 "adjudicate negative 1\n",
259 "adjunct positive 1\n",
260 "administrative trust 1\n",
261 "admirable joy 1\n",
262 "admirable positive 1\n",
263 "admirable trust 1\n",
264 "admiral positive 1\n",
265 "admiral trust 1\n",
266 "admiration joy 1\n",
267 "admiration positive 1\n",
268 "admiration trust 1\n",
269 "admire positive 1\n",
270 "admire trust 1\n",
271 "admirer positive 1\n",
272 "admissible positive 1\n",
273 "admissible trust 1\n",
274 "admonition fear 1\n",
275 "admonition negative 1\n",
276 "adorable joy 1\n",
277 "adorable positive 1\n",
278 "adoration joy 1\n",
279 "adoration positive 1\n",
280 "adoration trust 1\n",
281 "adore anticipation 1\n",
282 "adore joy 1\n",
283 "adore positive 1\n",
284 "adore trust 1\n",
285 "adrift anticipation 1\n",
286 "adrift fear 1\n",
287 "adrift negative 1\n",
288 "adrift sadness 1\n",
289 "adulterated negative 1\n",
290 "adultery disgust 1\n",
291 "adultery negative 1\n",
292 "adultery sadness 1\n",
293 "advance anticipation 1\n",
294 "advance fear 1\n",
295 "advance joy 1\n",
296 "advance positive 1\n",
297 "advance surprise 1\n",
298 "advanced positive 1\n",
299 "advancement positive 1\n",
300 "advantage positive 1\n",
301 "advantageous positive 1\n",
302 "advent anticipation 1\n",
303 "advent joy 1\n",
304 "advent positive 1\n",
305 "advent trust 1\n",
306 "adventure anticipation 1\n",
307 "adventure positive 1\n",
308 "adventurous positive 1\n",
309 "adversary anger 1\n",
310 "adversary negative 1\n",
311 "adverse anger 1\n",
312 "adverse disgust 1\n",
313 "adverse fear 1\n",
314 "adverse negative 1\n",
315 "adverse sadness 1\n",
316 "adversity anger 1\n",
317 "adversity fear 1\n",
318 "adversity negative 1\n",
319 "adversity sadness 1\n",
320 "advice trust 1\n",
321 "advisable positive 1\n",
322 "advisable trust 1\n",
323 "advise positive 1\n",
324 "advise trust 1\n",
325 "advised trust 1\n",
326 "adviser positive 1\n",
327 "adviser trust 1\n",
328 "advocacy anger 1\n",
329 "advocacy anticipation 1\n",
330 "advocacy joy 1\n",
331 "advocacy positive 1\n",
332 "advocacy trust 1\n",
333 "advocate trust 1\n",
334 "aesthetic positive 1\n",
335 "aesthetics joy 1\n",
336 "aesthetics positive 1\n",
337 "affable positive 1\n",
338 "affection joy 1\n",
339 "affection positive 1\n",
340 "affection trust 1\n",
341 "affiliated positive 1\n",
342 "affirm positive 1\n",
343 "affirm trust 1\n",
344 "affirmation positive 1\n",
345 "affirmative positive 1\n",
346 "affirmatively positive 1\n",
347 "affirmatively trust 1\n",
348 "afflict fear 1\n",
349 "afflict negative 1\n",
350 "afflict sadness 1\n",
351 "afflicted negative 1\n",
352 "affliction disgust 1\n",
353 "affliction fear 1\n",
354 "affliction negative 1\n",
355 "affliction sadness 1\n",
356 "affluence joy 1\n",
357 "affluence positive 1\n",
358 "affluent positive 1\n",
359 "afford positive 1\n",
360 "affront anger 1\n",
361 "affront disgust 1\n",
362 "affront fear 1\n",
363 "affront negative 1\n",
364 "affront sadness 1\n",
365 "affront surprise 1\n",
366 "afraid fear 1\n",
367 "afraid negative 1\n",
368 "aftermath anger 1\n",
369 "aftermath disgust 1\n",
370 "aftermath fear 1\n",
371 "aftermath negative 1\n",
372 "aftermath sadness 1\n",
373 "aftertaste negative 1\n",
374 "aga fear 1\n",
375 "aga positive 1\n",
376 "aga trust 1\n",
377 "aggravated anger 1\n",
378 "aggravated negative 1\n",
379 "aggravating anger 1\n",
380 "aggravating negative 1\n",
381 "aggravating sadness 1\n",
382 "aggravation anger 1\n",
383 "aggravation disgust 1\n",
384 "aggravation negative 1\n",
385 "aggression anger 1\n",
386 "aggression fear 1\n",
387 "aggression negative 1\n",
388 "aggressive anger 1\n",
389 "aggressive fear 1\n",
390 "aggressive negative 1\n",
391 "aggressor anger 1\n",
392 "aggressor fear 1\n",
393 "aggressor negative 1\n",
394 "aghast disgust 1\n",
395 "aghast fear 1\n",
396 "aghast negative 1\n",
397 "aghast surprise 1\n",
398 "agile positive 1\n",
399 "agility positive 1\n",
400 "agitated anger 1\n",
401 "agitated negative 1\n",
402 "agitation anger 1\n",
403 "agitation negative 1\n",
404 "agonizing fear 1\n",
405 "agonizing negative 1\n",
406 "agony anger 1\n",
407 "agony fear 1\n",
408 "agony negative 1\n",
409 "agony sadness 1\n",
410 "agree positive 1\n",
411 "agreeable positive 1\n",
412 "agreeable trust 1\n",
413 "agreed positive 1\n",
414 "agreed trust 1\n",
415 "agreeing positive 1\n",
416 "agreeing trust 1\n",
417 "agreement positive 1\n",
418 "agreement trust 1\n",
419 "agriculture positive 1\n",
420 "aground negative 1\n",
421 "ahead positive 1\n",
422 "aid positive 1\n",
423 "aiding positive 1\n",
424 "ail negative 1\n",
425 "ail sadness 1\n",
426 "ailing fear 1\n",
427 "ailing negative 1\n",
428 "ailing sadness 1\n",
429 "aimless negative 1\n",
430 "airport anticipation 1\n",
431 "airs disgust 1\n",
432 "airs negative 1\n",
433 "akin trust 1\n",
434 "alabaster positive 1\n",
435 "alarm fear 1\n",
436 "alarm negative 1\n",
437 "alarm surprise 1\n",
438 "alarming fear 1\n",
439 "alarming negative 1\n",
440 "alarming surprise 1\n",
441 "alb trust 1\n",
442 "alcoholism anger 1\n",
443 "alcoholism disgust 1\n",
444 "alcoholism fear 1\n",
445 "alcoholism negative 1\n",
446 "alcoholism sadness 1\n",
447 "alertness anticipation 1\n",
448 "alertness fear 1\n",
449 "alertness positive 1\n",
450 "alertness surprise 1\n",
451 "alerts anticipation 1\n",
452 "alerts fear 1\n",
453 "alerts surprise 1\n",
454 "alien disgust 1\n",
455 "alien fear 1\n",
456 "alien negative 1\n",
457 "alienate anger 1\n",
458 "alienate disgust 1\n",
459 "alienate negative 1\n",
460 "alienated negative 1\n",
461 "alienated sadness 1\n",
462 "alienation anger 1\n",
463 "alienation disgust 1\n",
464 "alienation fear 1\n",
465 "alienation negative 1\n",
466 "alienation sadness 1\n",
467 "alimentation positive 1\n",
468 "alimony negative 1\n",
469 "alive anticipation 1\n",
470 "alive joy 1\n",
471 "alive positive 1\n",
472 "alive trust 1\n",
473 "allay positive 1\n",
474 "allegation anger 1\n",
475 "allegation negative 1\n",
476 "allege negative 1\n",
477 "allegiance positive 1\n",
478 "allegiance trust 1\n",
479 "allegro positive 1\n",
480 "alleviate positive 1\n",
481 "alleviation positive 1\n",
482 "alliance trust 1\n",
483 "allied positive 1\n",
484 "allied trust 1\n",
485 "allowable positive 1\n",
486 "allure anticipation 1\n",
487 "allure joy 1\n",
488 "allure positive 1\n",
489 "allure surprise 1\n",
490 "alluring positive 1\n",
491 "ally positive 1\n",
492 "ally trust 1\n",
493 "almighty positive 1\n",
494 "aloha anticipation 1\n",
495 "aloha joy 1\n",
496 "aloha positive 1\n",
497 "aloof negative 1\n",
498 "altercation anger 1\n",
499 "altercation negative 1\n",
500 "amaze surprise 1\n",
501 "amazingly joy 1\n",
502 "amazingly positive 1\n",
503 "amazingly surprise 1\n",
504 "ambassador positive 1\n",
505 "ambassador trust 1\n",
506 "ambiguous negative 1\n",
507 "ambition anticipation 1\n",
508 "ambition joy 1\n",
509 "ambition positive 1\n",
510 "ambition trust 1\n",
511 "ambulance fear 1\n",
512 "ambulance trust 1\n",
513 "ambush anger 1\n",
514 "ambush fear 1\n",
515 "ambush negative 1\n",
516 "ambush surprise 1\n",
517 "ameliorate positive 1\n",
518 "amen joy 1\n",
519 "amen positive 1\n",
520 "amen trust 1\n",
521 "amenable positive 1\n",
522 "amend positive 1\n",
523 "amends positive 1\n",
524 "amenity positive 1\n",
525 "amiable positive 1\n",
526 "amicable joy 1\n",
527 "amicable positive 1\n",
528 "ammonia disgust 1\n",
529 "amnesia negative 1\n",
530 "amnesty joy 1\n",
531 "amnesty positive 1\n",
532 "amortization trust 1\n",
533 "amour anticipation 1\n",
534 "amour joy 1\n",
535 "amour positive 1\n",
536 "amour trust 1\n",
537 "amphetamines disgust 1\n",
538 "amphetamines negative 1\n",
539 "amuse joy 1\n",
540 "amuse positive 1\n",
541 "amused joy 1\n",
542 "amused positive 1\n",
543 "amusement joy 1\n",
544 "amusement positive 1\n",
545 "amusing joy 1\n",
546 "amusing positive 1\n",
547 "anaconda disgust 1\n",
548 "anaconda fear 1\n",
549 "anaconda negative 1\n",
550 "anal negative 1\n",
551 "analyst anticipation 1\n",
552 "analyst positive 1\n",
553 "analyst trust 1\n",
554 "anarchism anger 1\n",
555 "anarchism fear 1\n",
556 "anarchism negative 1\n",
557 "anarchist anger 1\n",
558 "anarchist fear 1\n",
559 "anarchist negative 1\n",
560 "anarchy anger 1\n",
561 "anarchy fear 1\n",
562 "anarchy negative 1\n",
563 "anathema anger 1\n",
564 "anathema disgust 1\n",
565 "anathema fear 1\n",
566 "anathema negative 1\n",
567 "anathema sadness 1\n",
568 "ancestral trust 1\n",
569 "anchor positive 1\n",
570 "anchorage positive 1\n",
571 "anchorage sadness 1\n",
572 "ancient negative 1\n",
573 "angel anticipation 1\n",
574 "angel joy 1\n",
575 "angel positive 1\n",
576 "angel surprise 1\n",
577 "angel trust 1\n",
578 "angelic joy 1\n",
579 "angelic positive 1\n",
580 "angelic trust 1\n",
581 "anger anger 1\n",
582 "anger negative 1\n",
583 "angina fear 1\n",
584 "angina negative 1\n",
585 "angling anticipation 1\n",
586 "angling negative 1\n",
587 "angry anger 1\n",
588 "angry disgust 1\n",
589 "angry negative 1\n",
590 "anguish anger 1\n",
591 "anguish fear 1\n",
592 "anguish negative 1\n",
593 "anguish sadness 1\n",
594 "animate positive 1\n",
595 "animated joy 1\n",
596 "animated positive 1\n",
597 "animosity anger 1\n",
598 "animosity disgust 1\n",
599 "animosity fear 1\n",
600 "animosity negative 1\n",
601 "animosity sadness 1\n",
602 "animus anger 1\n",
603 "animus negative 1\n",
604 "annihilate anger 1\n",
605 "annihilate fear 1\n",
606 "annihilate negative 1\n",
607 "annihilated anger 1\n",
608 "annihilated fear 1\n",
609 "annihilated negative 1\n",
610 "annihilated sadness 1\n",
611 "annihilation anger 1\n",
612 "annihilation fear 1\n",
613 "annihilation negative 1\n",
614 "annihilation sadness 1\n",
615 "announcement anticipation 1\n",
616 "annoy anger 1\n",
617 "annoy disgust 1\n",
618 "annoy negative 1\n",
619 "annoyance anger 1\n",
620 "annoyance disgust 1\n",
621 "annoyance negative 1\n",
622 "annoying anger 1\n",
623 "annoying negative 1\n",
624 "annul negative 1\n",
625 "annulment negative 1\n",
626 "annulment sadness 1\n",
627 "anomaly fear 1\n",
628 "anomaly negative 1\n",
629 "anomaly surprise 1\n",
630 "anonymous negative 1\n",
631 "answerable trust 1\n",
632 "antagonism anger 1\n",
633 "antagonism negative 1\n",
634 "antagonist anger 1\n",
635 "antagonist negative 1\n",
636 "antagonistic anger 1\n",
637 "antagonistic disgust 1\n",
638 "antagonistic negative 1\n",
639 "anthrax disgust 1\n",
640 "anthrax fear 1\n",
641 "anthrax negative 1\n",
642 "anthrax sadness 1\n",
643 "antibiotics positive 1\n",
644 "antichrist anger 1\n",
645 "antichrist disgust 1\n",
646 "antichrist fear 1\n",
647 "antichrist negative 1\n",
648 "anticipation anticipation 1\n",
649 "anticipatory anticipation 1\n",
650 "antidote anticipation 1\n",
651 "antidote positive 1\n",
652 "antidote trust 1\n",
653 "antifungal positive 1\n",
654 "antifungal trust 1\n",
655 "antipathy anger 1\n",
656 "antipathy disgust 1\n",
657 "antipathy negative 1\n",
658 "antiquated negative 1\n",
659 "antique positive 1\n",
660 "antiseptic positive 1\n",
661 "antiseptic trust 1\n",
662 "antisocial anger 1\n",
663 "antisocial disgust 1\n",
664 "antisocial fear 1\n",
665 "antisocial negative 1\n",
666 "antisocial sadness 1\n",
667 "antithesis anger 1\n",
668 "antithesis negative 1\n",
669 "anxiety anger 1\n",
670 "anxiety anticipation 1\n",
671 "anxiety fear 1\n",
672 "anxiety negative 1\n",
673 "anxiety sadness 1\n",
674 "anxious anticipation 1\n",
675 "anxious fear 1\n",
676 "anxious negative 1\n",
677 "apache fear 1\n",
678 "apache negative 1\n",
679 "apathetic negative 1\n",
680 "apathetic sadness 1\n",
681 "apathy negative 1\n",
682 "apathy sadness 1\n",
683 "aphid disgust 1\n",
684 "aphid negative 1\n",
685 "aplomb positive 1\n",
686 "apologetic positive 1\n",
687 "apologetic trust 1\n",
688 "apologize positive 1\n",
689 "apologize sadness 1\n",
690 "apologize trust 1\n",
691 "apology positive 1\n",
692 "apostle positive 1\n",
693 "apostle trust 1\n",
694 "apostolic trust 1\n",
695 "appalling disgust 1\n",
696 "appalling fear 1\n",
697 "appalling negative 1\n",
698 "apparition fear 1\n",
699 "apparition surprise 1\n",
700 "appeal anticipation 1\n",
701 "appendicitis fear 1\n",
702 "appendicitis negative 1\n",
703 "appendicitis sadness 1\n",
704 "applause joy 1\n",
705 "applause positive 1\n",
706 "applause surprise 1\n",
707 "applause trust 1\n",
708 "applicant anticipation 1\n",
709 "appreciation joy 1\n",
710 "appreciation positive 1\n",
711 "appreciation trust 1\n",
712 "apprehend fear 1\n",
713 "apprehension fear 1\n",
714 "apprehension negative 1\n",
715 "apprehensive anticipation 1\n",
716 "apprehensive fear 1\n",
717 "apprehensive negative 1\n",
718 "apprentice trust 1\n",
719 "approaching anticipation 1\n",
720 "approbation positive 1\n",
721 "approbation trust 1\n",
722 "appropriation negative 1\n",
723 "approval positive 1\n",
724 "approve joy 1\n",
725 "approve positive 1\n",
726 "approve trust 1\n",
727 "approving positive 1\n",
728 "apt positive 1\n",
729 "aptitude positive 1\n",
730 "arbiter trust 1\n",
731 "arbitration anticipation 1\n",
732 "arbitrator trust 1\n",
733 "archaeology anticipation 1\n",
734 "archaeology positive 1\n",
735 "archaic negative 1\n",
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737 "ardent anticipation 1\n",
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740 "ardor positive 1\n",
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744 "argument anger 1\n",
745 "argument negative 1\n",
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748 "arguments anger 1\n",
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751 "aristocracy positive 1\n",
752 "aristocratic positive 1\n",
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755 "armaments fear 1\n",
756 "armaments negative 1\n",
757 "armed anger 1\n",
758 "armed fear 1\n",
759 "armed negative 1\n",
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761 "armor fear 1\n",
762 "armor positive 1\n",
763 "armor trust 1\n",
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765 "armory trust 1\n",
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767 "arouse anticipation 1\n",
768 "arouse positive 1\n",
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770 "arraignment fear 1\n",
771 "arraignment negative 1\n",
772 "arraignment sadness 1\n",
773 "array positive 1\n",
774 "arrears negative 1\n",
775 "arrest negative 1\n",
776 "arrival anticipation 1\n",
777 "arrive anticipation 1\n",
778 "arrogance negative 1\n",
779 "arrogant anger 1\n",
780 "arrogant disgust 1\n",
781 "arrogant negative 1\n",
782 "arsenic disgust 1\n",
783 "arsenic fear 1\n",
784 "arsenic negative 1\n",
785 "arsenic sadness 1\n",
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791 "art positive 1\n",
792 "art sadness 1\n",
793 "art surprise 1\n",
794 "articulate positive 1\n",
795 "articulation positive 1\n",
796 "artillery fear 1\n",
797 "artillery negative 1\n",
798 "artisan positive 1\n",
799 "artiste positive 1\n",
800 "artistic positive 1\n",
801 "ascendancy positive 1\n",
802 "ascent positive 1\n",
803 "ash negative 1\n",
804 "ashamed disgust 1\n",
805 "ashamed negative 1\n",
806 "ashamed sadness 1\n",
807 "ashes negative 1\n",
808 "ashes sadness 1\n",
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812 "aspiration positive 1\n",
813 "aspiration surprise 1\n",
814 "aspiration trust 1\n",
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816 "aspire joy 1\n",
817 "aspire positive 1\n",
818 "aspiring anticipation 1\n",
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820 "aspiring positive 1\n",
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830 "assailant sadness 1\n",
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832 "assassin fear 1\n",
833 "assassin negative 1\n",
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838 "assassination anger 1\n",
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840 "assassination negative 1\n",
841 "assassination sadness 1\n",
842 "assault anger 1\n",
843 "assault fear 1\n",
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846 "assembly trust 1\n",
847 "assent positive 1\n",
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850 "assessment surprise 1\n",
851 "assessment trust 1\n",
852 "assessor trust 1\n",
853 "assets positive 1\n",
854 "asshole anger 1\n",
855 "asshole disgust 1\n",
856 "asshole negative 1\n",
857 "assignee trust 1\n",
858 "assist positive 1\n",
859 "assist trust 1\n",
860 "assistance positive 1\n",
861 "associate positive 1\n",
862 "associate trust 1\n",
863 "association trust 1\n",
864 "assuage positive 1\n",
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866 "assurance trust 1\n",
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871 "astonishingly positive 1\n",
872 "astonishingly surprise 1\n",
873 "astonishment joy 1\n",
874 "astonishment positive 1\n",
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878 "astringent negative 1\n",
879 "astrologer anticipation 1\n",
880 "astrologer positive 1\n",
881 "astronaut positive 1\n",
882 "astronomer anticipation 1\n",
883 "astronomer positive 1\n",
884 "astute positive 1\n",
885 "asylum fear 1\n"
886 ]
887 },
888 {
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891 "text": [
892 "asylum negative 1\n",
893 "asymmetry disgust 1\n",
894 "atheism negative 1\n",
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896 "atherosclerosis negative 1\n",
897 "atherosclerosis sadness 1\n",
898 "athlete positive 1\n",
899 "athletic positive 1\n",
900 "atom positive 1\n",
901 "atone anticipation 1\n",
902 "atone joy 1\n",
903 "atone positive 1\n",
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906 "atrocious anger 1\n",
907 "atrocious disgust 1\n",
908 "atrocious negative 1\n",
909 "atrocity anger 1\n",
910 "atrocity disgust 1\n",
911 "atrocity fear 1\n",
912 "atrocity negative 1\n",
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920 "attack fear 1\n",
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924 "attacking fear 1\n",
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950 "auction anticipation 1\n",
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953 "auditor fear 1\n",
954 "auditor trust 1\n",
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956 "august positive 1\n",
957 "aunt positive 1\n",
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967 "authentic joy 1\n",
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970 "authenticate trust 1\n",
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978 "authority positive 1\n",
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992 "avalanche sadness 1\n",
993 "avalanche surprise 1\n",
994 "avarice anger 1\n",
995 "avarice disgust 1\n",
996 "avarice negative 1\n",
997 "avatar positive 1\n",
998 "avenger anger 1\n",
999 "avenger negative 1\n",
1000 "averse anger 1\n",
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1038 "baccalaureate positive 1\n",
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1080 "ballad positive 1\n",
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1089 "balsam positive 1\n",
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1166 "base trust 1\n",
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1177 "battalion anger 1\n",
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1199 "beam joy 1\n",
1200 "beam positive 1\n",
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1234 "befall negative 1\n",
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1242 "beggar sadness 1\n",
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1371 "blackmail fear 1\n",
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1381 "blanket trust 1\n",
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1422 "blessings trust 1\n",
1423 "blight disgust 1\n",
1424 "blight fear 1\n",
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1427 "blighted disgust 1\n",
1428 "blighted negative 1\n",
1429 "blighted sadness 1\n",
1430 "blind negative 1\n",
1431 "blinded negative 1\n",
1432 "blindfold anticipation 1\n",
1433 "blindfold fear 1\n",
1434 "blindfold surprise 1\n",
1435 "blindly negative 1\n",
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1437 "blindness negative 1\n",
1438 "blindness sadness 1\n",
1439 "bliss joy 1\n",
1440 "bliss positive 1\n",
1441 "blissful joy 1\n",
1442 "blissful positive 1\n",
1443 "blister disgust 1\n",
1444 "blister negative 1\n",
1445 "blitz surprise 1\n",
1446 "bloated disgust 1\n",
1447 "bloated negative 1\n",
1448 "blob disgust 1\n",
1449 "blob fear 1\n",
1450 "blob negative 1\n",
1451 "blockade anger 1\n",
1452 "blockade fear 1\n",
1453 "blockade negative 1\n",
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1455 "bloodless positive 1\n",
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1457 "bloodshed disgust 1\n",
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1462 "bloodthirsty anger 1\n",
1463 "bloodthirsty disgust 1\n",
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1471 "bloom anticipation 1\n",
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1473 "bloom positive 1\n",
1474 "bloom trust 1\n",
1475 "blossom joy 1\n",
1476 "blossom positive 1\n",
1477 "blot negative 1\n",
1478 "blower negative 1\n",
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1480 "blue sadness 1\n",
1481 "blues fear 1\n",
1482 "blues negative 1\n",
1483 "blues sadness 1\n",
1484 "bluff negative 1\n",
1485 "blunder disgust 1\n",
1486 "blunder negative 1\n",
1487 "blunder sadness 1\n",
1488 "blur negative 1\n",
1489 "blurred negative 1\n",
1490 "blush negative 1\n",
1491 "board anticipation 1\n",
1492 "boast negative 1\n",
1493 "boast positive 1\n",
1494 "boasting negative 1\n",
1495 "bodyguard positive 1\n",
1496 "bodyguard trust 1\n",
1497 "bog negative 1\n",
1498 "bogus anger 1\n",
1499 "bogus disgust 1\n",
1500 "bogus negative 1\n",
1501 "boil disgust 1\n",
1502 "boil negative 1\n",
1503 "boilerplate negative 1\n",
1504 "boisterous anger 1\n",
1505 "boisterous anticipation 1\n",
1506 "boisterous joy 1\n"
1507 ]
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1509 {
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1519 "bomb fear 1\n",
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1546 "bookish positive 1\n",
1547 "bookshop positive 1\n",
1548 "bookworm negative 1\n",
1549 "bookworm positive 1\n",
1550 "boomerang anticipation 1\n",
1551 "boomerang trust 1\n",
1552 "boon positive 1\n",
1553 "booze negative 1\n",
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1555 "boredom negative 1\n",
1556 "boredom sadness 1\n",
1557 "boring negative 1\n",
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1572 "bounty positive 1\n",
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1574 "bouquet joy 1\n",
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1580 "bovine negative 1\n",
1581 "bowels disgust 1\n",
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1583 "boy disgust 1\n",
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1596 "brazen anger 1\n",
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1600 "breakdown negative 1\n",
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1603 "breakup negative 1\n",
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1616 "bridegroom anticipation 1\n",
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1620 "bridesmaid joy 1\n",
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1637 "bristle negative 1\n",
1638 "broadside anticipation 1\n",
1639 "broadside negative 1\n",
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1662 "brunt anger 1\n",
1663 "brunt negative 1\n",
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1682 "budget trust 1\n",
1683 "buffet anger 1\n",
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1685 "bug disgust 1\n",
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1687 "bug negative 1\n",
1688 "bugaboo anger 1\n",
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1694 "building positive 1\n",
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1701 "bum disgust 1\n",
1702 "bum negative 1\n",
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1704 "bummer anger 1\n",
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1708 "buoy positive 1\n",
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1712 "bureaucracy negative 1\n",
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1742 "butcher anger 1\n",
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1750 "buxom positive 1\n",
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1755 "bye anticipation 1\n",
1756 "bylaw trust 1\n",
1757 "cab positive 1\n",
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1760 "cabinet positive 1\n",
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1766 "cad anger 1\n",
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1773 "cadaver surprise 1\n",
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1775 "cage negative 1\n",
1776 "cage sadness 1\n",
1777 "calamity sadness 1\n",
1778 "calculating negative 1\n",
1779 "calculation anticipation 1\n",
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1783 "calf positive 1\n",
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1789 "calls negative 1\n",
1790 "calls trust 1\n",
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1793 "camouflaged surprise 1\n",
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1797 "canary positive 1\n",
1798 "cancel negative 1\n",
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1800 "cancer anger 1\n",
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1820 "cannibalism disgust 1\n",
1821 "cannibalism negative 1\n",
1822 "cannon anger 1\n",
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1827 "cap trust 1\n",
1828 "capitalist positive 1\n",
1829 "captain positive 1\n",
1830 "captivate anticipation 1\n",
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1832 "captivate positive 1\n",
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1840 "captivity sadness 1\n",
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1842 "captor negative 1\n",
1843 "capture negative 1\n",
1844 "carcass disgust 1\n",
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1850 "carcinoma sadness 1\n",
1851 "cardiomyopathy fear 1\n",
1852 "cardiomyopathy negative 1\n",
1853 "cardiomyopathy sadness 1\n",
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1865 "caries disgust 1\n",
1866 "caries negative 1\n",
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1875 "carnivorous negative 1\n",
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1879 "cartel negative 1\n",
1880 "cartridge fear 1\n",
1881 "cascade positive 1\n",
1882 "case fear 1\n",
1883 "case negative 1\n",
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1891 "cashier trust 1\n",
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1894 "casket sadness 1\n",
1895 "caste negative 1\n",
1896 "casualty anger 1\n",
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1900 "cataract anticipation 1\n",
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1902 "cataract negative 1\n",
1903 "cataract sadness 1\n",
1904 "catastrophe anger 1\n",
1905 "catastrophe disgust 1\n",
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1909 "catastrophe surprise 1\n",
1910 "catch surprise 1\n",
1911 "catechism disgust 1\n",
1912 "categorical positive 1\n",
1913 "cater positive 1\n",
1914 "cathartic positive 1\n",
1915 "cathedral joy 1\n",
1916 "cathedral positive 1\n",
1917 "cathedral trust 1\n",
1918 "catheter negative 1\n",
1919 "caution anger 1\n",
1920 "caution anticipation 1\n",
1921 "caution fear 1\n",
1922 "caution negative 1\n",
1923 "cautionary fear 1\n",
1924 "cautious anticipation 1\n",
1925 "cautious fear 1\n",
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1928 "cautiously fear 1\n",
1929 "cautiously positive 1\n",
1930 "cede negative 1\n",
1931 "celebrated anticipation 1\n",
1932 "celebrated joy 1\n",
1933 "celebrated positive 1\n",
1934 "celebrating anticipation 1\n",
1935 "celebrating joy 1\n",
1936 "celebrating positive 1\n",
1937 "celebration anticipation 1\n",
1938 "celebration joy 1\n",
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1942 "celebrity anger 1\n",
1943 "celebrity anticipation 1\n",
1944 "celebrity disgust 1\n",
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1946 "celebrity negative 1\n",
1947 "celebrity positive 1\n",
1948 "celebrity surprise 1\n",
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1950 "celestial anticipation 1\n",
1951 "celestial joy 1\n",
1952 "celestial positive 1\n",
1953 "cement anticipation 1\n",
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1955 "cemetery fear 1\n",
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1957 "cemetery sadness 1\n",
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1963 "censure negative 1\n",
1964 "center positive 1\n",
1965 "center trust 1\n",
1966 "centurion positive 1\n",
1967 "cerebral positive 1\n",
1968 "ceremony joy 1\n",
1969 "ceremony positive 1\n",
1970 "ceremony surprise 1\n",
1971 "certainty positive 1\n",
1972 "certify trust 1\n",
1973 "cess disgust 1\n",
1974 "cess negative 1\n",
1975 "cessation negative 1\n",
1976 "chaff anger 1\n",
1977 "chaff fear 1\n",
1978 "chaff negative 1\n",
1979 "chafing negative 1\n",
1980 "chagrin disgust 1\n",
1981 "chagrin negative 1\n",
1982 "chagrin sadness 1\n",
1983 "chairman positive 1\n",
1984 "chairman trust 1\n",
1985 "chairwoman positive 1\n",
1986 "chairwoman trust 1\n",
1987 "challenge anger 1\n",
1988 "challenge fear 1\n",
1989 "challenge negative 1\n",
1990 "champion anticipation 1\n",
1991 "champion joy 1\n",
1992 "champion positive 1\n",
1993 "champion trust 1\n",
1994 "chance surprise 1\n",
1995 "chancellor trust 1\n",
1996 "change fear 1\n",
1997 "changeable anticipation 1\n",
1998 "changeable surprise 1\n",
1999 "chant anger 1\n",
2000 "chant anticipation 1\n",
2001 "chant joy 1\n",
2002 "chant positive 1\n",
2003 "chant surprise 1\n",
2004 "chaos anger 1\n",
2005 "chaos fear 1\n",
2006 "chaos negative 1\n",
2007 "chaos sadness 1\n",
2008 "chaotic anger 1\n",
2009 "chaotic negative 1\n",
2010 "chaplain trust 1\n",
2011 "charade negative 1\n",
2012 "chargeable fear 1\n",
2013 "chargeable negative 1\n",
2014 "chargeable sadness 1\n",
2015 "charger positive 1\n",
2016 "charitable anticipation 1\n",
2017 "charitable joy 1\n",
2018 "charitable positive 1\n",
2019 "charitable trust 1\n",
2020 "charity joy 1\n",
2021 "charity positive 1\n",
2022 "charm positive 1\n",
2023 "charmed joy 1\n",
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2027 "chart trust 1\n",
2028 "chase negative 1\n",
2029 "chasm fear 1\n",
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2034 "chattering positive 1\n",
2035 "chatty negative 1\n",
2036 "cheap negative 1\n",
2037 "cheat anger 1\n",
2038 "cheat disgust 1\n",
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2048 ]
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2050 {
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2053 "text": [
2054 "cheerful positive 1\n",
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2061 "cheering positive 1\n",
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2063 "cheery joy 1\n",
2064 "cheery positive 1\n",
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2066 "chemist positive 1\n",
2067 "chemist trust 1\n",
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2074 "chicane anticipation 1\n",
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2079 "chieftain positive 1\n",
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2092 "chivalry positive 1\n",
2093 "chloroform negative 1\n",
2094 "chocolate anticipation 1\n",
2095 "chocolate joy 1\n",
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2097 "chocolate trust 1\n",
2098 "choice positive 1\n",
2099 "choir joy 1\n",
2100 "choir positive 1\n",
2101 "choir trust 1\n",
2102 "choke anger 1\n",
2103 "choke negative 1\n",
2104 "choke sadness 1\n",
2105 "cholera disgust 1\n",
2106 "cholera fear 1\n",
2107 "cholera negative 1\n",
2108 "cholera sadness 1\n",
2109 "chop negative 1\n",
2110 "choral joy 1\n",
2111 "choral positive 1\n",
2112 "chore negative 1\n",
2113 "chorus positive 1\n",
2114 "chosen positive 1\n",
2115 "chowder positive 1\n",
2116 "chronic negative 1\n",
2117 "chronic sadness 1\n",
2118 "chronicle positive 1\n",
2119 "chronicle trust 1\n",
2120 "chuckle anticipation 1\n",
2121 "chuckle joy 1\n",
2122 "chuckle positive 1\n",
2123 "chuckle surprise 1\n",
2124 "chuckle trust 1\n",
2125 "church anticipation 1\n",
2126 "church joy 1\n",
2127 "church positive 1\n",
2128 "church trust 1\n",
2129 "cider positive 1\n",
2130 "cigarette negative 1\n",
2131 "circumcision positive 1\n",
2132 "circumvention negative 1\n",
2133 "circumvention positive 1\n",
2134 "citizen positive 1\n",
2135 "civil positive 1\n",
2136 "civility positive 1\n",
2137 "civilization positive 1\n",
2138 "civilization trust 1\n",
2139 "civilized joy 1\n",
2140 "civilized positive 1\n",
2141 "civilized trust 1\n",
2142 "claimant anger 1\n",
2143 "claimant disgust 1\n",
2144 "clairvoyant positive 1\n",
2145 "clamor anger 1\n",
2146 "clamor anticipation 1\n",
2147 "clamor disgust 1\n",
2148 "clamor negative 1\n",
2149 "clamor surprise 1\n",
2150 "clan trust 1\n",
2151 "clap anticipation 1\n",
2152 "clap joy 1\n",
2153 "clap positive 1\n",
2154 "clap trust 1\n",
2155 "clarify positive 1\n",
2156 "clash anger 1\n",
2157 "clash negative 1\n",
2158 "clashing anger 1\n",
2159 "clashing fear 1\n",
2160 "clashing negative 1\n",
2161 "classic positive 1\n",
2162 "classical positive 1\n",
2163 "classics joy 1\n",
2164 "classics positive 1\n",
2165 "classify positive 1\n",
2166 "claw anger 1\n",
2167 "claw fear 1\n",
2168 "claw negative 1\n",
2169 "clean joy 1\n",
2170 "clean positive 1\n",
2171 "clean trust 1\n",
2172 "cleaning positive 1\n",
2173 "cleanliness positive 1\n",
2174 "cleanly positive 1\n",
2175 "cleanse positive 1\n",
2176 "cleansing positive 1\n",
2177 "clearance positive 1\n",
2178 "clearance trust 1\n",
2179 "clearness positive 1\n",
2180 "cleave fear 1\n",
2181 "clerical positive 1\n",
2182 "clerical trust 1\n",
2183 "clever positive 1\n",
2184 "cleverness positive 1\n",
2185 "cliff fear 1\n",
2186 "climax anticipation 1\n",
2187 "climax joy 1\n",
2188 "climax positive 1\n",
2189 "climax surprise 1\n",
2190 "climax trust 1\n",
2191 "clock anticipation 1\n",
2192 "cloister negative 1\n",
2193 "closeness joy 1\n",
2194 "closeness positive 1\n",
2195 "closeness trust 1\n",
2196 "closure anticipation 1\n",
2197 "closure joy 1\n",
2198 "closure positive 1\n",
2199 "closure sadness 1\n",
2200 "clothe positive 1\n",
2201 "clouded negative 1\n",
2202 "clouded sadness 1\n",
2203 "cloudiness fear 1\n",
2204 "cloudiness negative 1\n",
2205 "cloudy sadness 1\n",
2206 "clown anticipation 1\n",
2207 "clown joy 1\n",
2208 "clown positive 1\n",
2209 "clown surprise 1\n",
2210 "clue anticipation 1\n",
2211 "clump negative 1\n",
2212 "clumsy disgust 1\n",
2213 "clumsy negative 1\n",
2214 "coach trust 1\n",
2215 "coalesce trust 1\n",
2216 "coalition positive 1\n",
2217 "coast positive 1\n",
2218 "coax trust 1\n",
2219 "cobra fear 1\n",
2220 "cocaine negative 1\n",
2221 "cocaine sadness 1\n",
2222 "coerce anger 1\n",
2223 "coerce disgust 1\n",
2224 "coerce fear 1\n",
2225 "coerce negative 1\n",
2226 "coercion anger 1\n",
2227 "coercion disgust 1\n",
2228 "coercion fear 1\n",
2229 "coercion negative 1\n",
2230 "coercion sadness 1\n",
2231 "coexist positive 1\n",
2232 "coexist trust 1\n",
2233 "coexisting trust 1\n",
2234 "coffin fear 1\n",
2235 "coffin negative 1\n",
2236 "coffin sadness 1\n",
2237 "cogent positive 1\n",
2238 "cogent trust 1\n",
2239 "cognitive positive 1\n",
2240 "coherence positive 1\n",
2241 "coherent positive 1\n",
2242 "cohesion trust 1\n",
2243 "cohesive positive 1\n",
2244 "cohesive trust 1\n",
2245 "coincidence surprise 1\n",
2246 "cold negative 1\n",
2247 "coldly negative 1\n",
2248 "coldness anger 1\n",
2249 "coldness disgust 1\n",
2250 "coldness fear 1\n",
2251 "coldness negative 1\n",
2252 "coldness sadness 1\n",
2253 "colic negative 1\n",
2254 "collaborator trust 1\n",
2255 "collapse disgust 1\n",
2256 "collapse fear 1\n",
2257 "collapse negative 1\n",
2258 "collapse sadness 1\n",
2259 "collateral trust 1\n",
2260 "collectively positive 1\n",
2261 "collectively trust 1\n",
2262 "collision anger 1\n",
2263 "collision negative 1\n",
2264 "collusion anger 1\n",
2265 "collusion disgust 1\n",
2266 "collusion fear 1\n",
2267 "collusion negative 1\n",
2268 "collusion sadness 1\n",
2269 "colonel positive 1\n",
2270 "colonel trust 1\n",
2271 "colossal positive 1\n",
2272 "coma fear 1\n",
2273 "coma negative 1\n",
2274 "coma sadness 1\n",
2275 "comatose fear 1\n",
2276 "comatose negative 1\n",
2277 "comatose sadness 1\n",
2278 "combat anger 1\n",
2279 "combat fear 1\n",
2280 "combat negative 1\n",
2281 "combatant anger 1\n",
2282 "combatant fear 1\n",
2283 "combatant negative 1\n",
2284 "combative anger 1\n",
2285 "combative fear 1\n",
2286 "combative negative 1\n",
2287 "comfort anticipation 1\n",
2288 "comfort joy 1\n",
2289 "comfort positive 1\n",
2290 "comfort trust 1\n",
2291 "coming anticipation 1\n",
2292 "commandant positive 1\n",
2293 "commandant trust 1\n",
2294 "commanding positive 1\n",
2295 "commanding trust 1\n",
2296 "commemorate anticipation 1\n",
2297 "commemorate joy 1\n",
2298 "commemorate positive 1\n",
2299 "commemorate sadness 1\n",
2300 "commemoration anticipation 1\n",
2301 "commemoration joy 1\n",
2302 "commemoration positive 1\n",
2303 "commemorative anticipation 1\n",
2304 "commemorative positive 1\n",
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2307 "commendable positive 1\n",
2308 "commendable trust 1\n",
2309 "commentator positive 1\n",
2310 "commerce trust 1\n",
2311 "commission trust 1\n",
2312 "committal negative 1\n",
2313 "committal sadness 1\n",
2314 "committed positive 1\n",
2315 "committed trust 1\n",
2316 "committee trust 1\n",
2317 "commodore positive 1\n",
2318 "commodore trust 1\n",
2319 "commonplace anticipation 1\n",
2320 "commonplace trust 1\n",
2321 "commonwealth positive 1\n",
2322 "commonwealth trust 1\n",
2323 "commotion anger 1\n",
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2325 "communicate positive 1\n",
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2327 "communication trust 1\n",
2328 "communicative positive 1\n",
2329 "communion joy 1\n",
2330 "communion positive 1\n",
2331 "communion trust 1\n",
2332 "communism anger 1\n",
2333 "communism fear 1\n",
2334 "communism negative 1\n",
2335 "communism sadness 1\n",
2336 "communist negative 1\n",
2337 "community positive 1\n",
2338 "commutation positive 1\n",
2339 "commute positive 1\n",
2340 "compact trust 1\n",
2341 "companion joy 1\n",
2342 "companion positive 1\n",
2343 "companion trust 1\n",
2344 "compass trust 1\n",
2345 "compassion fear 1\n",
2346 "compassion positive 1\n",
2347 "compassionate positive 1\n",
2348 "compatibility positive 1\n",
2349 "compatible positive 1\n",
2350 "compelling positive 1\n",
2351 "compensate anticipation 1\n",
2352 "compensate joy 1\n",
2353 "compensate positive 1\n",
2354 "compensate surprise 1\n",
2355 "compensate trust 1\n",
2356 "compensatory positive 1\n",
2357 "competence positive 1\n",
2358 "competence trust 1\n",
2359 "competency positive 1\n",
2360 "competency trust 1\n",
2361 "competent positive 1\n",
2362 "competent trust 1\n",
2363 "competition anticipation 1\n",
2364 "competition negative 1\n",
2365 "complacency positive 1\n",
2366 "complain anger 1\n",
2367 "complain negative 1\n",
2368 "complain sadness 1\n",
2369 "complaint anger 1\n",
2370 "complaint negative 1\n",
2371 "complement anticipation 1\n",
2372 "complement joy 1\n",
2373 "complement positive 1\n",
2374 "complement surprise 1\n",
2375 "complement trust 1\n",
2376 "complementary positive 1\n",
2377 "completely positive 1\n",
2378 "completeness positive 1\n",
2379 "completing anticipation 1\n",
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2381 "completing positive 1\n",
2382 "completion anticipation 1\n",
2383 "completion joy 1\n",
2384 "completion positive 1\n",
2385 "complexed negative 1\n",
2386 "complexity negative 1\n",
2387 "compliance positive 1\n",
2388 "compliance trust 1\n",
2389 "compliant positive 1\n",
2390 "complicate anger 1\n",
2391 "complicate negative 1\n",
2392 "complicated negative 1\n",
2393 "complication negative 1\n",
2394 "complicity negative 1\n",
2395 "complicity positive 1\n",
2396 "compliment anticipation 1\n",
2397 "compliment joy 1\n",
2398 "compliment positive 1\n",
2399 "compliment surprise 1\n",
2400 "compliment trust 1\n",
2401 "composed positive 1\n",
2402 "composer positive 1\n",
2403 "compost disgust 1\n",
2404 "compost negative 1\n",
2405 "composure positive 1\n",
2406 "comprehend positive 1\n",
2407 "comprehensive positive 1\n",
2408 "compress anger 1\n",
2409 "comptroller trust 1\n",
2410 "compulsion anger 1\n",
2411 "compulsion negative 1\n",
2412 "compulsory negative 1\n",
2413 "comrade positive 1\n",
2414 "comrade trust 1\n",
2415 "conceal negative 1\n",
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2417 "concealed anticipation 1\n",
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2419 "concealed negative 1\n",
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2421 "concealment anger 1\n",
2422 "concealment anticipation 1\n",
2423 "concealment fear 1\n",
2424 "concealment negative 1\n",
2425 "conceit negative 1\n",
2426 "conceited negative 1\n",
2427 "concentric positive 1\n",
2428 "concerned fear 1\n",
2429 "concerned sadness 1\n",
2430 "conciliation joy 1\n",
2431 "conciliation positive 1\n",
2432 "conciliation trust 1\n",
2433 "concluding positive 1\n",
2434 "concord positive 1\n",
2435 "concord trust 1\n",
2436 "concordance positive 1\n",
2437 "concordance trust 1\n",
2438 "concussion anger 1\n",
2439 "concussion negative 1\n",
2440 "concussion sadness 1\n",
2441 "condemn anger 1\n",
2442 "condemn negative 1\n",
2443 "condemnation anger 1\n",
2444 "condemnation anticipation 1\n",
2445 "condemnation disgust 1\n",
2446 "condemnation fear 1\n",
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2448 "condemnation sadness 1\n",
2449 "condescending negative 1\n",
2450 "condescension anger 1\n",
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2452 "condescension negative 1\n",
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2455 "condolence sadness 1\n",
2456 "condone positive 1\n",
2457 "conducive positive 1\n",
2458 "conductivity positive 1\n",
2459 "confederate positive 1\n",
2460 "confederate trust 1\n",
2461 "confess negative 1\n",
2462 "confess positive 1\n",
2463 "confess trust 1\n",
2464 "confession anticipation 1\n",
2465 "confession fear 1\n",
2466 "confession negative 1\n",
2467 "confession sadness 1\n",
2468 "confession surprise 1\n",
2469 "confessional fear 1\n",
2470 "confessional trust 1\n",
2471 "confide trust 1\n",
2472 "confidence fear 1\n",
2473 "confidence joy 1\n",
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2476 "confident joy 1\n",
2477 "confident positive 1\n",
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2479 "confidential trust 1\n",
2480 "confidentially trust 1\n",
2481 "confine anger 1\n",
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2490 "confinement anger 1\n",
2491 "confinement fear 1\n",
2492 "confinement negative 1\n",
2493 "confinement sadness 1\n",
2494 "confirmation trust 1\n",
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2496 "confirmed trust 1\n",
2497 "confiscate anger 1\n",
2498 "confiscate negative 1\n",
2499 "confiscate sadness 1\n",
2500 "confiscation negative 1\n",
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2502 "conflagration fear 1\n",
2503 "conflagration negative 1\n",
2504 "conflict anger 1\n",
2505 "conflict fear 1\n",
2506 "conflict negative 1\n",
2507 "conflict sadness 1\n",
2508 "conflicting negative 1\n",
2509 "conformance positive 1\n",
2510 "conformity trust 1\n",
2511 "confound negative 1\n",
2512 "confounded negative 1\n",
2513 "confront anger 1\n",
2514 "confuse negative 1\n",
2515 "confusion anger 1\n",
2516 "confusion fear 1\n",
2517 "confusion negative 1\n",
2518 "congenial positive 1\n",
2519 "congestion negative 1\n"
2520 ]
2521 },
2522 {
2523 "name": "stdout",
2524 "output_type": "stream",
2525 "text": [
2526 "conglomerate trust 1\n",
2527 "congratulatory joy 1\n",
2528 "congratulatory positive 1\n",
2529 "congregation positive 1\n",
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2531 "congress disgust 1\n",
2532 "congress trust 1\n",
2533 "congressman trust 1\n",
2534 "congruence positive 1\n",
2535 "congruence trust 1\n",
2536 "conjecture anticipation 1\n",
2537 "conjure anticipation 1\n",
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2540 "connective trust 1\n",
2541 "connoisseur joy 1\n",
2542 "connoisseur positive 1\n",
2543 "connoisseur trust 1\n",
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2562 "considerable positive 1\n",
2563 "considerate positive 1\n",
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2571 "conspiracy fear 1\n",
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2626 "contemptible disgust 1\n",
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2647 "contracted negative 1\n",
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2650 "contradiction negative 1\n",
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2657 "contributor positive 1\n",
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2659 "controversial anger 1\n",
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2663 "convenient positive 1\n",
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2668 "conversant positive 1\n",
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2670 "convert positive 1\n",
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2681 "convinced trust 1\n",
2682 "convincing trust 1\n",
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2684 "coolness positive 1\n",
2685 "coop anger 1\n",
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2692 "cooperation trust 1\n",
2693 "cooperative positive 1\n",
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2697 "copy negative 1\n",
2698 "copycat anger 1\n",
2699 "copycat disgust 1\n",
2700 "copycat negative 1\n",
2701 "core positive 1\n",
2702 "coronation joy 1\n",
2703 "coronation positive 1\n",
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2706 "corporal negative 1\n",
2707 "corporation positive 1\n",
2708 "corporation trust 1\n",
2709 "corporeal positive 1\n",
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2711 "corpse negative 1\n",
2712 "corpse sadness 1\n",
2713 "correction negative 1\n",
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2716 "correspondence anticipation 1\n",
2717 "correspondence positive 1\n",
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2720 "corroboration trust 1\n",
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2723 "corrosive negative 1\n",
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2732 "corse sadness 1\n",
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2735 "cosy positive 1\n",
2736 "couch sadness 1\n",
2737 "cough disgust 1\n",
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2742 "counsel positive 1\n",
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2754 "countryman trust 1\n",
2755 "county trust 1\n",
2756 "coup anger 1\n",
2757 "coup surprise 1\n",
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2759 "courageous fear 1\n",
2760 "courageous positive 1\n",
2761 "courier trust 1\n",
2762 "coursing negative 1\n",
2763 "court anger 1\n",
2764 "court anticipation 1\n",
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2766 "courteous positive 1\n",
2767 "courtesy positive 1\n",
2768 "courtship anticipation 1\n",
2769 "courtship joy 1\n",
2770 "courtship positive 1\n",
2771 "courtship trust 1\n",
2772 "cove anticipation 1\n",
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2777 "covenant positive 1\n",
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2779 "cover trust 1\n",
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2781 "coward disgust 1\n",
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2787 "cowardly fear 1\n",
2788 "cowardly negative 1\n",
2789 "coy fear 1\n",
2790 "coyote fear 1\n",
2791 "crabby anger 1\n",
2792 "crabby negative 1\n",
2793 "crack negative 1\n",
2794 "cracked anger 1\n",
2795 "cracked fear 1\n",
2796 "cracked negative 1\n",
2797 "cracking negative 1\n",
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2800 "cradle positive 1\n",
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2802 "craft positive 1\n",
2803 "craftsman positive 1\n",
2804 "cramp anticipation 1\n",
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2806 "cramped negative 1\n",
2807 "crank negative 1\n",
2808 "cranky anger 1\n",
2809 "cranky negative 1\n",
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2811 "crap negative 1\n",
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2818 "craving anticipation 1\n",
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2970 "culpable negative 1\n",
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3014 "custody trust 1\n",
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3019 "cutters positive 1\n",
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3147 ]
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4128 "dogged positive 1\n",
4129 "dogma trust 1\n",
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4161 "doom negative 1\n",
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4239 "dummy negative 1\n",
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4292 "earl positive 1\n",
4293 "earn positive 1\n",
4294 "earnest positive 1\n",
4295 "earnestly positive 1\n",
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4832 "expectant anticipation 1\n",
4833 "expectation anticipation 1\n",
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5000 "fascinating positive 1\n",
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5118 "feudalism negative 1\n",
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5123 "fib anger 1\n",
5124 "fib negative 1\n",
5125 "fickle negative 1\n",
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5146 "fighting anger 1\n",
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5152 "filthy disgust 1\n",
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5182 ]
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5184 {
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5199 "flange trust 1\n",
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5201 "flattering joy 1\n",
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5442 "friendliness joy 1\n",
5443 "friendliness positive 1\n",
5444 "friendliness trust 1\n",
5445 "friendly anticipation 1\n",
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5447 "friendly positive 1\n",
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5449 "friendship joy 1\n",
5450 "friendship positive 1\n",
5451 "friendship trust 1\n",
5452 "frigate fear 1\n",
5453 "fright fear 1\n",
5454 "fright negative 1\n",
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5456 "frighten fear 1\n",
5457 "frighten negative 1\n",
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5462 "frightened surprise 1\n",
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5467 "frigid negative 1\n",
5468 "frisky anticipation 1\n",
5469 "frisky joy 1\n",
5470 "frisky positive 1\n",
5471 "frisky surprise 1\n",
5472 "frivolous negative 1\n",
5473 "frolic joy 1\n",
5474 "frolic positive 1\n",
5475 "frostbite negative 1\n",
5476 "froth negative 1\n",
5477 "frown negative 1\n",
5478 "frown sadness 1\n",
5479 "frowning anger 1\n",
5480 "frowning disgust 1\n",
5481 "frowning negative 1\n",
5482 "frowning sadness 1\n",
5483 "frugal positive 1\n",
5484 "fruitful positive 1\n",
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5491 "frustrated anger 1\n",
5492 "frustrated negative 1\n",
5493 "frustration anger 1\n",
5494 "frustration negative 1\n",
5495 "fudge negative 1\n",
5496 "fugitive anger 1\n",
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5509 "fully positive 1\n",
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5512 "fume negative 1\n",
5513 "fuming anger 1\n",
5514 "fuming negative 1\n",
5515 "fun anticipation 1\n",
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5518 "fundamental positive 1\n",
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5521 "fungus disgust 1\n",
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5529 "furnace anger 1\n",
5530 "furor anger 1\n",
5531 "furor negative 1\n",
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5533 "fury anger 1\n",
5534 "fury fear 1\n",
5535 "fury negative 1\n",
5536 "fury sadness 1\n",
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5539 "fusion positive 1\n",
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5544 "fussy negative 1\n",
5545 "futile negative 1\n",
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5547 "futility negative 1\n",
5548 "gaby disgust 1\n",
5549 "gaby negative 1\n",
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5553 "gain anticipation 1\n",
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5555 "gain positive 1\n",
5556 "gaining positive 1\n",
5557 "gall anger 1\n",
5558 "gall disgust 1\n",
5559 "gall negative 1\n",
5560 "gallant positive 1\n",
5561 "gallantry positive 1\n",
5562 "gallows anger 1\n",
5563 "gallows fear 1\n",
5564 "gallows negative 1\n",
5565 "gallows sadness 1\n",
5566 "galore positive 1\n",
5567 "gamble negative 1\n",
5568 "gambler anticipation 1\n",
5569 "gambler negative 1\n",
5570 "gambler surprise 1\n",
5571 "gambling anticipation 1\n",
5572 "gambling negative 1\n",
5573 "gambling surprise 1\n",
5574 "gang anger 1\n",
5575 "gang fear 1\n",
5576 "gang negative 1\n",
5577 "gaol negative 1\n",
5578 "gap negative 1\n",
5579 "gape surprise 1\n",
5580 "garbage disgust 1\n",
5581 "garbage negative 1\n",
5582 "garden joy 1\n",
5583 "garden positive 1\n",
5584 "garish disgust 1\n",
5585 "garish negative 1\n",
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5587 "garnet positive 1\n",
5588 "garnish negative 1\n",
5589 "garrison positive 1\n",
5590 "garrison trust 1\n",
5591 "gash fear 1\n",
5592 "gash negative 1\n",
5593 "gasp surprise 1\n",
5594 "gasping fear 1\n",
5595 "gasping negative 1\n",
5596 "gate trust 1\n",
5597 "gateway trust 1\n",
5598 "gauche negative 1\n",
5599 "gauging trust 1\n",
5600 "gaunt negative 1\n",
5601 "gawk surprise 1\n",
5602 "gazette positive 1\n",
5603 "gazette trust 1\n",
5604 "gear positive 1\n",
5605 "gelatin disgust 1\n",
5606 "gem joy 1\n",
5607 "gem positive 1\n",
5608 "general positive 1\n",
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5618 "genial joy 1\n",
5619 "genial positive 1\n",
5620 "genius positive 1\n",
5621 "gent anger 1\n",
5622 "gent disgust 1\n",
5623 "gent fear 1\n",
5624 "gent negative 1\n",
5625 "genteel positive 1\n",
5626 "gentleman positive 1\n",
5627 "gentleman trust 1\n",
5628 "gentleness positive 1\n",
5629 "gentry positive 1\n",
5630 "gentry trust 1\n",
5631 "genuine positive 1\n",
5632 "genuine trust 1\n",
5633 "geranium positive 1\n",
5634 "geriatric negative 1\n",
5635 "geriatric sadness 1\n",
5636 "germ anticipation 1\n",
5637 "germ disgust 1\n",
5638 "germination anticipation 1\n",
5639 "ghastly disgust 1\n",
5640 "ghastly fear 1\n",
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5642 "ghetto disgust 1\n",
5643 "ghetto fear 1\n",
5644 "ghetto negative 1\n",
5645 "ghetto sadness 1\n",
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5647 "ghostly fear 1\n",
5648 "ghostly negative 1\n",
5649 "giant fear 1\n",
5650 "gibberish anger 1\n",
5651 "gibberish negative 1\n",
5652 "gift anticipation 1\n",
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5654 "gift positive 1\n",
5655 "gift surprise 1\n",
5656 "gifted positive 1\n",
5657 "gigantic positive 1\n",
5658 "giggle joy 1\n",
5659 "giggle positive 1\n",
5660 "girder positive 1\n",
5661 "girder trust 1\n",
5662 "giving positive 1\n",
5663 "glacial negative 1\n",
5664 "glad anticipation 1\n",
5665 "glad joy 1\n",
5666 "glad positive 1\n",
5667 "gladiator fear 1\n",
5668 "gladness joy 1\n",
5669 "gladness positive 1\n",
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5673 "glaring anger 1\n",
5674 "glaring negative 1\n",
5675 "glee joy 1\n",
5676 "glee positive 1\n",
5677 "glib negative 1\n",
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5681 "glimmer anticipation 1\n",
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5683 "glimmer positive 1\n",
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5690 "gloomy negative 1\n",
5691 "gloomy sadness 1\n",
5692 "glorification joy 1\n",
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5703 "gloss positive 1\n",
5704 "glow anticipation 1\n",
5705 "glow joy 1\n",
5706 "glow positive 1\n",
5707 "glow trust 1\n",
5708 "glowing positive 1\n",
5709 "glum negative 1\n",
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5712 "glut negative 1\n",
5713 "gluttony disgust 1\n",
5714 "gluttony negative 1\n",
5715 "gnome anger 1\n",
5716 "gnome disgust 1\n",
5717 "gnome fear 1\n"
5718 ]
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5720 {
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5888 "grit positive 1\n",
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5891 "grizzly negative 1\n",
5892 "groan disgust 1\n",
5893 "groan negative 1\n",
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5900 "gross negative 1\n",
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5902 "grotesque negative 1\n",
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5943 "guardian trust 1\n",
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5956 "guidebook trust 1\n",
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5990 "guzzling negative 1\n",
5991 "gymnast positive 1\n",
5992 "gypsy negative 1\n",
5993 "habitat positive 1\n",
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5998 "haggard negative 1\n",
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6000 "hail negative 1\n",
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6003 "hairy disgust 1\n",
6004 "hairy negative 1\n",
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6006 "halfway negative 1\n",
6007 "hallucination fear 1\n",
6008 "hallucination negative 1\n",
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6014 "halting negative 1\n",
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6018 "hamstring negative 1\n",
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6037 "happiness anticipation 1\n",
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6039 "happiness positive 1\n",
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6047 "harassing anger 1\n",
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6090 "hashish negative 1\n",
6091 "haste anticipation 1\n",
6092 "hasty negative 1\n",
6093 "hate anger 1\n",
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6113 "haunt negative 1\n",
6114 "haunted fear 1\n",
6115 "haunted negative 1\n",
6116 "haunted sadness 1\n",
6117 "haven positive 1\n",
6118 "haven trust 1\n",
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6123 "hazard fear 1\n",
6124 "hazard negative 1\n",
6125 "hazardous fear 1\n",
6126 "hazardous negative 1\n",
6127 "haze fear 1\n",
6128 "haze negative 1\n",
6129 "headache negative 1\n",
6130 "headlight anticipation 1\n",
6131 "headway positive 1\n",
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6138 "healing positive 1\n",
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6140 "healthful joy 1\n",
6141 "healthful positive 1\n",
6142 "healthy positive 1\n",
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6150 "heartache sadness 1\n",
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6158 "heartily positive 1\n",
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6161 "heartworm disgust 1\n",
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6173 "hedonism negative 1\n",
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6192 "helmet fear 1\n",
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6236 "heroism trust 1\n",
6237 "herpes disgust 1\n",
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6239 ]
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6248 "hesitation negative 1\n",
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6250 "heyday joy 1\n",
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6439 "household positive 1\n",
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6731 {
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6788 "incense negative 1\n",
6789 "incessant negative 1\n",
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7156 "instructions trust 1\n",
7157 "instructor anticipation 1\n",
7158 "instructor positive 1\n",
7159 "instructor trust 1\n",
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7161 "insufficiency anger 1\n",
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7163 "insufficient negative 1\n",
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7180 "insurmountable negative 1\n",
7181 "insurmountable sadness 1\n",
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7186 "integrity positive 1\n",
7187 "integrity trust 1\n",
7188 "intellect positive 1\n",
7189 "intellectual positive 1\n",
7190 "intelligence fear 1\n"
7191 ]
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7197 "intelligence joy 1\n",
7198 "intelligence positive 1\n",
7199 "intelligence trust 1\n",
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7240 "interrogation fear 1\n",
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7384 "isolation sadness 1\n",
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7386 "jabber negative 1\n",
7387 "jackpot anticipation 1\n",
7388 "jackpot joy 1\n",
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7444 "joy positive 1\n",
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7448 "joyous joy 1\n",
7449 "joyous positive 1\n",
7450 "jubilant joy 1\n",
7451 "jubilant positive 1\n",
7452 "jubilant surprise 1\n",
7453 "jubilant trust 1\n",
7454 "jubilee joy 1\n",
7455 "jubilee positive 1\n",
7456 "jubilee surprise 1\n",
7457 "judgment surprise 1\n",
7458 "judicial anticipation 1\n",
7459 "judicial positive 1\n",
7460 "judicial trust 1\n",
7461 "judiciary anticipation 1\n",
7462 "judiciary trust 1\n",
7463 "judicious positive 1\n",
7464 "judicious trust 1\n",
7465 "jumble negative 1\n",
7466 "jump joy 1\n",
7467 "jump positive 1\n",
7468 "jungle fear 1\n",
7469 "junk negative 1\n",
7470 "junta negative 1\n",
7471 "jurisprudence sadness 1\n",
7472 "jurist trust 1\n",
7473 "jury trust 1\n",
7474 "justice positive 1\n",
7475 "justice trust 1\n",
7476 "justifiable positive 1\n",
7477 "justifiable trust 1\n",
7478 "justification positive 1\n",
7479 "juvenile negative 1\n",
7480 "keepsake positive 1\n",
7481 "ken positive 1\n",
7482 "kennel sadness 1\n",
7483 "kern negative 1\n",
7484 "kerosene fear 1\n",
7485 "keynote positive 1\n",
7486 "keystone positive 1\n",
7487 "khan fear 1\n",
7488 "khan trust 1\n",
7489 "kick anger 1\n",
7490 "kick negative 1\n",
7491 "kicking anger 1\n",
7492 "kidnap anger 1\n",
7493 "kidnap fear 1\n",
7494 "kidnap negative 1\n",
7495 "kidnap sadness 1\n",
7496 "kidnap surprise 1\n",
7497 "kill fear 1\n",
7498 "kill negative 1\n",
7499 "kill sadness 1\n",
7500 "killing anger 1\n",
7501 "killing fear 1\n",
7502 "killing negative 1\n",
7503 "killing sadness 1\n",
7504 "kind joy 1\n",
7505 "kind positive 1\n",
7506 "kind trust 1\n",
7507 "kindness positive 1\n",
7508 "kindred anticipation 1\n",
7509 "kindred joy 1\n",
7510 "kindred positive 1\n",
7511 "kindred trust 1\n",
7512 "king positive 1\n",
7513 "kiss anticipation 1\n",
7514 "kiss joy 1\n",
7515 "kiss positive 1\n",
7516 "kiss surprise 1\n",
7517 "kite disgust 1\n",
7518 "kite negative 1\n",
7519 "kitten joy 1\n",
7520 "kitten positive 1\n",
7521 "kitten trust 1\n",
7522 "knack positive 1\n",
7523 "knell fear 1\n",
7524 "knell negative 1\n",
7525 "knell sadness 1\n",
7526 "knickers trust 1\n",
7527 "knight positive 1\n",
7528 "knotted negative 1\n",
7529 "knowing positive 1\n",
7530 "knowledge positive 1\n",
7531 "kudos joy 1\n",
7532 "kudos positive 1\n",
7533 "label trust 1\n",
7534 "labor anticipation 1\n",
7535 "labor joy 1\n",
7536 "labor positive 1\n",
7537 "labor surprise 1\n",
7538 "labor trust 1\n",
7539 "labored negative 1\n",
7540 "labored sadness 1\n",
7541 "laborious negative 1\n",
7542 "labyrinth anticipation 1\n",
7543 "labyrinth negative 1\n",
7544 "lace anger 1\n",
7545 "lace fear 1\n",
7546 "lace negative 1\n",
7547 "lace positive 1\n",
7548 "lace sadness 1\n",
7549 "lace trust 1\n",
7550 "lack negative 1\n",
7551 "lacking negative 1\n",
7552 "lackluster negative 1\n",
7553 "laden negative 1\n",
7554 "lag negative 1\n",
7555 "lagging anger 1\n",
7556 "lagging anticipation 1\n",
7557 "lagging disgust 1\n",
7558 "lagging negative 1\n",
7559 "lagging sadness 1\n",
7560 "lair negative 1\n",
7561 "lamb joy 1\n",
7562 "lamb positive 1\n",
7563 "lamb trust 1\n",
7564 "lament disgust 1\n",
7565 "lament fear 1\n",
7566 "lament negative 1\n",
7567 "lament sadness 1\n",
7568 "lamenting sadness 1\n",
7569 "land positive 1\n",
7570 "landed positive 1\n",
7571 "landmark trust 1\n",
7572 "landslide fear 1\n",
7573 "landslide negative 1\n",
7574 "landslide sadness 1\n",
7575 "languid negative 1\n",
7576 "languish negative 1\n",
7577 "languishing fear 1\n",
7578 "languishing negative 1\n",
7579 "languishing sadness 1\n",
7580 "lapse negative 1\n",
7581 "larceny disgust 1\n",
7582 "larceny negative 1\n",
7583 "larger disgust 1\n",
7584 "larger surprise 1\n",
7585 "larger trust 1\n",
7586 "laser positive 1\n",
7587 "laser trust 1\n",
7588 "lash anger 1\n",
7589 "lash fear 1\n",
7590 "lash negative 1\n",
7591 "late negative 1\n",
7592 "late sadness 1\n",
7593 "lateness negative 1\n",
7594 "latent anger 1\n",
7595 "latent anticipation 1\n",
7596 "latent disgust 1\n",
7597 "latent negative 1\n",
7598 "latent surprise 1\n",
7599 "latrines disgust 1\n",
7600 "latrines negative 1\n",
7601 "laudable positive 1\n",
7602 "laugh joy 1\n",
7603 "laugh positive 1\n",
7604 "laugh surprise 1\n",
7605 "laughable disgust 1\n",
7606 "laughable negative 1\n",
7607 "laughing joy 1\n",
7608 "laughing positive 1\n",
7609 "laughter anticipation 1\n",
7610 "laughter joy 1\n",
7611 "laughter positive 1\n",
7612 "laughter surprise 1\n",
7613 "launch anticipation 1\n",
7614 "launch positive 1\n",
7615 "laureate positive 1\n",
7616 "laureate trust 1\n",
7617 "laurel positive 1\n",
7618 "laurels joy 1\n",
7619 "laurels positive 1\n",
7620 "lava anger 1\n",
7621 "lava fear 1\n",
7622 "lava negative 1\n",
7623 "lavatory disgust 1\n",
7624 "lavish positive 1\n",
7625 "law trust 1\n",
7626 "lawful positive 1\n",
7627 "lawful trust 1\n",
7628 "lawlessness anger 1\n",
7629 "lawlessness fear 1\n",
7630 "lawlessness negative 1\n",
7631 "lawsuit anger 1\n",
7632 "lawsuit disgust 1\n",
7633 "lawsuit fear 1\n",
7634 "lawsuit negative 1\n",
7635 "lawsuit sadness 1\n",
7636 "lawsuit surprise 1\n",
7637 "lawyer anger 1\n",
7638 "lawyer disgust 1\n",
7639 "lawyer fear 1\n",
7640 "lawyer negative 1\n",
7641 "lax negative 1\n"
7642 ]
7643 },
7644 {
7645 "name": "stdout",
7646 "output_type": "stream",
7647 "text": [
7648 "lax sadness 1\n",
7649 "laxative disgust 1\n",
7650 "laxative fear 1\n",
7651 "laxative negative 1\n",
7652 "lazy negative 1\n",
7653 "lead positive 1\n",
7654 "leader positive 1\n",
7655 "leader trust 1\n",
7656 "leading trust 1\n",
7657 "league positive 1\n",
7658 "leak negative 1\n",
7659 "leakage negative 1\n",
7660 "leaky negative 1\n",
7661 "leaning trust 1\n",
7662 "learn positive 1\n",
7663 "learning positive 1\n",
7664 "leave negative 1\n",
7665 "leave sadness 1\n",
7666 "leave surprise 1\n",
7667 "lecturer positive 1\n",
7668 "leech negative 1\n",
7669 "leeches disgust 1\n",
7670 "leeches fear 1\n",
7671 "leeches negative 1\n",
7672 "leer disgust 1\n",
7673 "leer negative 1\n",
7674 "leery surprise 1\n",
7675 "leeway positive 1\n",
7676 "legal positive 1\n",
7677 "legal trust 1\n",
7678 "legalized anger 1\n",
7679 "legalized fear 1\n",
7680 "legalized joy 1\n",
7681 "legalized positive 1\n",
7682 "legalized trust 1\n",
7683 "legendary positive 1\n",
7684 "legibility positive 1\n",
7685 "legible positive 1\n",
7686 "legislator trust 1\n",
7687 "legislature trust 1\n",
7688 "legitimacy trust 1\n",
7689 "leisure anticipation 1\n",
7690 "leisure joy 1\n",
7691 "leisure positive 1\n",
7692 "leisure surprise 1\n",
7693 "leisure trust 1\n",
7694 "leisurely positive 1\n",
7695 "lemma positive 1\n",
7696 "lemon disgust 1\n",
7697 "lemon negative 1\n",
7698 "lender trust 1\n",
7699 "lenient positive 1\n",
7700 "leprosy disgust 1\n",
7701 "leprosy fear 1\n",
7702 "leprosy negative 1\n",
7703 "leprosy sadness 1\n",
7704 "lesbian disgust 1\n",
7705 "lesbian negative 1\n",
7706 "lesbian sadness 1\n",
7707 "lessen anticipation 1\n",
7708 "lessen negative 1\n",
7709 "lesser disgust 1\n",
7710 "lesser negative 1\n",
7711 "lesson anticipation 1\n",
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7714 "lethal disgust 1\n",
7715 "lethal fear 1\n",
7716 "lethal negative 1\n",
7717 "lethal sadness 1\n",
7718 "lethargy negative 1\n",
7719 "lethargy sadness 1\n",
7720 "letter anticipation 1\n",
7721 "lettered anticipation 1\n",
7722 "lettered positive 1\n",
7723 "lettered trust 1\n",
7724 "leukemia anger 1\n",
7725 "leukemia fear 1\n",
7726 "leukemia negative 1\n",
7727 "leukemia sadness 1\n",
7728 "levee trust 1\n",
7729 "level positive 1\n",
7730 "level trust 1\n",
7731 "leverage positive 1\n",
7732 "levy negative 1\n",
7733 "lewd disgust 1\n",
7734 "lewd negative 1\n",
7735 "liaison negative 1\n",
7736 "liar disgust 1\n",
7737 "liar negative 1\n",
7738 "libel anger 1\n",
7739 "libel fear 1\n",
7740 "libel negative 1\n",
7741 "libel trust 1\n",
7742 "liberal negative 1\n",
7743 "liberal positive 1\n",
7744 "liberate anger 1\n",
7745 "liberate anticipation 1\n",
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7747 "liberate positive 1\n",
7748 "liberate surprise 1\n",
7749 "liberate trust 1\n",
7750 "liberation anticipation 1\n",
7751 "liberation joy 1\n",
7752 "liberation positive 1\n",
7753 "liberation surprise 1\n",
7754 "liberty anticipation 1\n",
7755 "liberty joy 1\n",
7756 "liberty positive 1\n",
7757 "liberty surprise 1\n",
7758 "liberty trust 1\n",
7759 "library positive 1\n",
7760 "lick disgust 1\n",
7761 "lick negative 1\n",
7762 "lie anger 1\n",
7763 "lie disgust 1\n",
7764 "lie negative 1\n",
7765 "lie sadness 1\n",
7766 "lieutenant trust 1\n",
7767 "lifeblood positive 1\n",
7768 "lifeless fear 1\n",
7769 "lifeless negative 1\n",
7770 "lifeless sadness 1\n",
7771 "lighthouse positive 1\n",
7772 "lightning anger 1\n",
7773 "lightning fear 1\n",
7774 "lightning surprise 1\n",
7775 "liking joy 1\n",
7776 "liking positive 1\n",
7777 "liking trust 1\n",
7778 "limited anger 1\n",
7779 "limited negative 1\n",
7780 "limited sadness 1\n",
7781 "limp negative 1\n",
7782 "lines fear 1\n",
7783 "linger anticipation 1\n",
7784 "linguist positive 1\n",
7785 "linguist trust 1\n",
7786 "lint negative 1\n",
7787 "lion fear 1\n",
7788 "lion positive 1\n",
7789 "liquor anger 1\n",
7790 "liquor joy 1\n",
7791 "liquor negative 1\n",
7792 "liquor sadness 1\n",
7793 "listless negative 1\n",
7794 "listless sadness 1\n",
7795 "lithe positive 1\n",
7796 "litigant negative 1\n",
7797 "litigate anger 1\n",
7798 "litigate anticipation 1\n",
7799 "litigate disgust 1\n",
7800 "litigate fear 1\n",
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7802 "litigate sadness 1\n",
7803 "litigation negative 1\n",
7804 "litigious anger 1\n",
7805 "litigious disgust 1\n",
7806 "litigious negative 1\n",
7807 "litter negative 1\n",
7808 "livid anger 1\n",
7809 "livid disgust 1\n",
7810 "livid negative 1\n",
7811 "loaf negative 1\n",
7812 "loafer negative 1\n",
7813 "loath anger 1\n",
7814 "loath negative 1\n",
7815 "loathe anger 1\n",
7816 "loathe disgust 1\n",
7817 "loathe negative 1\n",
7818 "loathing disgust 1\n",
7819 "loathing negative 1\n",
7820 "loathsome anger 1\n",
7821 "loathsome disgust 1\n",
7822 "loathsome negative 1\n",
7823 "lobbyist negative 1\n",
7824 "localize anticipation 1\n",
7825 "lockup fear 1\n",
7826 "lockup negative 1\n",
7827 "lockup sadness 1\n",
7828 "locust fear 1\n",
7829 "locust negative 1\n",
7830 "lodging trust 1\n",
7831 "lofty negative 1\n",
7832 "logical positive 1\n",
7833 "lone sadness 1\n",
7834 "loneliness fear 1\n",
7835 "loneliness negative 1\n",
7836 "loneliness sadness 1\n",
7837 "lonely anger 1\n",
7838 "lonely disgust 1\n",
7839 "lonely fear 1\n",
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7841 "lonely sadness 1\n",
7842 "lonesome negative 1\n",
7843 "lonesome sadness 1\n",
7844 "long anticipation 1\n",
7845 "longevity positive 1\n",
7846 "longing anticipation 1\n",
7847 "longing sadness 1\n",
7848 "loo disgust 1\n",
7849 "loo negative 1\n",
7850 "loom anticipation 1\n",
7851 "loom fear 1\n",
7852 "loom negative 1\n",
7853 "loon disgust 1\n",
7854 "loon negative 1\n",
7855 "loony negative 1\n",
7856 "loot negative 1\n",
7857 "lord disgust 1\n",
7858 "lord negative 1\n",
7859 "lord positive 1\n",
7860 "lord trust 1\n",
7861 "lordship positive 1\n",
7862 "lose anger 1\n",
7863 "lose disgust 1\n",
7864 "lose fear 1\n",
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7866 "lose sadness 1\n",
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7868 "losing anger 1\n",
7869 "losing negative 1\n",
7870 "losing sadness 1\n",
7871 "loss anger 1\n",
7872 "loss fear 1\n",
7873 "loss negative 1\n",
7874 "loss sadness 1\n",
7875 "lost negative 1\n",
7876 "lost sadness 1\n",
7877 "lottery anticipation 1\n",
7878 "loudness anger 1\n",
7879 "loudness negative 1\n",
7880 "lounge negative 1\n",
7881 "louse disgust 1\n",
7882 "louse negative 1\n",
7883 "lovable joy 1\n",
7884 "lovable positive 1\n",
7885 "lovable trust 1\n",
7886 "love joy 1\n",
7887 "love positive 1\n",
7888 "lovely anticipation 1\n",
7889 "lovely joy 1\n",
7890 "lovely positive 1\n",
7891 "lovely sadness 1\n",
7892 "lovely surprise 1\n",
7893 "lovely trust 1\n",
7894 "lovemaking joy 1\n",
7895 "lovemaking positive 1\n",
7896 "lovemaking trust 1\n",
7897 "lover anticipation 1\n",
7898 "lover joy 1\n",
7899 "lover positive 1\n",
7900 "lover trust 1\n",
7901 "loving joy 1\n",
7902 "loving positive 1\n",
7903 "loving trust 1\n",
7904 "lower negative 1\n",
7905 "lower sadness 1\n",
7906 "lowering negative 1\n",
7907 "lowest negative 1\n",
7908 "lowest sadness 1\n",
7909 "lowlands negative 1\n",
7910 "lowly negative 1\n",
7911 "lowly sadness 1\n",
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7915 "loyal surprise 1\n",
7916 "loyal trust 1\n",
7917 "loyalty positive 1\n",
7918 "loyalty trust 1\n",
7919 "luck anticipation 1\n",
7920 "luck joy 1\n",
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7923 "lucky joy 1\n",
7924 "lucky positive 1\n",
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7926 "ludicrous negative 1\n",
7927 "lull anticipation 1\n",
7928 "lumbering negative 1\n",
7929 "lump negative 1\n",
7930 "lumpy disgust 1\n",
7931 "lumpy negative 1\n",
7932 "lunacy anger 1\n",
7933 "lunacy disgust 1\n",
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7936 "lunacy sadness 1\n",
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7939 "lunatic fear 1\n",
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7941 "lunge surprise 1\n",
7942 "lurch negative 1\n",
7943 "lure negative 1\n",
7944 "lurid disgust 1\n",
7945 "lurid negative 1\n",
7946 "lurk negative 1\n",
7947 "lurking negative 1\n",
7948 "luscious anticipation 1\n",
7949 "luscious joy 1\n",
7950 "luscious positive 1\n",
7951 "lush disgust 1\n",
7952 "lush negative 1\n",
7953 "lush sadness 1\n",
7954 "lust anticipation 1\n",
7955 "lust negative 1\n",
7956 "luster joy 1\n",
7957 "luster positive 1\n",
7958 "lustful negative 1\n",
7959 "lustrous positive 1\n",
7960 "lusty disgust 1\n",
7961 "luxuriant positive 1\n",
7962 "luxurious joy 1\n",
7963 "luxurious positive 1\n",
7964 "luxury joy 1\n",
7965 "luxury positive 1\n",
7966 "lying anger 1\n",
7967 "lying disgust 1\n",
7968 "lying negative 1\n",
7969 "lynch anger 1\n",
7970 "lynch disgust 1\n",
7971 "lynch fear 1\n",
7972 "lynch negative 1\n",
7973 "lynch sadness 1\n",
7974 "lyre joy 1\n",
7975 "lyre positive 1\n",
7976 "lyrical joy 1\n",
7977 "lyrical positive 1\n",
7978 "mace fear 1\n",
7979 "mace negative 1\n",
7980 "machine trust 1\n",
7981 "mad anger 1\n",
7982 "mad disgust 1\n",
7983 "mad fear 1\n",
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7985 "mad sadness 1\n",
7986 "madden anger 1\n",
7987 "madden fear 1\n",
7988 "madden negative 1\n",
7989 "madman anger 1\n",
7990 "madman fear 1\n",
7991 "madman negative 1\n",
7992 "madness anger 1\n",
7993 "madness fear 1\n",
7994 "madness negative 1\n",
7995 "mafia fear 1\n",
7996 "mafia negative 1\n",
7997 "mage fear 1\n",
7998 "maggot disgust 1\n",
7999 "maggot negative 1\n",
8000 "magical anticipation 1\n",
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8003 "magical surprise 1\n",
8004 "magician surprise 1\n",
8005 "magnet positive 1\n",
8006 "magnet trust 1\n",
8007 "magnetism positive 1\n",
8008 "magnetite positive 1\n",
8009 "magnificence anticipation 1\n",
8010 "magnificence joy 1\n",
8011 "magnificence positive 1\n",
8012 "magnificence trust 1\n",
8013 "magnificent anticipation 1\n",
8014 "magnificent joy 1\n",
8015 "magnificent positive 1\n",
8016 "magnificent surprise 1\n",
8017 "magnificent trust 1\n",
8018 "maiden positive 1\n",
8019 "mail anticipation 1\n",
8020 "main positive 1\n",
8021 "mainstay positive 1\n",
8022 "mainstay trust 1\n",
8023 "maintenance trust 1\n",
8024 "majestic anticipation 1\n",
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8028 "majestic trust 1\n",
8029 "majesty positive 1\n",
8030 "majesty trust 1\n",
8031 "major positive 1\n",
8032 "majority joy 1\n",
8033 "majority positive 1\n",
8034 "majority trust 1\n",
8035 "makeshift negative 1\n",
8036 "malady negative 1\n",
8037 "malaise negative 1\n",
8038 "malaise sadness 1\n",
8039 "malaria disgust 1\n",
8040 "malaria fear 1\n",
8041 "malaria negative 1\n",
8042 "malaria sadness 1\n",
8043 "malevolent anger 1\n",
8044 "malevolent disgust 1\n",
8045 "malevolent fear 1\n",
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8047 "malevolent sadness 1\n",
8048 "malfeasance disgust 1\n",
8049 "malfeasance negative 1\n",
8050 "malformation negative 1\n",
8051 "malice anger 1\n",
8052 "malice fear 1\n",
8053 "malice negative 1\n",
8054 "malicious anger 1\n",
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8058 "malicious sadness 1\n",
8059 "malign anger 1\n",
8060 "malign disgust 1\n",
8061 "malign negative 1\n",
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8063 "malignancy negative 1\n",
8064 "malignancy sadness 1\n",
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8066 "malignant fear 1\n",
8067 "malignant negative 1\n",
8068 "malpractice anger 1\n",
8069 "malpractice negative 1\n",
8070 "mamma trust 1\n",
8071 "manage positive 1\n",
8072 "manage trust 1\n",
8073 "management positive 1\n",
8074 "management trust 1\n",
8075 "mandamus fear 1\n",
8076 "mandamus negative 1\n",
8077 "mandarin positive 1\n",
8078 "mandarin trust 1\n",
8079 "mange disgust 1\n",
8080 "mange fear 1\n",
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8082 "mangle anger 1\n",
8083 "mangle disgust 1\n",
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8086 "mangle sadness 1\n",
8087 "manhood positive 1\n",
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8089 "maniac anger 1\n",
8090 "maniac fear 1\n",
8091 "maniac negative 1\n",
8092 "maniacal negative 1\n",
8093 "manifestation fear 1\n",
8094 "manifested positive 1\n",
8095 "manipulate negative 1\n",
8096 "manipulation anger 1\n",
8097 "manipulation fear 1\n",
8098 "manipulation negative 1\n",
8099 "manly positive 1\n",
8100 "manna positive 1\n",
8101 "mannered positive 1\n",
8102 "manners positive 1\n",
8103 "manslaughter anger 1\n",
8104 "manslaughter disgust 1\n",
8105 "manslaughter fear 1\n",
8106 "manslaughter negative 1\n",
8107 "manslaughter sadness 1\n",
8108 "manslaughter surprise 1\n",
8109 "manual trust 1\n",
8110 "manufacturer positive 1\n",
8111 "manure disgust 1\n",
8112 "manure negative 1\n",
8113 "mar negative 1\n",
8114 "march positive 1\n",
8115 "margin negative 1\n",
8116 "margin sadness 1\n",
8117 "marine trust 1\n",
8118 "marked positive 1\n",
8119 "marketable positive 1\n",
8120 "maroon negative 1\n",
8121 "marquis positive 1\n",
8122 "marriage anticipation 1\n",
8123 "marriage joy 1\n",
8124 "marriage positive 1\n",
8125 "marriage trust 1\n",
8126 "marrow joy 1\n",
8127 "marrow positive 1\n",
8128 "marrow trust 1\n",
8129 "marry anticipation 1\n",
8130 "marry fear 1\n",
8131 "marry joy 1\n",
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8135 "marshal positive 1\n",
8136 "marshal trust 1\n",
8137 "martial anger 1\n",
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8143 "martyrdom negative 1\n",
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8149 "marvelously joy 1\n",
8150 "marvelously positive 1\n",
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8161 "massage joy 1\n",
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8163 ]
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8168 "text": [
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8170 "masterpiece joy 1\n",
8171 "masterpiece positive 1\n",
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8175 "mastery trust 1\n",
8176 "matchmaker anticipation 1\n",
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8178 "mate trust 1\n",
8179 "materialism negative 1\n",
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8181 "materialist negative 1\n",
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8183 "maternal negative 1\n",
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8496 "moribund sadness 1\n",
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8498 "moron negative 1\n",
8499 "moronic negative 1\n",
8500 "morrow anticipation 1\n",
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8502 "mortal negative 1\n",
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8505 "mortality negative 1\n",
8506 "mortality sadness 1\n",
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8534 "mountain anticipation 1\n",
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8541 "mourning negative 1\n",
8542 "mourning sadness 1\n",
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8549 "mucous disgust 1\n",
8550 "mucus disgust 1\n",
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8552 "muddle negative 1\n",
8553 "muddled negative 1\n",
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8555 "muddy negative 1\n",
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8564 "mule anger 1\n",
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8568 "mum negative 1\n",
8569 "mumble negative 1\n",
8570 "mumps negative 1\n",
8571 "murder anger 1\n",
8572 "murder disgust 1\n",
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8583 "murderous disgust 1\n",
8584 "murderous fear 1\n",
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8586 "murderous sadness 1\n",
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8588 "murky disgust 1\n",
8589 "murky negative 1\n",
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8593 "music positive 1\n",
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8625 "muzzle negative 1\n",
8626 "myopia anger 1\n",
8627 "myopia negative 1\n",
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8637 "nadir negative 1\n",
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8640 "naive negative 1\n",
8641 "nameless disgust 1\n",
8642 "nameless negative 1\n",
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8656 "naturalist positive 1\n",
8657 "naughty negative 1\n",
8658 "nausea disgust 1\n",
8659 "nausea negative 1\n"
8660 ]
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8662 {
8663 "name": "stdout",
8664 "output_type": "stream",
8665 "text": [
8666 "nauseous disgust 1\n",
8667 "nauseous negative 1\n",
8668 "nauseous sadness 1\n",
8669 "navigable anticipation 1\n",
8670 "navigable positive 1\n",
8671 "navigator anticipation 1\n",
8672 "navigator trust 1\n",
8673 "nay negative 1\n",
8674 "neatly positive 1\n",
8675 "necessity sadness 1\n",
8676 "nectar positive 1\n",
8677 "needful negative 1\n",
8678 "needle positive 1\n",
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8683 "nefarious sadness 1\n",
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8686 "negation negative 1\n",
8687 "negative negative 1\n",
8688 "negative sadness 1\n",
8689 "neglect negative 1\n",
8690 "neglected anger 1\n",
8691 "neglected disgust 1\n",
8692 "neglected negative 1\n",
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8694 "neglecting negative 1\n",
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8696 "negligent negative 1\n",
8697 "negligently negative 1\n",
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8699 "negotiate trust 1\n",
8700 "negotiator positive 1\n",
8701 "negro negative 1\n",
8702 "negro sadness 1\n",
8703 "neighbor anticipation 1\n",
8704 "neighbor positive 1\n",
8705 "neighbor trust 1\n",
8706 "neighborhood anticipation 1\n",
8707 "nepotism anger 1\n",
8708 "nepotism disgust 1\n",
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8730 "neurosis fear 1\n",
8731 "neurosis negative 1\n",
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8773 "notables positive 1\n",
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8798 "nun negative 1\n",
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8800 "nurse positive 1\n",
8801 "nurse trust 1\n",
8802 "nursery joy 1\n",
8803 "nursery positive 1\n",
8804 "nursery trust 1\n",
8805 "nurture anger 1\n",
8806 "nurture anticipation 1\n",
8807 "nurture disgust 1\n",
8808 "nurture fear 1\n",
8809 "nurture joy 1\n",
8810 "nurture positive 1\n",
8811 "nurture trust 1\n",
8812 "nutritious positive 1\n",
8813 "nutritious sadness 1\n",
8814 "oaf negative 1\n",
8815 "oak positive 1\n",
8816 "oasis anticipation 1\n",
8817 "oasis joy 1\n",
8818 "oasis positive 1\n",
8819 "oasis trust 1\n",
8820 "oath positive 1\n",
8821 "oath trust 1\n",
8822 "obedience positive 1\n",
8823 "obedience trust 1\n",
8824 "obese disgust 1\n",
8825 "obese negative 1\n",
8826 "obesity disgust 1\n",
8827 "obesity negative 1\n",
8828 "obesity sadness 1\n",
8829 "obey fear 1\n",
8830 "obey trust 1\n",
8831 "obi disgust 1\n",
8832 "obi fear 1\n",
8833 "obi negative 1\n",
8834 "obit negative 1\n",
8835 "obit sadness 1\n",
8836 "obit surprise 1\n",
8837 "obituary negative 1\n",
8838 "obituary sadness 1\n",
8839 "objection anger 1\n",
8840 "objection negative 1\n",
8841 "objectionable negative 1\n",
8842 "objective anticipation 1\n",
8843 "objective positive 1\n",
8844 "objective trust 1\n",
8845 "oblige negative 1\n",
8846 "oblige trust 1\n",
8847 "obliging anger 1\n",
8848 "obliging anticipation 1\n",
8849 "obliging disgust 1\n",
8850 "obliging fear 1\n",
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8852 "obliging positive 1\n",
8853 "obliging surprise 1\n",
8854 "obliging trust 1\n",
8855 "obligor fear 1\n",
8856 "obligor negative 1\n",
8857 "obliterate anger 1\n",
8858 "obliterate fear 1\n",
8859 "obliterate negative 1\n",
8860 "obliterate sadness 1\n",
8861 "obliterated anger 1\n",
8862 "obliterated fear 1\n",
8863 "obliterated negative 1\n",
8864 "obliteration fear 1\n",
8865 "obliteration negative 1\n",
8866 "obliteration sadness 1\n",
8867 "oblivion anger 1\n",
8868 "oblivion fear 1\n",
8869 "oblivion negative 1\n",
8870 "obnoxious anger 1\n",
8871 "obnoxious disgust 1\n",
8872 "obnoxious negative 1\n",
8873 "obnoxious sadness 1\n",
8874 "obscene disgust 1\n",
8875 "obscene negative 1\n",
8876 "obscenity anger 1\n",
8877 "obscenity disgust 1\n",
8878 "obscenity negative 1\n",
8879 "obscurity negative 1\n",
8880 "observant positive 1\n",
8881 "obstacle anger 1\n",
8882 "obstacle fear 1\n",
8883 "obstacle negative 1\n",
8884 "obstacle sadness 1\n",
8885 "obstetrician trust 1\n",
8886 "obstinate negative 1\n",
8887 "obstruct anger 1\n",
8888 "obstruct fear 1\n",
8889 "obstruct negative 1\n",
8890 "obstruction negative 1\n",
8891 "obstructive anger 1\n",
8892 "obstructive negative 1\n",
8893 "obtainable joy 1\n",
8894 "obtainable positive 1\n",
8895 "obtuse negative 1\n",
8896 "obvious positive 1\n",
8897 "obvious trust 1\n",
8898 "occasional surprise 1\n",
8899 "occult disgust 1\n",
8900 "occult fear 1\n",
8901 "occult negative 1\n",
8902 "occupant positive 1\n",
8903 "occupant trust 1\n",
8904 "occupation positive 1\n",
8905 "occupy positive 1\n",
8906 "octopus disgust 1\n",
8907 "oddity disgust 1\n",
8908 "oddity negative 1\n",
8909 "oddity sadness 1\n",
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8915 "odor negative 1\n",
8916 "offend anger 1\n",
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8918 "offend negative 1\n",
8919 "offended anger 1\n",
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8921 "offended sadness 1\n",
8922 "offender anger 1\n",
8923 "offender disgust 1\n",
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8928 "offense disgust 1\n",
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8931 "offense sadness 1\n",
8932 "offensive anger 1\n",
8933 "offensive disgust 1\n",
8934 "offensive negative 1\n",
8935 "offer positive 1\n",
8936 "offering trust 1\n",
8937 "offhand negative 1\n",
8938 "officer positive 1\n",
8939 "officer trust 1\n",
8940 "official trust 1\n",
8941 "offing negative 1\n",
8942 "offset anticipation 1\n",
8943 "offset positive 1\n",
8944 "offshoot positive 1\n",
8945 "ogre disgust 1\n",
8946 "ogre fear 1\n",
8947 "ogre negative 1\n",
8948 "older sadness 1\n",
8949 "olfactory anticipation 1\n",
8950 "olfactory negative 1\n",
8951 "oligarchy negative 1\n",
8952 "omen anticipation 1\n",
8953 "omen fear 1\n",
8954 "omen negative 1\n",
8955 "ominous anticipation 1\n",
8956 "ominous fear 1\n",
8957 "ominous negative 1\n",
8958 "omit negative 1\n",
8959 "omnipotence fear 1\n",
8960 "omnipotence negative 1\n",
8961 "omnipotence positive 1\n",
8962 "omniscient positive 1\n",
8963 "omniscient trust 1\n",
8964 "onerous anger 1\n",
8965 "onerous negative 1\n",
8966 "onerous sadness 1\n",
8967 "ongoing anticipation 1\n",
8968 "onset anticipation 1\n",
8969 "onus negative 1\n",
8970 "ooze disgust 1\n",
8971 "ooze negative 1\n",
8972 "opaque negative 1\n",
8973 "openness positive 1\n",
8974 "opera anger 1\n",
8975 "opera anticipation 1\n",
8976 "opera fear 1\n",
8977 "opera joy 1\n",
8978 "opera positive 1\n",
8979 "opera sadness 1\n",
8980 "opera surprise 1\n",
8981 "opera trust 1\n",
8982 "operatic negative 1\n",
8983 "operation fear 1\n",
8984 "operation trust 1\n",
8985 "opiate negative 1\n",
8986 "opinionated anger 1\n",
8987 "opinionated negative 1\n",
8988 "opium anger 1\n",
8989 "opium disgust 1\n",
8990 "opium fear 1\n",
8991 "opium negative 1\n",
8992 "opium sadness 1\n",
8993 "opponent anger 1\n",
8994 "opponent anticipation 1\n",
8995 "opponent disgust 1\n",
8996 "opponent fear 1\n",
8997 "opponent negative 1\n",
8998 "opportune joy 1\n",
8999 "opportune positive 1\n",
9000 "opportunity anticipation 1\n",
9001 "opportunity positive 1\n",
9002 "oppose negative 1\n",
9003 "opposed anger 1\n",
9004 "opposed fear 1\n",
9005 "opposed negative 1\n",
9006 "opposition anger 1\n",
9007 "opposition negative 1\n",
9008 "oppress anger 1\n",
9009 "oppress disgust 1\n",
9010 "oppress fear 1\n",
9011 "oppress negative 1\n",
9012 "oppress sadness 1\n",
9013 "oppression anger 1\n",
9014 "oppression disgust 1\n",
9015 "oppression fear 1\n",
9016 "oppression negative 1\n",
9017 "oppression sadness 1\n",
9018 "oppressive anger 1\n",
9019 "oppressive disgust 1\n",
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9022 "oppressive sadness 1\n",
9023 "oppressor anger 1\n",
9024 "oppressor fear 1\n",
9025 "oppressor negative 1\n",
9026 "oppressor sadness 1\n",
9027 "optimism anticipation 1\n",
9028 "optimism joy 1\n",
9029 "optimism positive 1\n",
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9031 "optimism trust 1\n",
9032 "optimist positive 1\n",
9033 "optimist trust 1\n",
9034 "option positive 1\n",
9035 "optional positive 1\n",
9036 "oracle anticipation 1\n",
9037 "oracle positive 1\n",
9038 "oracle trust 1\n",
9039 "oration positive 1\n",
9040 "orc anger 1\n",
9041 "orc disgust 1\n",
9042 "orc fear 1\n",
9043 "orc negative 1\n",
9044 "orchestra anger 1\n",
9045 "orchestra joy 1\n",
9046 "orchestra positive 1\n",
9047 "orchestra sadness 1\n",
9048 "orchestra trust 1\n",
9049 "ordained positive 1\n",
9050 "ordained trust 1\n",
9051 "ordeal anger 1\n",
9052 "ordeal negative 1\n",
9053 "ordeal surprise 1\n",
9054 "orderly positive 1\n",
9055 "ordinance trust 1\n",
9056 "ordination anticipation 1\n",
9057 "ordination joy 1\n",
9058 "ordination positive 1\n",
9059 "ordination trust 1\n",
9060 "ordnance fear 1\n",
9061 "ordnance negative 1\n",
9062 "organ anticipation 1\n",
9063 "organ joy 1\n",
9064 "organic positive 1\n",
9065 "organization anticipation 1\n",
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9067 "organization positive 1\n",
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9070 "organize positive 1\n",
9071 "organized positive 1\n",
9072 "orgasm anticipation 1\n",
9073 "orgasm joy 1\n",
9074 "orgasm positive 1\n",
9075 "originality positive 1\n",
9076 "originality surprise 1\n",
9077 "ornamented positive 1\n",
9078 "ornate positive 1\n",
9079 "orphan fear 1\n",
9080 "orphan negative 1\n",
9081 "orphan sadness 1\n",
9082 "orthodoxy trust 1\n",
9083 "ostensibly negative 1\n",
9084 "oust anger 1\n",
9085 "oust negative 1\n",
9086 "oust sadness 1\n",
9087 "outburst anger 1\n",
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9091 "outburst positive 1\n",
9092 "outburst sadness 1\n",
9093 "outburst surprise 1\n",
9094 "outcast disgust 1\n",
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9096 "outcast negative 1\n",
9097 "outcast sadness 1\n",
9098 "outcome positive 1\n",
9099 "outcry anger 1\n",
9100 "outcry fear 1\n",
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9102 "outcry surprise 1\n",
9103 "outdo anticipation 1\n",
9104 "outdo positive 1\n",
9105 "outhouse disgust 1\n",
9106 "outhouse negative 1\n",
9107 "outlandish negative 1\n",
9108 "outlaw negative 1\n",
9109 "outpost fear 1\n",
9110 "outrage anger 1\n",
9111 "outrage disgust 1\n",
9112 "outrage negative 1\n",
9113 "outrageous surprise 1\n",
9114 "outsider fear 1\n",
9115 "outstanding joy 1\n",
9116 "outstanding negative 1\n",
9117 "outstanding positive 1\n",
9118 "outward positive 1\n",
9119 "ovation negative 1\n",
9120 "ovation sadness 1\n",
9121 "overbearing anger 1\n",
9122 "overbearing negative 1\n",
9123 "overburden negative 1\n",
9124 "overcast negative 1\n"
9125 ]
9126 },
9127 {
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9129 "output_type": "stream",
9130 "text": [
9131 "overdo negative 1\n",
9132 "overdose negative 1\n",
9133 "overdue anticipation 1\n",
9134 "overdue negative 1\n",
9135 "overdue sadness 1\n",
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9137 "overestimate surprise 1\n",
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9139 "overflow negative 1\n",
9140 "overgrown negative 1\n",
9141 "overjoyed joy 1\n",
9142 "overjoyed positive 1\n",
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9145 "overpaid negative 1\n",
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9150 "overpriced anger 1\n",
9151 "overpriced disgust 1\n",
9152 "overpriced negative 1\n",
9153 "overpriced sadness 1\n",
9154 "oversight negative 1\n",
9155 "overt fear 1\n",
9156 "overthrow anticipation 1\n",
9157 "overthrow fear 1\n",
9158 "overthrow negative 1\n",
9159 "overture anticipation 1\n",
9160 "overturn negative 1\n",
9161 "overwhelm negative 1\n",
9162 "overwhelmed negative 1\n",
9163 "overwhelmed sadness 1\n",
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9166 "owing anticipation 1\n",
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9174 "pacific positive 1\n",
9175 "pact trust 1\n",
9176 "pad positive 1\n",
9177 "padding positive 1\n",
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9180 "pain fear 1\n",
9181 "pain negative 1\n",
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9191 "painfully negative 1\n",
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9236 "paraphrase negative 1\n",
9237 "paraphrase positive 1\n",
9238 "parasite disgust 1\n",
9239 "parasite fear 1\n",
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9241 "pardon positive 1\n",
9242 "pare anger 1\n",
9243 "pare anticipation 1\n",
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9245 "pare negative 1\n",
9246 "pare sadness 1\n",
9247 "parentage positive 1\n",
9248 "parietal positive 1\n",
9249 "parietal trust 1\n",
9250 "parish trust 1\n",
9251 "parliament trust 1\n",
9252 "parole anticipation 1\n",
9253 "parrot disgust 1\n",
9254 "parrot negative 1\n",
9255 "parsimonious negative 1\n",
9256 "partake positive 1\n",
9257 "partake trust 1\n",
9258 "participation positive 1\n",
9259 "parting sadness 1\n",
9260 "partisan negative 1\n",
9261 "partner positive 1\n",
9262 "partnership positive 1\n",
9263 "partnership trust 1\n",
9264 "passe negative 1\n",
9265 "passenger anticipation 1\n",
9266 "passion anticipation 1\n",
9267 "passion joy 1\n",
9268 "passion positive 1\n",
9269 "passion trust 1\n",
9270 "passionate anticipation 1\n",
9271 "passionate joy 1\n",
9272 "passionate positive 1\n",
9273 "passionate trust 1\n",
9274 "passive negative 1\n",
9275 "passivity negative 1\n",
9276 "pastime positive 1\n",
9277 "pastor joy 1\n",
9278 "pastor positive 1\n",
9279 "pastor trust 1\n",
9280 "pastry joy 1\n",
9281 "pastry positive 1\n",
9282 "pasture positive 1\n",
9283 "patch negative 1\n",
9284 "patent positive 1\n",
9285 "pathetic disgust 1\n",
9286 "pathetic negative 1\n",
9287 "pathetic sadness 1\n",
9288 "patience anticipation 1\n",
9289 "patience positive 1\n",
9290 "patience trust 1\n",
9291 "patient anticipation 1\n",
9292 "patient positive 1\n",
9293 "patriarchal positive 1\n",
9294 "patriarchal trust 1\n",
9295 "patrol trust 1\n",
9296 "patron positive 1\n",
9297 "patron trust 1\n",
9298 "patronage positive 1\n",
9299 "patronage trust 1\n",
9300 "patronizing negative 1\n",
9301 "patter anger 1\n",
9302 "patter negative 1\n",
9303 "paucity anger 1\n",
9304 "paucity disgust 1\n",
9305 "paucity negative 1\n",
9306 "paucity sadness 1\n",
9307 "pauper negative 1\n",
9308 "pauper sadness 1\n",
9309 "pavement trust 1\n",
9310 "pawn negative 1\n",
9311 "pawn trust 1\n",
9312 "pay anticipation 1\n",
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9314 "pay positive 1\n",
9315 "pay trust 1\n",
9316 "payback anger 1\n",
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9318 "payment negative 1\n",
9319 "peace anticipation 1\n",
9320 "peace joy 1\n",
9321 "peace positive 1\n",
9322 "peace trust 1\n",
9323 "peaceable positive 1\n",
9324 "peaceful anticipation 1\n",
9325 "peaceful joy 1\n",
9326 "peaceful positive 1\n",
9327 "peaceful surprise 1\n",
9328 "peaceful trust 1\n",
9329 "peacock positive 1\n",
9330 "peck positive 1\n",
9331 "peculiarities negative 1\n",
9332 "peculiarity positive 1\n",
9333 "pedestrian negative 1\n",
9334 "pedigree positive 1\n",
9335 "pedigree trust 1\n",
9336 "peerless positive 1\n",
9337 "penal fear 1\n",
9338 "penal negative 1\n",
9339 "penal sadness 1\n",
9340 "penalty anger 1\n",
9341 "penalty fear 1\n",
9342 "penalty negative 1\n",
9343 "penalty sadness 1\n",
9344 "penance fear 1\n",
9345 "penance sadness 1\n",
9346 "penchant positive 1\n",
9347 "penetration anger 1\n",
9348 "penetration fear 1\n",
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9350 "penitentiary anger 1\n",
9351 "penitentiary negative 1\n",
9352 "pensive sadness 1\n",
9353 "perceive positive 1\n",
9354 "perceive trust 1\n",
9355 "perceptible positive 1\n",
9356 "perchance surprise 1\n",
9357 "perdition anger 1\n",
9358 "perdition disgust 1\n",
9359 "perdition fear 1\n",
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9361 "perdition sadness 1\n",
9362 "perennial positive 1\n",
9363 "perennial trust 1\n",
9364 "perfect anticipation 1\n",
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9366 "perfect positive 1\n",
9367 "perfect trust 1\n",
9368 "perfection anticipation 1\n",
9369 "perfection joy 1\n",
9370 "perfection positive 1\n",
9371 "perfection surprise 1\n",
9372 "perfection trust 1\n",
9373 "performer positive 1\n",
9374 "peri surprise 1\n",
9375 "peril anticipation 1\n",
9376 "peril fear 1\n",
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9378 "peril sadness 1\n",
9379 "perilous anticipation 1\n",
9380 "perilous fear 1\n",
9381 "perilous negative 1\n",
9382 "perilous sadness 1\n",
9383 "periodicity trust 1\n",
9384 "perish fear 1\n",
9385 "perish negative 1\n",
9386 "perish sadness 1\n",
9387 "perishable negative 1\n",
9388 "perished negative 1\n",
9389 "perished sadness 1\n",
9390 "perishing fear 1\n",
9391 "perishing negative 1\n",
9392 "perishing sadness 1\n",
9393 "perjury fear 1\n",
9394 "perjury negative 1\n",
9395 "perjury surprise 1\n",
9396 "perk positive 1\n",
9397 "permission positive 1\n",
9398 "pernicious anger 1\n",
9399 "pernicious fear 1\n",
9400 "pernicious negative 1\n",
9401 "pernicious sadness 1\n",
9402 "perpetrator anger 1\n",
9403 "perpetrator disgust 1\n",
9404 "perpetrator fear 1\n",
9405 "perpetrator negative 1\n",
9406 "perpetrator sadness 1\n",
9407 "perpetuate anticipation 1\n",
9408 "perpetuation negative 1\n",
9409 "perpetuity anticipation 1\n",
9410 "perpetuity positive 1\n",
9411 "perpetuity trust 1\n",
9412 "perplexed negative 1\n",
9413 "perplexity negative 1\n",
9414 "perplexity sadness 1\n",
9415 "persecute anger 1\n",
9416 "persecute fear 1\n",
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9418 "persecution anger 1\n",
9419 "persecution disgust 1\n",
9420 "persecution fear 1\n",
9421 "persecution negative 1\n",
9422 "persecution sadness 1\n",
9423 "persistence positive 1\n",
9424 "persistent positive 1\n",
9425 "personable positive 1\n",
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9427 "perspiration disgust 1\n",
9428 "persuade trust 1\n",
9429 "pertinent positive 1\n",
9430 "pertinent trust 1\n",
9431 "perturbation fear 1\n",
9432 "perturbation negative 1\n",
9433 "pertussis negative 1\n",
9434 "perverse anger 1\n",
9435 "perverse disgust 1\n",
9436 "perverse fear 1\n",
9437 "perverse negative 1\n",
9438 "perversion anger 1\n",
9439 "perversion disgust 1\n",
9440 "perversion negative 1\n",
9441 "perversion sadness 1\n",
9442 "pervert anger 1\n",
9443 "pervert disgust 1\n",
9444 "pervert negative 1\n",
9445 "perverted disgust 1\n",
9446 "perverted negative 1\n",
9447 "pessimism anger 1\n",
9448 "pessimism fear 1\n",
9449 "pessimism negative 1\n",
9450 "pessimism sadness 1\n",
9451 "pessimist fear 1\n",
9452 "pessimist negative 1\n",
9453 "pessimist sadness 1\n",
9454 "pest anger 1\n",
9455 "pest disgust 1\n",
9456 "pest fear 1\n",
9457 "pest negative 1\n",
9458 "pestilence disgust 1\n",
9459 "pestilence fear 1\n",
9460 "pestilence negative 1\n",
9461 "pet negative 1\n",
9462 "petroleum disgust 1\n",
9463 "petroleum negative 1\n",
9464 "petroleum positive 1\n",
9465 "petty negative 1\n",
9466 "phalanx fear 1\n",
9467 "phalanx trust 1\n",
9468 "phantom fear 1\n",
9469 "phantom negative 1\n",
9470 "pharmaceutical positive 1\n",
9471 "philanthropic trust 1\n",
9472 "philanthropist positive 1\n",
9473 "philanthropist trust 1\n",
9474 "philanthropy positive 1\n",
9475 "philosopher positive 1\n",
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9481 "phony anger 1\n",
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9484 "physician positive 1\n",
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9486 "physicist trust 1\n",
9487 "physics positive 1\n",
9488 "physiology positive 1\n",
9489 "physique positive 1\n",
9490 "pick positive 1\n",
9491 "picket anger 1\n",
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9496 "picketing negative 1\n",
9497 "pickle negative 1\n",
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9508 "pigeon negative 1\n",
9509 "piles disgust 1\n",
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9513 "pillage anger 1\n",
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9522 "pimple negative 1\n",
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9537 "pirate negative 1\n",
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9561 "planning anticipation 1\n",
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9576 ]
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9578 {
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9583 "playhouse positive 1\n",
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9817 "preparatory anticipation 1\n",
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9857 "pretended negative 1\n",
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9859 "pretending negative 1\n",
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9861 "pretensions negative 1\n",
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9870 "prevent fear 1\n",
9871 "prevention anticipation 1\n",
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9873 "preventive negative 1\n",
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9875 "prey negative 1\n",
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9884 "pride positive 1\n",
9885 "priest positive 1\n",
9886 "priest trust 1\n",
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9889 "priesthood positive 1\n",
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9892 "priestly positive 1\n",
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9894 "primary positive 1\n",
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9898 "prince positive 1\n",
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9900 "princely joy 1\n",
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9903 "princely trust 1\n",
9904 "princess positive 1\n",
9905 "principal positive 1\n",
9906 "principal trust 1\n",
9907 "prison anger 1\n",
9908 "prison fear 1\n",
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9911 "prisoner anger 1\n",
9912 "prisoner disgust 1\n",
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9915 "prisoner sadness 1\n",
9916 "pristine positive 1\n",
9917 "privileged joy 1\n",
9918 "privileged positive 1\n",
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9920 "privy negative 1\n",
9921 "privy trust 1\n",
9922 "probability anticipation 1\n",
9923 "probation anticipation 1\n",
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9928 "problem fear 1\n",
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9931 "procedure fear 1\n",
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9935 "procession positive 1\n",
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9939 "procrastination negative 1\n",
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9944 "prodigal positive 1\n",
9945 "prodigious positive 1\n",
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9947 "producer positive 1\n",
9948 "producing positive 1\n",
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9950 "production positive 1\n",
9951 "productive positive 1\n",
9952 "productivity positive 1\n",
9953 "profane anger 1\n",
9954 "profane negative 1\n",
9955 "profanity anger 1\n",
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9960 "professor positive 1\n",
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9962 "professorship trust 1\n",
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9978 "progression anticipation 1\n",
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9990 "projectiles fear 1\n",
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9999 "promise positive 1\n",
10000 "promise trust 1\n",
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10011 "prophetic anticipation 1\n",
10012 "prophylactic anticipation 1\n",
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10015 ]
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10017 {
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10149 "quack disgust 1\n",
10150 "quack negative 1\n",
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10187 "quiver negative 1\n",
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10189 "quivering negative 1\n",
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10455 "reinforcements trust 1\n",
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10835 "rife negative 1\n",
10836 "rifle anger 1\n",
10837 "rifle fear 1\n",
10838 "rifle negative 1\n",
10839 "rift negative 1\n",
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10841 "rightful positive 1\n",
10842 "rightly positive 1\n",
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10844 "rigidity negative 1\n",
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10847 "rigor negative 1\n",
10848 "rigorous negative 1\n",
10849 "ringer anger 1\n",
10850 "ringer negative 1\n",
10851 "riot anger 1\n",
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10853 "riot negative 1\n",
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10856 "riotous negative 1\n",
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10860 "ripen positive 1\n",
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10863 "rising positive 1\n",
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10867 "risky anticipation 1\n",
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10869 "risky negative 1\n",
10870 "rivalry anger 1\n",
10871 "rivalry negative 1\n",
10872 "riveting positive 1\n",
10873 "roadster joy 1\n",
10874 "roadster positive 1\n",
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10885 "robbery disgust 1\n",
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10887 "robbery negative 1\n",
10888 "robbery sadness 1\n",
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10890 "rock positive 1\n",
10891 "rocket anger 1\n",
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10893 "rod positive 1\n",
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10895 "rogue disgust 1\n",
10896 "rogue negative 1\n",
10897 "rollicking joy 1\n",
10898 "rollicking positive 1\n",
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10900 "romance fear 1\n",
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10911 "romanticism positive 1\n",
10912 "romp joy 1\n",
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10914 "rook anger 1\n",
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10919 "rosy positive 1\n",
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10926 "rotting disgust 1\n",
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10928 "roughness negative 1\n",
10929 "roulette anticipation 1\n",
10930 "rout negative 1\n",
10931 "routine positive 1\n",
10932 "routine trust 1\n",
10933 "row anger 1\n",
10934 "row negative 1\n",
10935 "rowdy negative 1\n",
10936 "royalty positive 1\n",
10937 "rubbish disgust 1\n",
10938 "rubbish negative 1\n",
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10940 "rubble negative 1\n",
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10942 "rubric positive 1\n",
10943 "rue negative 1\n",
10944 "rue sadness 1\n",
10945 "ruffle negative 1\n",
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10962 "rumor negative 1\n",
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10992 "sadly sadness 1\n",
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10996 ]
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11003 "safe positive 1\n",
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11006 "safeguard trust 1\n",
11007 "safekeeping trust 1\n",
11008 "sag fear 1\n",
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11041 "samurai positive 1\n",
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11108 "scar anger 1\n",
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11327 "serum positive 1\n",
11328 "servant negative 1\n",
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11342 "severance sadness 1\n",
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11346 "sewerage disgust 1\n",
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11373 "sham negative 1\n",
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11385 "shanghai negative 1\n",
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11405 "shell fear 1\n",
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11418 "shining positive 1\n",
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11443 "shooting anger 1\n",
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11460 ]
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11462 {
11463 "name": "stdout",
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11465 "text": [
11466 "shortly anticipation 1\n",
11467 "shot anger 1\n",
11468 "shot fear 1\n",
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11470 "shot sadness 1\n",
11471 "shot surprise 1\n",
11472 "shoulder positive 1\n",
11473 "shoulder trust 1\n",
11474 "shout anger 1\n",
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11476 "shove anger 1\n",
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11481 "shrewd positive 1\n",
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11494 "shroud sadness 1\n",
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11497 "shudder negative 1\n",
11498 "shun anger 1\n",
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11500 "shun negative 1\n",
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11587 "skirmish negative 1\n",
11588 "sky positive 1\n",
11589 "slack negative 1\n",
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11591 "slam anger 1\n",
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11643 "slimy disgust 1\n",
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11651 "sloppy negative 1\n",
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11653 "sloth negative 1\n",
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11655 "slough negative 1\n",
11656 "slowness negative 1\n",
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11658 "sludge negative 1\n",
11659 "slug disgust 1\n",
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11672 "slush negative 1\n",
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11681 "smack anger 1\n",
11682 "smack negative 1\n",
11683 "small negative 1\n",
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11686 "smash negative 1\n",
11687 "smashed negative 1\n",
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11691 "smell negative 1\n",
11692 "smelling disgust 1\n",
11693 "smelling negative 1\n",
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11708 "smoothness positive 1\n",
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11751 "snide negative 1\n",
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11753 "snort sadness 1\n",
11754 "soak negative 1\n",
11755 "sob negative 1\n",
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11859 "spat negative 1\n",
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11889 "spider disgust 1\n",
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11891 "spike fear 1\n",
11892 "spine anger 1\n",
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11940 "sprite negative 1\n",
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11946 "squall negative 1\n",
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11986 ]
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11991 "text": [
11992 "standstill anger 1\n",
11993 "standstill negative 1\n",
11994 "star anticipation 1\n",
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11999 "stark negative 1\n",
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12195 "subpoena negative 1\n",
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12235 "succulent positive 1\n",
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12298 "sunshine positive 1\n",
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12345 "surcharge anger 1\n",
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12350 "surgery fear 1\n",
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12375 "surveying positive 1\n",
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12379 "suspect negative 1\n",
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12385 "suspicion fear 1\n",
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12396 "swampy negative 1\n",
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12398 "swastika anger 1\n",
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12484 "talons anger 1\n",
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12495 ]
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12497 {
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12836 "traps negative 1\n",
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13505 "veer surprise 1\n",
13506 "vegetative disgust 1\n",
13507 "vegetative negative 1\n",
13508 "vegetative sadness 1\n",
13509 "vehement anger 1\n",
13510 "vehement fear 1\n",
13511 "vehement negative 1\n",
13512 "velvet positive 1\n",
13513 "velvety positive 1\n",
13514 "vendetta anger 1\n",
13515 "vendetta fear 1\n",
13516 "vendetta negative 1\n",
13517 "vendetta sadness 1\n",
13518 "venerable anticipation 1\n",
13519 "venerable joy 1\n",
13520 "venerable positive 1\n",
13521 "venerable trust 1\n",
13522 "veneration positive 1\n",
13523 "vengeance anger 1\n",
13524 "vengeance negative 1\n",
13525 "vengeful anger 1\n",
13526 "vengeful fear 1\n",
13527 "vengeful negative 1\n",
13528 "venom anger 1\n",
13529 "venom disgust 1\n",
13530 "venom fear 1\n",
13531 "venom negative 1\n",
13532 "venomous anger 1\n",
13533 "venomous disgust 1\n",
13534 "venomous fear 1\n",
13535 "venomous negative 1\n",
13536 "vent anger 1\n",
13537 "veracity anticipation 1\n",
13538 "veracity joy 1\n",
13539 "veracity positive 1\n",
13540 "veracity surprise 1\n",
13541 "veracity trust 1\n",
13542 "verbosity negative 1\n",
13543 "verdant positive 1\n",
13544 "verdict fear 1\n",
13545 "verge anticipation 1\n",
13546 "verge fear 1\n",
13547 "verge negative 1\n",
13548 "verification positive 1\n",
13549 "verification trust 1\n",
13550 "verified positive 1\n",
13551 "verified trust 1\n",
13552 "verily positive 1\n",
13553 "verily trust 1\n",
13554 "veritable positive 1\n",
13555 "vermin anger 1\n",
13556 "vermin disgust 1\n",
13557 "vermin fear 1\n",
13558 "vermin negative 1\n",
13559 "vernal joy 1\n",
13560 "vernal positive 1\n",
13561 "versus anger 1\n",
13562 "versus negative 1\n",
13563 "vertigo fear 1\n",
13564 "vertigo negative 1\n",
13565 "verve positive 1\n",
13566 "vesicular disgust 1\n",
13567 "veteran positive 1\n",
13568 "veteran trust 1\n",
13569 "veto anger 1\n",
13570 "veto negative 1\n",
13571 "vicar positive 1\n",
13572 "vicar trust 1\n",
13573 "vice negative 1\n",
13574 "vicious anger 1\n",
13575 "vicious disgust 1\n",
13576 "vicious negative 1\n",
13577 "victim anger 1\n",
13578 "victim fear 1\n",
13579 "victim negative 1\n",
13580 "victim sadness 1\n",
13581 "victimized anger 1\n",
13582 "victimized disgust 1\n",
13583 "victimized fear 1\n",
13584 "victimized negative 1\n",
13585 "victimized sadness 1\n",
13586 "victimized surprise 1\n",
13587 "victor joy 1\n",
13588 "victor positive 1\n",
13589 "victorious joy 1\n",
13590 "victorious positive 1\n",
13591 "victory anticipation 1\n",
13592 "victory joy 1\n",
13593 "victory positive 1\n",
13594 "victory trust 1\n",
13595 "vigil anticipation 1\n",
13596 "vigilance anticipation 1\n",
13597 "vigilance positive 1\n",
13598 "vigilance trust 1\n",
13599 "vigilant fear 1\n",
13600 "vigilant positive 1\n",
13601 "vigilant trust 1\n",
13602 "vigor positive 1\n",
13603 "vigorous positive 1\n",
13604 "vigorous trust 1\n",
13605 "villager positive 1\n",
13606 "villager trust 1\n",
13607 "villain fear 1\n",
13608 "villain negative 1\n",
13609 "villainous anger 1\n",
13610 "villainous disgust 1\n",
13611 "villainous fear 1\n",
13612 "villainous negative 1\n",
13613 "vindicate anger 1\n",
13614 "vindicated positive 1\n",
13615 "vindication anticipation 1\n",
13616 "vindication joy 1\n",
13617 "vindication positive 1\n",
13618 "vindication trust 1\n",
13619 "vindictive anger 1\n",
13620 "vindictive disgust 1\n",
13621 "vindictive negative 1\n",
13622 "violation anger 1\n",
13623 "violation fear 1\n",
13624 "violation negative 1\n",
13625 "violation sadness 1\n",
13626 "violation surprise 1\n",
13627 "violence anger 1\n",
13628 "violence fear 1\n",
13629 "violence negative 1\n",
13630 "violence sadness 1\n",
13631 "violent anger 1\n",
13632 "violent disgust 1\n",
13633 "violent fear 1\n",
13634 "violent negative 1\n",
13635 "violent surprise 1\n",
13636 "violently anger 1\n",
13637 "violently disgust 1\n",
13638 "violently fear 1\n",
13639 "violently negative 1\n",
13640 "violently sadness 1\n",
13641 "viper fear 1\n",
13642 "viper negative 1\n",
13643 "virgin positive 1\n",
13644 "virgin trust 1\n",
13645 "virginity anticipation 1\n",
13646 "virginity positive 1\n",
13647 "virtue positive 1\n",
13648 "virtue trust 1\n",
13649 "virtuous joy 1\n",
13650 "virtuous positive 1\n",
13651 "virtuous trust 1\n",
13652 "virulence anger 1\n",
13653 "virulence fear 1\n",
13654 "virulence negative 1\n",
13655 "virus negative 1\n",
13656 "vision anticipation 1\n",
13657 "vision positive 1\n",
13658 "visionary anticipation 1\n",
13659 "visionary joy 1\n",
13660 "visionary positive 1\n",
13661 "visionary trust 1\n",
13662 "visit positive 1\n",
13663 "visitation negative 1\n",
13664 "visitor anticipation 1\n",
13665 "visitor joy 1\n",
13666 "visitor positive 1\n",
13667 "visor anticipation 1\n",
13668 "visor surprise 1\n",
13669 "vital positive 1\n",
13670 "vitality joy 1\n",
13671 "vitality positive 1\n",
13672 "vitality trust 1\n",
13673 "vivacious joy 1\n",
13674 "vivacious positive 1\n",
13675 "vivid joy 1\n",
13676 "vivid positive 1\n",
13677 "vixen negative 1\n",
13678 "vocabulary positive 1\n",
13679 "volatility anger 1\n",
13680 "volatility anticipation 1\n",
13681 "volatility fear 1\n",
13682 "volatility negative 1\n",
13683 "volatility surprise 1\n",
13684 "volcano fear 1\n",
13685 "volcano negative 1\n",
13686 "volcano surprise 1\n",
13687 "volunteer anticipation 1\n",
13688 "volunteer fear 1\n",
13689 "volunteer joy 1\n",
13690 "volunteer positive 1\n",
13691 "volunteer trust 1\n",
13692 "volunteers trust 1\n",
13693 "voluptuous anticipation 1\n",
13694 "voluptuous joy 1\n",
13695 "voluptuous positive 1\n",
13696 "vomit disgust 1\n",
13697 "vomiting negative 1\n",
13698 "voodoo negative 1\n",
13699 "vote anger 1\n",
13700 "vote anticipation 1\n",
13701 "vote joy 1\n",
13702 "vote negative 1\n",
13703 "vote positive 1\n",
13704 "vote sadness 1\n",
13705 "vote surprise 1\n",
13706 "vote trust 1\n",
13707 "votive trust 1\n",
13708 "vouch positive 1\n",
13709 "vouch trust 1\n",
13710 "voucher trust 1\n",
13711 "vow anticipation 1\n",
13712 "vow joy 1\n",
13713 "vow positive 1\n",
13714 "vow trust 1\n",
13715 "voyage anticipation 1\n",
13716 "vulgar disgust 1\n",
13717 "vulgar negative 1\n",
13718 "vulgarity anger 1\n",
13719 "vulgarity disgust 1\n",
13720 "vulgarity negative 1\n",
13721 "vulgarity sadness 1\n",
13722 "vulnerability fear 1\n",
13723 "vulnerability negative 1\n",
13724 "vulnerability sadness 1\n",
13725 "vulture disgust 1\n",
13726 "vulture fear 1\n",
13727 "vulture negative 1\n",
13728 "waffle anger 1\n",
13729 "waffle negative 1\n",
13730 "waffle sadness 1\n",
13731 "wages joy 1\n",
13732 "wages positive 1\n",
13733 "wail fear 1\n",
13734 "wail negative 1\n",
13735 "wail sadness 1\n",
13736 "wait anticipation 1\n",
13737 "wait negative 1\n",
13738 "wallow disgust 1\n",
13739 "wallow negative 1\n",
13740 "wallow sadness 1\n",
13741 "wan fear 1\n",
13742 "wan negative 1\n",
13743 "wan sadness 1\n",
13744 "wane negative 1\n",
13745 "wane sadness 1\n",
13746 "wanting negative 1\n",
13747 "wanting sadness 1\n",
13748 "war fear 1\n",
13749 "war negative 1\n",
13750 "warden anger 1\n",
13751 "warden fear 1\n",
13752 "warden negative 1\n",
13753 "warden trust 1\n",
13754 "ware fear 1\n",
13755 "ware negative 1\n",
13756 "warfare anger 1\n",
13757 "warfare fear 1\n",
13758 "warfare negative 1\n",
13759 "warfare sadness 1\n",
13760 "warlike anger 1\n",
13761 "warlike fear 1\n",
13762 "warlike negative 1\n",
13763 "warlock fear 1\n",
13764 "warn anticipation 1\n",
13765 "warn fear 1\n",
13766 "warn negative 1\n",
13767 "warn surprise 1\n",
13768 "warn trust 1\n",
13769 "warned anticipation 1\n",
13770 "warned fear 1\n",
13771 "warned surprise 1\n",
13772 "warning fear 1\n",
13773 "warp anger 1\n",
13774 "warp negative 1\n",
13775 "warp sadness 1\n",
13776 "warped negative 1\n",
13777 "warranty positive 1\n",
13778 "warranty trust 1\n",
13779 "warrior anger 1\n",
13780 "warrior fear 1\n",
13781 "warrior positive 1\n",
13782 "wart disgust 1\n",
13783 "wart negative 1\n",
13784 "wary fear 1\n",
13785 "waste disgust 1\n",
13786 "waste negative 1\n",
13787 "wasted anger 1\n",
13788 "wasted disgust 1\n",
13789 "wasted negative 1\n",
13790 "wasteful anger 1\n",
13791 "wasteful disgust 1\n",
13792 "wasteful negative 1\n",
13793 "wasteful sadness 1\n",
13794 "wasting disgust 1\n",
13795 "wasting fear 1\n",
13796 "wasting negative 1\n",
13797 "wasting sadness 1\n",
13798 "watch anticipation 1\n",
13799 "watch fear 1\n",
13800 "watchdog positive 1\n",
13801 "watchdog trust 1\n",
13802 "watchful positive 1\n",
13803 "watchful trust 1\n",
13804 "watchman positive 1\n",
13805 "watchman trust 1\n",
13806 "waterproof positive 1\n",
13807 "watery negative 1\n",
13808 "waver fear 1\n",
13809 "waver negative 1\n",
13810 "weakened negative 1\n",
13811 "weakly fear 1\n",
13812 "weakly negative 1\n",
13813 "weakly sadness 1\n",
13814 "weakness negative 1\n",
13815 "wealth joy 1\n",
13816 "wealth positive 1\n",
13817 "wealth trust 1\n",
13818 "wear negative 1\n",
13819 "wear trust 1\n",
13820 "wearily negative 1\n",
13821 "wearily sadness 1\n",
13822 "weariness negative 1\n",
13823 "weariness sadness 1\n",
13824 "weary negative 1\n",
13825 "weary sadness 1\n",
13826 "weatherproof positive 1\n",
13827 "weeds negative 1\n",
13828 "weeds sadness 1\n",
13829 "weep negative 1\n",
13830 "weep sadness 1\n",
13831 "weeping sadness 1\n",
13832 "weigh anticipation 1\n",
13833 "weigh trust 1\n",
13834 "weight anticipation 1\n",
13835 "weight disgust 1\n",
13836 "weight fear 1\n",
13837 "weight joy 1\n",
13838 "weight negative 1\n",
13839 "weight positive 1\n",
13840 "weight sadness 1\n",
13841 "weight surprise 1\n",
13842 "weight trust 1\n",
13843 "weighty fear 1\n",
13844 "weird disgust 1\n",
13845 "weird negative 1\n",
13846 "weirdo fear 1\n",
13847 "weirdo negative 1\n",
13848 "welcomed joy 1\n",
13849 "welcomed positive 1\n",
13850 "wen negative 1\n",
13851 "wench anger 1\n",
13852 "wench disgust 1\n",
13853 "wench negative 1\n",
13854 "whack negative 1\n",
13855 "whim anticipation 1\n",
13856 "whim joy 1\n",
13857 "whim negative 1\n",
13858 "whim surprise 1\n",
13859 "whimper fear 1\n",
13860 "whimper sadness 1\n",
13861 "whimsical joy 1\n",
13862 "whine disgust 1\n",
13863 "whine negative 1\n",
13864 "whine sadness 1\n",
13865 "whip anger 1\n",
13866 "whip negative 1\n",
13867 "whirlpool fear 1\n",
13868 "whirlwind fear 1\n",
13869 "whirlwind negative 1\n",
13870 "whisky negative 1\n",
13871 "white anticipation 1\n",
13872 "white joy 1\n",
13873 "white positive 1\n",
13874 "white trust 1\n",
13875 "whiteness joy 1\n",
13876 "whiteness positive 1\n",
13877 "wholesome positive 1\n",
13878 "wholesome trust 1\n",
13879 "whore disgust 1\n",
13880 "whore negative 1\n",
13881 "wicked fear 1\n",
13882 "wicked negative 1\n",
13883 "wickedness disgust 1\n",
13884 "wickedness negative 1\n",
13885 "wicket positive 1\n",
13886 "widespread positive 1\n",
13887 "widow sadness 1\n",
13888 "widower sadness 1\n",
13889 "wild negative 1\n",
13890 "wild surprise 1\n",
13891 "wildcat negative 1\n",
13892 "wilderness anticipation 1\n",
13893 "wilderness fear 1\n",
13894 "wilderness sadness 1\n",
13895 "wildfire fear 1\n",
13896 "wildfire negative 1\n",
13897 "wildfire sadness 1\n",
13898 "wildfire surprise 1\n",
13899 "willful anger 1\n",
13900 "willful negative 1\n",
13901 "willful sadness 1\n",
13902 "willingly positive 1\n",
13903 "willingness positive 1\n",
13904 "wimp disgust 1\n",
13905 "wimp fear 1\n",
13906 "wimp negative 1\n",
13907 "wimpy anger 1\n",
13908 "wimpy disgust 1\n",
13909 "wimpy fear 1\n",
13910 "wimpy negative 1\n",
13911 "wimpy sadness 1\n",
13912 "wince anger 1\n",
13913 "wince disgust 1\n",
13914 "wince fear 1\n",
13915 "wince negative 1\n",
13916 "wince sadness 1\n"
13917 ]
13918 },
13919 {
13920 "name": "stdout",
13921 "output_type": "stream",
13922 "text": [
13923 "windfall positive 1\n",
13924 "winner anticipation 1\n",
13925 "winner joy 1\n",
13926 "winner positive 1\n",
13927 "winner surprise 1\n",
13928 "winning anticipation 1\n",
13929 "winning disgust 1\n",
13930 "winning joy 1\n",
13931 "winning positive 1\n",
13932 "winning sadness 1\n",
13933 "winning surprise 1\n",
13934 "winning trust 1\n",
13935 "winnings anticipation 1\n",
13936 "winnings joy 1\n",
13937 "winnings positive 1\n",
13938 "wireless anger 1\n",
13939 "wireless anticipation 1\n",
13940 "wireless positive 1\n",
13941 "wireless surprise 1\n",
13942 "wis positive 1\n",
13943 "wisdom positive 1\n",
13944 "wisdom trust 1\n",
13945 "wise positive 1\n",
13946 "wishful anticipation 1\n",
13947 "wit positive 1\n",
13948 "witch anger 1\n",
13949 "witch disgust 1\n",
13950 "witch fear 1\n",
13951 "witch negative 1\n",
13952 "witchcraft anger 1\n",
13953 "witchcraft fear 1\n",
13954 "witchcraft negative 1\n",
13955 "witchcraft sadness 1\n",
13956 "withdraw negative 1\n",
13957 "withdraw sadness 1\n",
13958 "wither negative 1\n",
13959 "wither sadness 1\n",
13960 "withered disgust 1\n",
13961 "withered negative 1\n",
13962 "withstand anticipation 1\n",
13963 "withstand fear 1\n",
13964 "withstand positive 1\n",
13965 "witness trust 1\n",
13966 "wits positive 1\n",
13967 "witty joy 1\n",
13968 "witty positive 1\n",
13969 "wizard anticipation 1\n",
13970 "wizard positive 1\n",
13971 "wizard surprise 1\n",
13972 "woe disgust 1\n",
13973 "woe fear 1\n",
13974 "woe negative 1\n",
13975 "woe sadness 1\n",
13976 "woeful negative 1\n",
13977 "woeful sadness 1\n",
13978 "woefully disgust 1\n",
13979 "woefully negative 1\n",
13980 "woefully sadness 1\n",
13981 "womb positive 1\n",
13982 "wonderful joy 1\n",
13983 "wonderful positive 1\n",
13984 "wonderful surprise 1\n",
13985 "wonderful trust 1\n",
13986 "wonderfully joy 1\n",
13987 "wonderfully positive 1\n",
13988 "wonderfully surprise 1\n",
13989 "wondrous positive 1\n",
13990 "wont anticipation 1\n",
13991 "wop anger 1\n",
13992 "word positive 1\n",
13993 "word trust 1\n",
13994 "words anger 1\n",
13995 "words negative 1\n",
13996 "working positive 1\n",
13997 "worm anticipation 1\n",
13998 "worm negative 1\n",
13999 "worm surprise 1\n",
14000 "worn negative 1\n",
14001 "worn sadness 1\n",
14002 "worried negative 1\n",
14003 "worried sadness 1\n",
14004 "worry anticipation 1\n",
14005 "worry fear 1\n",
14006 "worry negative 1\n",
14007 "worry sadness 1\n",
14008 "worrying anticipation 1\n",
14009 "worrying fear 1\n",
14010 "worrying negative 1\n",
14011 "worrying sadness 1\n",
14012 "worse fear 1\n",
14013 "worse negative 1\n",
14014 "worse sadness 1\n",
14015 "worsening disgust 1\n",
14016 "worsening negative 1\n",
14017 "worsening sadness 1\n",
14018 "worship anticipation 1\n",
14019 "worship fear 1\n",
14020 "worship joy 1\n",
14021 "worship positive 1\n",
14022 "worship trust 1\n",
14023 "worth positive 1\n",
14024 "worthless anger 1\n",
14025 "worthless disgust 1\n",
14026 "worthless negative 1\n",
14027 "worthless sadness 1\n",
14028 "worthy positive 1\n",
14029 "worthy trust 1\n",
14030 "wot positive 1\n",
14031 "wot trust 1\n",
14032 "wound anger 1\n",
14033 "wound fear 1\n",
14034 "wound negative 1\n",
14035 "wound sadness 1\n",
14036 "wrangling anger 1\n",
14037 "wrangling disgust 1\n",
14038 "wrangling fear 1\n",
14039 "wrangling negative 1\n",
14040 "wrangling sadness 1\n",
14041 "wrath anger 1\n",
14042 "wrath fear 1\n",
14043 "wrath negative 1\n",
14044 "wreak anger 1\n",
14045 "wreak negative 1\n",
14046 "wreck anger 1\n",
14047 "wreck disgust 1\n",
14048 "wreck fear 1\n",
14049 "wreck negative 1\n",
14050 "wreck sadness 1\n",
14051 "wreck surprise 1\n",
14052 "wrecked anger 1\n",
14053 "wrecked fear 1\n",
14054 "wrecked negative 1\n",
14055 "wrecked sadness 1\n",
14056 "wrench negative 1\n",
14057 "wrestling negative 1\n",
14058 "wretch anger 1\n",
14059 "wretch disgust 1\n",
14060 "wretch negative 1\n",
14061 "wretch sadness 1\n",
14062 "wretched disgust 1\n",
14063 "wretched negative 1\n",
14064 "wretched sadness 1\n",
14065 "wring anger 1\n",
14066 "wrinkled sadness 1\n",
14067 "writer positive 1\n",
14068 "wrong negative 1\n",
14069 "wrongdoing anger 1\n",
14070 "wrongdoing disgust 1\n",
14071 "wrongdoing negative 1\n",
14072 "wrongdoing sadness 1\n",
14073 "wrongful anger 1\n",
14074 "wrongful disgust 1\n",
14075 "wrongful negative 1\n",
14076 "wrongful sadness 1\n",
14077 "wrongly anger 1\n",
14078 "wrongly fear 1\n",
14079 "wrongly negative 1\n",
14080 "wrongly sadness 1\n",
14081 "wrought negative 1\n",
14082 "wry negative 1\n",
14083 "xenophobia fear 1\n",
14084 "xenophobia negative 1\n",
14085 "yawn negative 1\n",
14086 "yawning negative 1\n",
14087 "yearning anticipation 1\n",
14088 "yearning joy 1\n",
14089 "yearning negative 1\n",
14090 "yearning positive 1\n",
14091 "yearning trust 1\n",
14092 "yell anger 1\n",
14093 "yell fear 1\n",
14094 "yell negative 1\n",
14095 "yell surprise 1\n",
14096 "yellows negative 1\n",
14097 "yelp anger 1\n",
14098 "yelp fear 1\n",
14099 "yelp negative 1\n",
14100 "yelp surprise 1\n",
14101 "young anticipation 1\n",
14102 "young joy 1\n",
14103 "young positive 1\n",
14104 "young surprise 1\n",
14105 "younger positive 1\n",
14106 "youth anger 1\n",
14107 "youth anticipation 1\n",
14108 "youth fear 1\n",
14109 "youth joy 1\n",
14110 "youth positive 1\n",
14111 "youth surprise 1\n",
14112 "zany surprise 1\n",
14113 "zeal anticipation 1\n",
14114 "zeal joy 1\n",
14115 "zeal positive 1\n",
14116 "zeal surprise 1\n",
14117 "zeal trust 1\n",
14118 "zealous joy 1\n",
14119 "zealous positive 1\n",
14120 "zealous trust 1\n",
14121 "zest anticipation 1\n",
14122 "zest joy 1\n",
14123 "zest positive 1\n",
14124 "zest trust 1\n",
14125 "zip negative 1\n"
14126 ]
14127 }
14128 ],
14129 "source": [
14130 "with open('NRC-Sentiment-Emotion-Lexicons/Lexicons/NRC-Emotion-Lexicon-v0.92/NRC-Emotion-Lexicon-Wordlevel-v0.92.txt') as f:\n",
14131 " for line in f:\n",
14132 " if line.strip():\n",
14133 " word, sentiment, valence = line.split()\n",
14134 " if int(valence) == 1:\n",
14135 " sentiments.update_one({'word': word}, {'$push': {'sentiments': sentiment}}, upsert=True)\n",
14136 " print(word, sentiment, valence)"
14137 ]
14138 },
14139 {
14140 "cell_type": "code",
14141 "execution_count": 19,
14142 "metadata": {},
14143 "outputs": [
14144 {
14145 "data": {
14146 "text/plain": [
14147 "{'_id': ObjectId('5a2550494b2473fe6d82f1bc'),\n",
14148 " 'sentiments': ['fear', 'negative', 'sadness', 'surprise'],\n",
14149 " 'word': 'abduction'}"
14150 ]
14151 },
14152 "execution_count": 19,
14153 "metadata": {},
14154 "output_type": "execute_result"
14155 }
14156 ],
14157 "source": [
14158 "sentiments.find_one({'word': 'abduction'})"
14159 ]
14160 },
14161 {
14162 "cell_type": "code",
14163 "execution_count": 20,
14164 "metadata": {},
14165 "outputs": [
14166 {
14167 "data": {
14168 "text/plain": [
14169 "'word_1'"
14170 ]
14171 },
14172 "execution_count": 20,
14173 "metadata": {},
14174 "output_type": "execute_result"
14175 }
14176 ],
14177 "source": [
14178 "sentiments.create_index('word')"
14179 ]
14180 },
14181 {
14182 "cell_type": "code",
14183 "execution_count": null,
14184 "metadata": {},
14185 "outputs": [],
14186 "source": []
14187 }
14188 ],
14189 "metadata": {
14190 "kernelspec": {
14191 "display_name": "Python 3",
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