[covid19.git] / test_and_case_data.py
1 # ---
2 # jupyter:
3 # jupytext:
4 # formats: ipynb,py:percent
5 # text_representation:
6 # extension: .py
7 # format_name: percent
8 # format_version: '1.3'
9 # jupytext_version: 1.10.2
10 # kernelspec:
11 # display_name: Python 3
12 # language: python
13 # name: python3
14 # ---
16 # %% Collapsed="false"
17 import itertools
18 import collections
19 import json
20 import pandas as pd
21 import numpy as np
22 from scipy.stats import gmean
23 import datetime
25 import sqlalchemy
27 import matplotlib as mpl
28 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
29 import matplotlib.animation as ani
30 # # %matplotlib inline
31 # # %load_ext sql
32 plt.ioff()
34 # %% Collapsed="false"
35 chart_start_date = '2020-09-15'
37 # %% Collapsed="false"
38 connection_string = 'postgresql://covid:3NbjJTkT63@localhost/covid'
40 # %% Collapsed="false"
41 # %sql $connection_string
43 # %%
44 engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string)
46 # %%
47 qstr = '''select uk_data.date,
48 uk_data.new_cases, uk_data_7.new_cases as new_cases_7,
49 uk_data.new_tests, uk_data_7.new_tests as new_tests_7,
50 uk_data.new_pcr_tests, uk_data_7.new_pcr_tests as new_pcr_7,
51 uk_data.new_pillar_1_2_tests as new_pillar_12, uk_data_7.new_pillar_1_2_tests as new_pillar_12_7,
52 uk_data.new_cases::float / uk_data.new_tests as fraction_positive,
53 uk_data_7.new_cases / uk_data_7.new_tests as fraction_positive_7
54 from uk_data left outer join uk_data_7 using (date)
55 order by uk_data.date'''
56 tests_data = pd.read_sql_query(qstr, engine,
57 index_col='date',
58 parse_dates = ['date'])
60 # %%
61 tests_data.tail(10)
63 # %% Collapsed="false"
64 # tests_data[['new_tests', 'new_cases']].plot()
66 # %% Collapsed="false"
67 # tests_data[['fraction_positive', 'fraction_positive_7']].dropna().plot()
69 # %% Collapsed="false"
70 # ax = data_by_day.dropna().loc['2020-06-15': , ['fraction_positive', 'fraction_positive_m7']].plot(figsize=(10, 8), title='Fraction of tests with positive results')
71 # ax.legend(['Fraction positive per day', 'Fraction positive, 7 day moving average'])
72 # ax.set_ylabel('Fraction positive')
73 # plt.savefig('fraction_positive_tests.png')
75 # %% Collapsed="false"
76 # pri_y_max = int((tests_data.dropna().loc['2020-06-15': , 'new_tests_7'].max() * 1.1) / 100 ) * 100
77 # ax = tests_data.dropna().loc['2020-06-15': , 'new_tests_7'].plot(figsize=(10, 8),
78 # style=['k-'],
79 # legend=False,
80 # ylim=(0, pri_y_max))
81 # ax.set_title('Tests done and new cases (7 day moving average)')
82 # ax.legend(['Tests, 7 day moving average'], loc='lower left')
83 # ax.set_ylabel('Tests')
84 # sec_y_max = int((tests_data.dropna().loc['2020-06-15':, 'new_cases_7'].max() * 1.1) / 100) * 100
85 # ax = tests_data.dropna().loc['2020-06-15':, 'new_cases_7'].plot(ax=ax, secondary_y=True, style='r--')
86 # ax.set_ylim((0, sec_y_max))
87 # ax.legend(['Cases (7 day moving average)'], loc='lower right')
88 # ax.set_ylabel('New cases')
89 # # plt.savefig('tests_and_cases.png')
91 # %% Collapsed="false"
92 pri_y_max = int((tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date: , 'new_tests_7'].max() * 1.1) / 100 ) * 100
93 ax = tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date: , 'new_tests_7'].plot(figsize=(10, 8),
94 style=['k-'],
95 legend=False,
96 ylim=(0, pri_y_max))
97 ax.set_title('Tests done and new cases (7 day moving average)')
98 ax.legend(['Tests, 7 day moving average'], loc='lower left')
99 ax.set_ylabel('Tests')
100 sec_y_max = int((tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date:, 'new_cases_7'].max() * 1.1) / 100) * 100
101 ax = tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date:, 'new_cases_7'].plot(ax=ax, secondary_y=True, style='r--')
102 ax.set_ylim((0, sec_y_max))
103 ax.legend(['Cases (7 day moving average)'], loc='lower right')
104 ax.set_ylabel('New cases')
105 plt.savefig('tests_and_cases.png')
107 # %% Collapsed="false"
108 pri_y_max = int((tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date: , 'fraction_positive_7'].max() * 1.1) * 100)
110 ax = (tests_data.loc[chart_start_date: ,
111 ['fraction_positive', 'fraction_positive_7']] * 100).plot(
112 figsize=(10, 8), style=['b:', 'k-'], legend=False, ylim=(0, pri_y_max))
113 ax.set_title('Fraction of tests with positive results')
114 ax.legend(['Fraction positive (%)', 'Fraction positive (%), 7 day moving average'], loc='upper left')
115 ax.set_ylabel('Fraction positive')
116 cases_axis_max = (1.1 * tests_data.loc[chart_start_date:].new_cases_7.max()
117 # * tests_data.loc[chart_start_date:].fraction_positive.max()
118 # / tests_data.loc[chart_start_date:].fraction_positive_7.max()
119 )
121 ax2 = ax.twinx()
122 ax2 = tests_data.loc[chart_start_date:, 'new_cases_7'].plot(ax=ax2, secondary_y=True, style='r--')
123 ax2.set_ylim(-1000, cases_axis_max)
124 ax2.legend(['Cases (7 day moving average)'], loc='center left')
125 ax2.set_ylabel('New cases')
126 plt.savefig('fraction_positive_tests.png')
128 # %% Collapsed="false"
129 ax = tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date:].plot(x='fraction_positive_7', y='new_tests_7',
130 figsize=(8, 8),
131 legend=None)
132 ax.set_xlabel("Fraction of tests that are positive")
133 ax.set_ylabel("Number of tests")
134 for d in tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date::15].index:
135 ax.plot(tests_data.loc[d, 'fraction_positive_7'], tests_data.loc[d, 'new_tests_7'], 'o',
136 markersize=8)#, markerfacecolor=marker_col, markeredgecolor=marker_col)
137 ax.text(tests_data.loc[d, 'fraction_positive_7'] + 0.0002, tests_data.loc[d, 'new_tests_7'],
138 s = d.strftime("%d %B %Y"))
139 plt.savefig('fraction_positive_tests_vs_tests.png')
141 # %% Collapsed="false"
142 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
143 plt.ylabel('Number of tests')
144 plt.xlabel('Fraction of tests that are positive')
145 all_data = tests_data.dropna().loc[chart_start_date:]
148 minx = all_data.fraction_positive_7.min() * 0.9
149 maxx = all_data.fraction_positive_7.max() * 1.1
150 miny = all_data.new_tests_7.min() * 0.9
151 maxy = all_data.new_tests_7.max() * 1.1
153 plt.xlim(minx, maxx)
154 plt.ylim(miny, maxy)
155 # plt.legend(None)
157 def build_state_frame(i):
158 this_data = all_data[:i]
159 plt.clf()
160 plt.ylabel('Number of tests')
161 plt.xlabel('Fraction of tests that are positive')
162 plt.xlim(minx, maxx)
163 plt.ylim(miny, maxy)
164 p = plt.plot(this_data.fraction_positive_7, this_data.new_tests_7)
165 p[0].set_color('r')
166 for d in this_data[::15].index:
167 plt.plot(this_data.loc[d, 'fraction_positive_7'],
168 this_data.loc[d, 'new_tests_7'], 'o',
169 markersize=8, markerfacecolor='r', markeredgecolor='r')
170 plt.text(this_data.loc[d, 'fraction_positive_7'] + 0.0002,
171 this_data.loc[d, 'new_tests_7'],
172 s = d.strftime("%d %B %Y"))
174 animator = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, build_state_frame,
175 frames=all_data.shape[0]+1,
176 interval=100,
177 repeat_delay=200,
178 repeat=True)
179 animator.save('tests_vs_fraction_positive.mp4')
180 # plt.show()
183 # %% Collapsed="false"
184 # !rm tests_vs_fraction_positive_animation.png
185 # !ffmpeg -i tests_vs_fraction_positive.mp4 -plays 0 -final_delay 1 -f apng tests_vs_fraction_positive_animation.png
187 # %% Collapsed="false"
188 # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
189 # plt.ylabel('Number of tests')
190 # plt.xlabel('Fraction of tests that are positive')
192 # all_data = data_by_day.dropna().loc[chart_start_date:]
194 # minx = all_data.fraction_positive_m7.min() * 0.9
195 # maxx = all_data.fraction_positive_m7.max() * 1.1
196 # miny = all_data.tests_m7.min() * 0.9
197 # maxy = all_data.tests_m7.max() * 1.1
199 # plt.xlim(minx, maxx)
200 # plt.ylim(miny, maxy)
201 # # plt.legend(None)
203 # def build_state_frame(i):
204 # this_data = all_data[:i]
205 # p = plt.plot(this_data.fraction_positive_m7, this_data.tests_m7)
206 # p[0].set_color('r')
207 # for d in this_data[::15].index:
208 # plt.plot(this_data.loc[d, 'fraction_positive_m7'],
209 # this_data.loc[d, 'tests_m7'], 'o',
210 # markersize=8, markerfacecolor='r', markeredgecolor='r')
211 # plt.text(this_data.loc[d, 'fraction_positive_m7'] + 0.0002,
212 # this_data.loc[d, 'tests_m7'],
213 # s = d.strftime("%d %B %Y"))
215 # # animator = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, build_state_frame, interval=200)
216 # # animator.save('myfirstAnimation.mp4')
217 # build_state_frame(103)
218 # plt.show()
220 # %% Collapsed="false"